PAC Member Engagement 2018

PAC Member Engagement 2018

Talking Points for PAC:

  • Call first - then follow up email with reference to conversation
  • We haven't seen you in a while (if no call)
  • Are you still interested in Precision Ag standards? (if no call)
  • Do you have access to the wiki or would you like access? member.services@aggateway.org for password help
  • Provide overview of major PAC initiatives - tailor to what we know about them
    • CART POC
    • PICS
    • PAIL
    • SPADE work groups
    • Data/Analytics
    • Traceability work group (not just PAC)
    • ADAPT
  • Based on what we know about you, here are areas where you can provide valuable input
  • We need your help in these areas...
  • Include www.Aggateway.org website link



If specific areas of interest are known about this company, narrow the following list down to just those areas.


Dear [First Name],

I am writing because you previously joined the Precision Ag Council of AgGateway.  We haven’t seen you in a while and wanted to follow up to gauge your interest in the initiatives we have going on in the PAC.

Following are some of the efforts currently underway:

·        Water Management Working Group – defining a format for irrigation observations and operations data exchange

·        Telematics and Asset Management Working Group – defining data requirements and identify a suitable standard for fixed and mobile agricultural asset management

·        Insurance, Regulatory and Government Relations Working Group –

·        Remote Sensing Working Group – establishing a minimum set of required data that images should contain for FMIS consumption

·        Field Operations Working Group – defining standards for data exchange related to core documents for field operations

·        CART POC –

·        ADAPT – implementing a data format conversion framework with an open-source common object model for field operations

·        Traceability –

Participating provides you with an opportunity to help drive the direction and outcome of these efforts.  If you are interested in learning more about any of these initiatives, please let me know and I would be happy to setup a time for us to discuss.  In the meantime, you can learn more at http://www.aggateway.org/eConnectivityActivities/Councils/PrecisionAg.aspx


Dear [First Name],

Thank you for your time. As a follow up to our discussion, I wanted to provide you with a brief overview of the initiatives we discussed and a link to where you can learn more.

Following are some of the efforts currently underway:

·        Water Management Working Group – defining a format for irrigation observations and operations data exchange

·        Telematics and Asset Management Working Group – defining data requirements and identify a suitable standard for fixed and mobile agricultural asset management

·        Insurance, Regulatory and Government Relations Working Group –

·        Remote Sensing Working Group – establishing a minimum set of required data that images should contain for FMIS consumption

·        Field Operations Working Group – defining standards for data exchange related to core documents for field operations

·        CART POC –

·        ADAPT – implementing a data format conversion framework with an open-source common object model for field operations

·        Traceability –

Participating provides you with an opportunity to help drive the direction and outcome of these efforts.  For more information, the PAC homepage is located at: http://www.aggateway.org/eConnectivityActivities/Councils/PrecisionAg.aspx

If you decide you would like to be involved in any of these initiatives, I look forward to connecting again to determine next steps.

PACCART PICSPAIL Big Data/ Analytics  CategoryEnvelope SalutationCompanyEmailPhone - BusinessPhone - MobileNotes 

 AcademiaAaron Ault - change to Jim Krogmeier (below)Purdue Universityault@purdue.edu(574) 933-3661
 Scott will follow up

Arren MundAg Leader Technologyamund@agleader.com(515) 715-7240

Corey WeddleAg Leader Technologycweddle@agleader.com515-232-5363 x7115

Isaac BowersAg Leader Technologyibowers@agleader.com(515) 233-5363

Ron FarringtonAg Leader Technologyrfarrington@agleader.com515-232-5363 x6236

Abby BurtonAGCO Corporationabby.burton@agcocorp.com(770) 813-6167

Ben CrakerAGCO Corporationben.craker@agcocorp.com(770) 232-8423(678) 372-8252

Ben StuderAGCO Corporationben.studer@agcocorp.com(507) 847-7401

Carla GasparinAGCO Corporationcarla.gasparin2@agcocorp.com

Chris IversenAGCO CorporationChris.Iversen@agcocorp.com(507) 847-7311(507) 841-2295

