2020-03-05 Communications Committee Meeting

2020-03-05 Communications Committee Meeting


All Members List
(present or not present)
Members Present
Non-Members Present

Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

Nick Reichel (Deactivated)

Nikki Marshall

Jessica Trites Rolle

(*Voting companies/** alternates)

Time1:00 CT
Web (Screen Sharing)


Audio (VOIP/Phone)

United States: +1 (646) 749-3129

Access Code914-234-637




Topic / Leader

Desired Outcome

Pre-Meeting Notes and Links to Supporting Resources

Meeting Minutes



Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) is the acting chair. If you are interested in becoming the chair or co-chair, please speak up or feel free to contact Susan anytime.



Everybody agrees to the Antitrust Guidelines.

AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines

All agreed

Minutes Taker / 

Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes / Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

Minutes from February: 2020-02-06 Communications Committee Meeting

Tabled to next time


Review Action Items  Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

Action Items to be reviewed:

  • All on Social Media Task Force to review calendar for their assigned weeks
  • Susan uploaded Marketing Plan slide deck
  • Nikki checked on social media cheat sheet - all in good order
  • Susan to check on Instagram Sign-up

Will have social media content discussion next month when there is a larger group. 

Action: Susan still needs to check on Instagram. 

Marketing Plan / Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)
  • Producing new exhibit banners
  • Increase communication to members – started with Calendar eblast yesterday
  • Newsletter going out next week
  • Event on the National Mall – March 23-24 - National Ag Day -  Sustainability Benefits of Modern Agriculture. AgGateway co-exhibiting with the Ag Data Coalition
  • Website navigation/content tweaks

Good discussion of the Calendar - it's helpful but could still use some more tweaks. Jim Wilson has talked with some members and will likely be managing those updates with Member Services and Susan. 

Action: Susan to touch base with Jim on this. 


Precision Ag Communications Sub-Committee/Jessica

  • TimeScope Implementation Note
  • InfoAg booth?
  • Calls starting up
  • Other? 

Jessica, Andres, Susan and perhaps others will have a call next Thursday to discuss. S

Action: Susan to explore exhibiting at InfoAg (she hasn't received a notice from them yet, which seems late). 

Social Media 
  • Weeks ahead (the schedule) 
  • Content discussion - where to find content
  • Instagram, WhatsApp
  • YouTube Channel 

Action: Nikki will take next week, which had been assigned to J Nolfo - thanks Nikki!

Action: Susan to lead content discussion next meeting. 


Newsletter Planning - 

April issue

Newsletter Articles - April Issue

Due March 19


  1. Mid-Year Meeting - Registration
  2. New Member Article: Evin Ellis (Unlicensed)Ally Yanco (Deactivated)
  3. Column from Loyola, Conny - Europe, Latin America
  4. Promote new member orientation webinar? Nikki Marshall
  5. News from Working Groups/Portfolio Management Center/ Nick Reichel (Deactivated)
  6. AGIIS/Member Services: Chris CrutchfieldJosh Wall (Unlicensed)l

Discussed Nick touching base with Dan each month on news out of the Portfolio Management Center. 

Action: Susan will send Nick Dan's email and time of month to touch base. 

Newsletter planning - Future issues

Newsletter Articles - May Issue

Due April 21


  1. Mid-Year Meeting: Nikki Marshall
  2. Any Working Group updates, Portfolio Management Center/ Nick Reichel (Deactivated)
  3. New Member Article: Evin Ellis (Unlicensed)Ally Yanco (Deactivated)
  4. AGIIS/Member Services: Chris CrutchfieldJosh Wall (Unlicensed)
  5. AgGateway in the News: Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)


Group Updates

Open floor - anyone can share an update of what is happening in other areas of AgGateway where they're working. Also, determine if Communications can provide assistance.

None besides Jessica sharing info on calendar discussion. 

 New Business  

Other Discussion Items / Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

  • For other committee members to address topics not covered above.

 Meeting Wrap Up  
Next Meeting 

  • Next Committee meeting: Thursday, April 2, 1:00 - 2:00 pm CT

Adjourned at 2:33 ET

  • Active Action Items 

Date AssignedAction ItemDue DateComments/Status

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