2021-10-07 Communications Committee Meeting

2021-10-07 Communications Committee Meeting


All Members List
(present or not present)
Members Present
Non-Members Present

Leslie Hedges

kristi.block (Unlicensed)

(*Voting companies/** alternates)

Time1:00 pm CT (Chicago)
Web (Screen Sharing)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Audio (VOIP/Phone)

United States: (571) 317-3116 (see meeting invite for other countries)

Access Code





Topic / Leader

Desired Outcome

Pre-Meeting Notes and Links to Supporting Resources

Meeting Minutes



If you are interested in becoming the chair or co-chair, please speak up or feel free to contact Member Services.


Read antitrust statement: 

“In all of AgGateway’s operations and activities, it must avoid discussions or conduct that might violate applicable antitrust laws, or even appear to do so. To that end, AgGateway has established antitrust guidelines, which it has provided to each participant in this meeting. While it is your ultimate responsibility to ensure that your actions comply with applicable antitrust laws, your participation in this meeting is affirmation that you will abide by AgGateway’s guidelines.”

AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines


Review Action Items 

Review action items from previous meetings.


Resources & Relationships / 

  • Association Outreach - AFIA, ARA, etc. 


Activity Update / 

  • Latin America market. com consultant - Alejandro Dicovsky
  • Board and Steering Committee Nominations
  • Launching MyAgGateway
  • Tap Into AgGateway mini campaign
  • Product Catalog flyer - draft
  • Transition files - media lists, photo bank, etc. 
  • 2022 Theme  
    • 2020 - Driving Digital Solutions
    • 2021 - Create, Engage, Grow
    • 2022? 

Promoting benefits of "AgGateway" - new Member Management System

Tap into AgGateway - a few tips for taking advantage of all your AgGateway membership has to offer.  

The Product Catalog Working Group provided copy for flyer; Susan will be working with the group and with Meri to get that produced.

2022 Themes

– Connecting? (post-pandemic) - play on the word connection. 

Agriculture as a whole - large event-proof – did really well thru the pandemic – what is the next thing... if we had had the digital connections, look how much better... Tie to "connections" - the missing link - getting people to adopt what has been created - an ongoing challenge. Get it in front of you, so you use it or help us improve it. 

Global presence - stressing that.

Adopting digital agriculture to connect the world.

Connecting the World + agriculture 


Materials Development 

Graphic Video - After interoperability – next topic? 


Tracking through each step of supply chain?

Inputs - specific types, how used, when, where, how much, etc. 

Come help us do this work, here's why it's important. 

Seed, Production?

Something that AGIIS solves? (what it is and isn't) - maybe feature one thing about AGIIS

ADAPT - what it does – product side (vs entity side)

Need to stay brief, relevant (fresh) 


Soil labs - labwork

Maybe do 2 new videos in 2021. 

  1. Interoperability

Kristi will talk with Susan.

Update Quick Connect document from 2018?

New messaging formats from Mix Ticket


Newsletter Planning  

Newsletter Articles - November Issue

Due October 23


  1. Portfolio Update
  2. Annual Conference - registration, agenda, etc.
  3. Quick Connect session at Annual Conference
  4. Product Catalog - v.2
  5. New Member Article
  6. Introduce fantabulous new Marketing Communications Director
  7. Nominations for Ron Storms Leadership Award
  8. Latin America - Loyola
  9. Europe - Conny 
  10. Association - industry news
  11. AGIIS/Member Services: Chris Crutchfield 

kristi.block (Unlicensed)  is assisting with the November & December newsletters and annual report

December newsletter deadline

ACTION: share deadline with staff

November newsletter will primarily be conference-related.


Group Updates

Open floor - anyone can share an update of what is happening in other areas of AgGateway where they're working. Also, determine if Communications can provide assistance.

Ag Retail group - Quick Connect Session for Annual Conference in Nashville - modified 

Conference committee: Leslie/MS taking care of eblasts about conference. Early-bird registration ends 10/15.

Conference photographer/videographer - Kristi will check with Susan. 

Live-stream general sessions?

New person - part of job requirements - plenty of chocolate to the Communication Committee! 

 New Business  

Other Discussion Items 

  • For other committee members to address topics not covered above.

 Meeting Wrap Up  

Next Meeting 

  • 11/4 (first Thursday of November): Will discuss if we also need to meet at conference. Communications is listed as part of the Design Thinking Workshop on Day Two


  • Active Action Items 

Date AssignedAction ItemDue DateComments/Status
 Make sure