Cody LightAGCO Corporationcody.light@agcocorp.com(770) 232-8160(419) 310-6521

Jacob van BergeijkAGCO Corporationjacob.vanbergeijk@agcocorp.com620-327-5822 x6202175943

Josh EkholmAGCO CorporationJoshua.Ekholm@agcocorp.com(620) 327-6659

Kyle SchmidtAGCO CorporationKyle.Schmidt@agcocorp.com

Mark MohrAGCO CorporationMark.Mohr@agcocorp.com

Matt RushingAGCO Corporationmatt.rushing@agcocorp.com(770) 232-8450

Robert WaggonerAGCO Corporationrobert.waggoner@agcocorp.com(620) 327-6687(620) 386-0909

Todd HowattAGCO Corporationtodd.howatt@agcocorp.com(507) 847-7056

Joe Ben BogleAgConnections, LLCjoeben.bogle@agconnections.com(270) 435-4369 x.244(270) 227-1121

Mack HarrisAgConnections, LLCmack.harris@agconnections.com

Pete ClarkAgConnections, LLCpete.clark@agconnections.com(270) 210-3428

R. Andres FerreyraAgConnections, LLCandres.ferreyra@agconnections.com(270) 435-4369 x.230

Rick MurdockAgConnections, LLCrick.murdock@agconnections.com

Stuart RheaAgConnections, LLCstuart.rhea@agconnections.com(270) 978-6257

Brent KempAgGatewaybrent.kemp@aggateway.org(804) 426-1213(202) 742-5967 x.14

Janet FranklinAgGatewayjanet.franklin@aggateway.org(804) 363-5282

Jim WilsonAgGatewayjim.wilson@aggateway.org
(816) 516-8847

Karen RuprichAgGatewaykaren.ruprich@aggateway.org

Marilyn HunterAgGatewaymarilyn.hunter@aggateway.org(916) 429-0509(916) 833-5593

Meri KotlasAgGatewaymeri.kotlas@aggateway.org
(919) 215-2611

Ron FarrellAgGatewayrfarrell@farrellgrowth.com(816) 734-4131

Wendy A. SmithAgGatewaywendy.smith@aggateway.org(919) 435-0435(919) 410-1045

Christopher HaakAgIntegrated, Inc.haak@agintegrated.com(814) 237-5617

Duane ReeseAgIntegrated, Inc.reese@agintegrated.com(814) 237-5617


Consulting and software development Mike SantostefanoAgIntegrated, Inc.santo@agintegrated.com(814) 237-5617
 Andres to reach out and ask about interest in CART

 Reference Data

Nishan Majarian - new contact is Aaron Hunt

Agriannishan.majarian@agrian.com(559) 437-5700
Andres to reach out and ask about CART 

 FMISKevin PattisonAgri-Data Solutionkpattison@AGRI-DATA.net(403) 451-9045
Andres to reach out 

Aaron BergerAgSenseaberger@agsense.net(605) 352-8350

Greg DuhachekAgWorks, LLCgreg@agworks.net309-623-4604 ext105(509) 397-5661Jeremy has been in contact but will follow up to gauge interest

Matthew PowellAgworld, Incmatt@agworld.co(970) 443-8633

Zachary SheelyAgworld, Inczach@agworld.co(970) 443-8633

Mary Kay Thatcher - retired

Need new contact

American Farm Bureau Federationmkt@fb.org(202) 406-3661
Andres will be talking to Mary Kay and find out about a new contact

Andrew BalmosAndrew Balmosabalmos@gmail.com

 Mobile appsYasuyuki HamadaArea-wide e-Laboratory for Food, Agriculture & Environment (ALFAE)yasuyuki_hamada@agri-info-design.com


