Allied Providers Messaging - 042516

Allied Providers Messaging - 042516

Notes from REGROUP meeting to develop messaging for presentation to Allied Providers to recruit providers to help OEMs write plug ins for ADAPT

Attendees: Shannon Haringx (Unlicensed)Jeremy W WilsonR. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)Dan Berne (Unlicensed)Ben Craker (Unlicensed)Michael Smith (Deactivated)Tarak Reddy (Deactivated)





  • Background - Allied Providers help others in AgGateway to setup standards, etc.  Manufacturers of machinery, inputs, etc. would want to write plug ins to source reference data or format data to be consumed by a third party, but may not have the ability to write the plugins themselves. It was suggested the Allied Providers can help recruit providers to do this.
  • Understanding of ADAPT within Allied Providers may be spotty - need to:
    • Give a very quick overview of what it is and what's in it for them
    • Inform of ADAPT Workshop at the MYM
    • Help onboard interested companies
    • Get a process going to empower Allied Providers to participate
  • Andres sent email to Allied Providers (Rana Kundu, Jody Costa) to introduce the topic and request to get on the agenda.
  • Slides to present (may work for audience beyond Allied Providers) Short 20 minute presentation:
    • Brief intro on ADAPT
    • Why they should care - summary slide with what's in it for them looking across benefits of all use cases (summarize at beginning then again at the end)
    • 4 use cases (description of the problem, what the solution looks like, what is the opportunity for them):
      • plug in creation
        • Opportunity: ADAPT team has created a couple of community supported plugins that can be used as templates for an allied provider to write a plug in to convert a format
          • Make money, get closer to field operations
      • reference data API implementation
        • Opportunity: manufacturers want to field their reference data - opportunity for allied provider to embed themselves firmly in the chain
          • Provides tie-in between AIDC work and what is happening in the field; promote adoption from AIDC
      • sourcing of reference data API-bound data
        • Opportunity: service where provider is consistently doing this for a company; integration in supply chain already exists, leverage the relationship to help deliver reference data to chosen API provider.
          • provides value to their customers; provides them an opportunity to get closer to field operations
      • end user integration with ADAPT
        • Opportunity: Service providing companies want to start moving field operations data around using ADAPT; need guidance on how to integrate with ADAPT, manage the plugin, etc.
    • How you can get involved/next steps - show starting point for ADAPT, SPADE, PAIL and provide onboarding opportunities
  • Possibly record ahead of time to rehearse and keep it within 20 min.
  • Next APC meeting is probably going to be in May.
  • R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) to draft a wiki page with pictures/script by next Friday, 4/15 to begin compiling a story board to build content for the slides.
  • Shannon Haringx (Unlicensed) to send a goto meeting invite for 4/19 @ 3CDT/4EDT

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