2017-06-05 Communications Team Meeting

2017-06-05 Communications Team Meeting

Meeting Information


2 - 3 PM US Central Time


Access Code



Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Pre-Meeting Notes and Links to Supporting Resources

Meeting Minutes


Anti-Trust (Project Manager or Meeting Facilitator)Each participant indicates that he/she understands and agrees to abide by the AgGateway Anti-Trust Policy, or leaves the meeting.All are agreed.
2Minutes Taker (Project Manager)A minutes taker has been selected.
3Meeting Agenda (Meeting facilitator)The group understands the agenda, adjusting it as necessary.


  • Open items
  • New Business
  • MYM Session


  • Communications Team Update
  • ADAPT:
    • Review existing MVP scope and seek input
    • Review perspectives on MVP scope and status gathered at MN meeting - gather additional input
    • Ask for testimonials regarding effort of ADAPT implementation
    • ADAPT Adoption - gather feedback on attendee ability to adopt and identify issues
    • ADAPT Versioning - how can Communications support this?
      • How to communicate status of plug-ins and how we talk about them? What is our policy?
      • Who has developed plug-ins and how do we communicate about this? What is our policy?
    • Review work done to date to reach out to stakeholders and gather input for what else can be done
  • PAC General Items
    • PAC speaking engagements - framework for awareness
    • InfoAg preparation (July 25-27)
      • Press Release message points on statuses (including ADAPT)
      • Review attendees and exhibitors to determine communication approach
      • Communications Resources to have available - flier?


Reviewed the MYM agenda and added content.

4Meeting Minutes (Meeting facilitator)

Unapproved minutes of previous meetings are approved.

Meeting Minutes approved at end of each meeting.
5New Tasks (Minutes Taker)The group has reviewed what tasks were assigned during the meeting.
  • Complete
6Next Meeting (Meeting facilitator)The group agrees to the next meeting date and time and possibly a recurring meeting schedule.

 Recurring meeting schedule has been set.

7Adjournment (Meeting facilitator)The meeting is adjourned.Adjourned.

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