Crop Insurance Jacob Rinehart - need to replace Jake with someone on Jay Rushing's team (GIS specialist)ARMtech Insurance Servicesjrinehart@armt.com(806) 790-9280(806) 473-0333Jessica may have contact possible traceability fit 

Jay RushingARMtech Insurance Servicesjrushing@armt.com(806) 252-1396(806) 473-0333


Association Scott CedarquistASABEcedarq@asabe.org

Interested in CART  - Andres to follow up 

Anita SennettAssociation of Equipment Manufacturersasennett@aem.org(414) 298-4174

Charlie O'BrienAssociation of Equipment Manufacturerscobrien@aem.org(414) 298-4157


 AssociationMark BenishekAssociation of Equipment Manufacturersmbenishek@aem.org(414) 298-4118(414) 477-6262 Dan Danford knows more

 AssociationMike GreesonAUVSI - Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems Internationalmgreeson@auvsi.org(571) 255-7787
Ask Nathan Stein 

Association Matthias WeidenauerBattelleweidenauer@battelle.org

 Ask Jim Wilson

Chemical SeedJim Koob - ask Victoria PeoplesBayer U.S., LLCJim.koob@bayer.com(919) 549-2276
Shannon to reach out 

Dan DanfordCase New Hollanddan.danford@cnhind.com(262) 636-0388(262) 321-8856

Liz MagillCDMS, Inc.liz@cdms.net(530) 743-7605(916) 747-7206

 Reference DataSamantha MurrayCDMS, Inc.Samantha@cdms.net(530) 749-7207
 Andres to reach out about various projects


Coop Kevin KruizeCentral Valley Cooperativekevink@centralvalleycoop.com(507) 475-0430
 Scott to reach out

Charles HillyerCharles HillyerCharles.Hillyer@ag.tamu.edu(541) 207-2387(541) 207-2387

Brandon OlstadClaasbrandon.olstad@claas.com(402) 861-1059

Seth ZentnerClaasseth.zentner@claas.com(402) 861-1015

Andrew OlliverCNH Industrialandrew.olliver@cnh.com

Eric KuhnCNH Industrialeric.kuhn@cnhind.com(630) 887-2294(312) 561-0287

 AcademiaRintaro KinoshitaCornell Universityrk422@cornell.edu

Jim Wilson  

Don BiermanCrop IMS LLCdbierman@cropims.com(618) 383-1719

Jeremy W. WilsonCrop IMS LLCjwilson@cropims.com(217) 377-7380

Neal HorromCrop Production Servicesneal.horrom@cpsagu.com(239) 633-9523

Richard PenhaleCrop Production Servicesrichard.penhale@cpsagu.com(970) 685-3302(970) 978-6610

agronomicsNick EmanuelCropMetrics LLCnick@cropmetrics.com(402) 890-4700
 Ask Aaron Berger or Dan Berne to follow up


Retailer Software 

Allen Smith

Corrie Strasser

Otis Lee

Cultura Technologiesallen.smith@culturatech.com

 Scott to follow up

Russell ShirleyCultura Technologiesrussell.shirley@culturatech.com(678) 249-3220

David RyeDavid Ryedavid.rye01@gmail.com(317) 835-6057(317) 835-6057

weather stations Kevin McCarthyDavis Instruments, Inc.kevinm@davisnet.com(510) 940-1718
Aaron Berger or Dan Berne 

Russ HeiligDavis Instruments, Inc.russh@davisnet.com(510) 940-1776


Agronomy Services and FMIS Kevin LambieDecisive FarmingKevin.L@decisivefarming.com(403) 605-8779

Michael CoolidgeDecisive Farmingmike@decisivefarming.com(403) 669-7316

Tasha SchmaltzDecisive Farmingtasha@decisivefarming.com(587) 433-7707

Vincent PangDecisive Farmingvincent@decisivefarming.com



Chuck O'Hara

Dave Surber has been engaged

Dow AgroSciencescgohara@dow.com(317) 337-5324
 Susan to reach out to Dave Surber to get a Dow contact

Bob GunzenhauserduPont/Pioneerbob.gunzenhauser@pioneer.com


Seeds (Reference Data interest)Gary JepsenduPont/Pioneergary.jepsen@pioneer.com(515) 238-4026

Devron VonGundenEFC Systems Incdvongunden@efcsystems.com(814) 231-4943

Ernie ChappellEFC Systems Incechappell@efcsystems.com(615) 864-8500

Todd ShafferEFC Systems Inctshaffer@efcsystems.com(814) 231-4948(615) 864-8505

Curtis MackinnonFarmers Edgecurtis.mackinnon@farmersedge.ca(204) 825-2331(204) 825-7880

Crop InsuranceDave DeCappFarmers Mutual Hail Insurance Company of IowaDeCappDavidA@fmh.com(515) 327-5705

Don PreusserFarmers Mutual Hail Insurance Company of IowaPreusserDonaldH@fmh.com(515) 327-5700

Nick MeurerFarmers Mutual Hail Insurance Company of Iowanicholas@fmh.com(515) 724-5029

x x x
Data, Field ReportingRandy NussFarmobile, LLCrandy@farmobile.com(844) 337-2255 x.702(402) 802-4804 Scott to reach out

Ankit GandhiFujitsu America, IncAnkit.Gandhi@us.fujitsu.com(347) 334-1103
 ask Jim Wilson

Jon GoFujitsu America, Incjon.go@us.fujitsu.com(609) 848-8854(917) 547-6069
 FMISMike PreinerGranular, Incmikepreiner@granular.ag(650) 387-7729
 may be under Dupont Pioneer (Tier 2 for reach out)

Keith MilburnGrowmark, Inc.kmilburn@growmark.com(309) 557-6422(309) 212-4752


coopSid ParksGrowmark, Inc.sparks@growmark.com(309) 825-6137
Jeremy has been in touch but no firm commitment yet

 xnutrition, seed, chemicals, FMISBrian JenkinsHarvey Fertilizer and Gas Co.B.JENKINS@LHARVEYS.COM

tbd for who to reach out and what

Eddie PriceHarvey Fertilizer and Gas Co.E.PRICE@LHARVEYS.COM(252) 526-4103

Craig OrrHeartland Cooperativecorr@heartlandcoop.com(515) 225-1334

Paul MackendrickHeartland Cooperativepmackendrick@heartlandcoop.com


coopRandy SundermanHeartland Cooperativersunderman@heartlandcoop.com(515) 225-1334
interest in CART - Scott to follow up

chemical, FMIS

Chris Givens

or Steve Siemen

Helena Chemical Companygivensc@helenachemical.com

some existing FMIS could benefit from CART - Jeremy to try

 xlaw firm, finance, precision ag & sustainable agJoan ArcherHusch Blackwell LLPJoan.archer@huschblackwell.com

Ben to reach out - newer member

Deborah CasurellaIndependent Data Management LLCdcasurella@myagdata.com(651) 335-0951
Jeremy has relationship - main interest is in ADAPT & traceability

aerial applicator, GPS guidanceGreg GuyetteInserogregguyette@inserosolutions.com(602) 363-9225


 xindustry groupJustin LeatherwoodIPM Institute of North Americajleatherwood@ipminstitute.org(608) 232-1425
traceability & sustainability - Scott to follow up

IrrigationJac Le RouxIrrinet LLCjac.irrinet@gmail.com(541) 993-3992
Possible PAIL - Andres or Dan Berne

Diganta AdhikariIrrometer Co., Inc.digantaa@irrometer.com(951) 333-6075

Tom PenningIrrometer Co., Inc.tomp@irrometer.com(951) 689-1701

John LordIterisjel@iteris.com

Jeff KeiserIteris, Incjkeiser@iteris.com(217) 255-2911

John MewesIteris, Incjjm@iteris.com(701) 792-1892


retail, nutrition, specialty chem

Allan Fetters

or Mike Glidden

J.R Simplot Companyallan.fetters@simplot.com

may be some interest but time limited - 

James KrogmeierJames V. Krogmeierjvk@purdue.edu(765) 496-0279
Scott talks to him on a regular basis

Chip Donahue

need to clean up contact list and add Randy Kasperbauer

John DeereDonahueCharlesH@JohnDeere.com(217) 971-5788

Chuck PetrinJohn Deerepetrincharlesw@johndeere.com(515) 253-6643(515) 418-8145

Greg FinchJohn Deerefinchgregoryc@johndeere.com(515) 537-9368

Jeremy ThompsonJohn DeereThompsonJeremyB@JohnDeere.com

Jill StanfordJohn Deerestanfordjillm@johndeere.com515-331-4082 x5152536778(515) 306-1852

Joe YoungJohn DeereYoungNorrisJ@JohnDeere.com(515) 267-4858(515) 402-0505

John MannJohn Deeremannjohnc@johndeere.com(913) 310-8239(913) 449-1777

Kurtis KrummJohn DeereKrummkurtis@johndeere.com

Madhumitha KoduvalliJohn DeereKoduvalliMadhumitha@JohnDeere.com

Mark KrauseJohn Deerekrausemarka@johndeere.com

Michael SpiekerJohn DeereSpiekerMichaelA@JohnDeere.com

Randy RenzeJohn DeereRenzeRandallJ@JohnDeere.com

Robert MeeganJohn DeereMeeganRobertJ@johndeere.com

Shane BrueggenJohn DeereBrueggenShaneJ@JohnDeere.com(913) 310-8916(913) 424-8968

Torsten KreutzerJohn Deerekreutzertorsten@johndeere.com

Tarak ReddyJohn Deere ISGreddylingat@johndeere.com(515) 253-6595(515) 421-5023

academiaJoseph FoleyUniversity of Southern Queenslandfoley@usq.edu.au

possible Jim Wilson contact

associationMark NelsonKansas Farm Bureaunelsonm@kfb.org(785) 587-6103
no need to reach out



Ryan Risdal

may need a different contact

Anne Vandelund

Brian Gates

ACS Service Provider

Key Cooperativeryan.risdal@keycoop.com

Jeremy to reach out 

AEFPeter van der Vlugt

Kverneland Group Mechatronics BV

now Kubota

peter.vander.vlugt@kvernelandgroup.com+31252662244+31612506689AgGateway Global - Jim Wilson

Ton van der Voort van der KleijKverneland Group Mechatronics BVton.vander.voort@kvernelandgroup.com

Rich Young

Now Scott Nieman

Land O Lakes, Inc.REYoung@landolakes.com

IrrigationReece AndrewsLindsay Corporationreece.andrews@lindsay.com(402) 829-6812
Andres or Dan Berne or Aaron Berger to reach out


Ted Macy

may need new contact

MapShots, Inc

now Cortera


Ben to reach out to product managers he knows

possibly ADAPT

active in seedAndrew JeremiahMonsanto Companyandrew.r.jeremiah@monsanto.com(314) 694-2918

Doug SauderMonsanto Companydsauder@climate.com

Jason NewmanMonsanto Companyjason.matthew.newman@monsanto.com(314) 694-8699

Julie LabonteMonsanto Companyjulie.a.labonte@monsanto.com


Seed and retailMichael TwenhafelMonsanto Companymwtwen@monsanto.com(314) 694-2092
need to identify best person to reach out

Scott RockafellowMonsanto Companyscott.rockafellow@monsanto.com(314) 694-5619(314) 630-5512

association aerial applicationAndrew D. MooreNational Agricultural Aviaiton Associationadmoore@agaviation.org(202) 546-5722
tbd for who to contact

Dave HallNational Crop Insurance Services, Inc.davidh@ag-risk.org

Jessica K. Trites RolleNational Crop Insurance Services, Inc.jessicaTR@ag-risk.org(913) 685-5401(913) 217-0757

Thomas ZachariasNational Crop Insurance Services, Inc.tomz@ag-risk.com(913) 685-2767

Troy BradyNational Crop Insurance Services, Inc.Troyb@ag-risk.org(913) 685-5444(913) 485-5443

associationFrank KwapnioskiNebraska Water Balance Alliancefrank@h2optionsllc.com(402) 261-3524
Andres or Dan Berne

Lee OrtonNebraska Water Balance Alliancelee@h2oboy.net(402) 476-0162

xirrigation, sustainabilityAmnon RavivNetafimAmnon.Raviv@netafim.com

Dan Berne and Andres have relationship

Izhar GiladNetafim Ltdizhar.gilad@netafim.com+972-54-5442469

Lior RegevNetafim Ltdlior.regev@netafim.com+972-52-5017459

Bob LowNorthwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA)boblow21@gmail.com(306) 607-3747

Dan BerneNorthwest Energy Efficiency Alliance (NEEA)dan@nextchaptermarketing.com




Vonda PfunderNufarm Americas Inc.vonda.pfunder@nufarm.com(708) 377-1345
tbd for who to contact




John MascoeObservant Incjohn.mascoe@observant.net(317) 450-0889
IoT - Andres and Dan Berne

Matthew PryorObservant Incjmp@observant.net877-730-0700 x511

Keith VodrazkaPlant Impact Inc.keith.vodrazka@plantimpact.com(984) 465-4188
already reached out

Mike EadePlant Impact Inc.mike.eade@plantimpact.com(984) 465-4188

Doug ApplegatePraxidyndoug.applegate@praxidyn.com(712) 587-9722(402) 740-8919

Phil BaurerPrecision Plantingphil.baurer@climate.com(309) 929-4339(309) 202-6444ADAPT

Dan FriebergPremier Crop Systems, LLCdan@premiercrop.com(515) 334-5560

Mark StelfordPremier Crop Systems, LLCmstelford@premiercrop.com(815) 761-0220

Dennis G. DaggettProAgddaggett@proag.com(515) 453-9800(515) 468-0459

Jeff BradshawProagricaJeff.Bradshaw@reedbusiness.com(617) 682-6122

precision application

David Fowler

need to clean up list

Raven Industries, Inc.david.fowler@ravenind.com

ADAPT - Ben to follow up

Ed WilsonRaven Industries, Inc.ed.wilson@ravenind.com

Jared KocerRaven Industries, Inc.jared.kocer@ravenind.com

Mike RomanowskiRaven Industries, Inc.mike.romanowski@ravenind.com

Shane SwedlundRaven Industries, Inc.shane.swedlund@ravenind.com

Stephen FjelstadRaven Industries, Inc.stephen.fjelstad@ravenind.com(605) 335-0262

Dan BrimberryRed Wing Softwaredanb@redwingsoftware.com(800) 732-9464

Dick MooreRed Wing Software, Inc.dickm@redwingsoftware.com(800) 732-9464

 xseed, marketing, harvestingJeff BeldingRiceTec Incjbelding@ricetec.com(281) 212-5121(832) 315-9619Jeremy to follow up with Jeff

Paul CooleyRiceTec Incpcooley@ricetec.com(281) 212-5126(713) 397-8547

Nathan SteinSenseFly Ltdnathan.stein@sensefly.com(515) 460-7410

Shannon HaringxShannon Haringxsharingx31@yahoo.com(585) 576-6450

Matt WaitsSST Softwaremwaits@sstsoftware.com(405) 377-5334

Patrick SandersSST Softwarepsanders@sstsoftware.com(217) 840-3056(217) 840-3056Jeremy to follow up

Shawn PetersonSST Softwarespeterson@agxplatform.com(815) 953-3284


Chemical SeedAaron DeardorffSyngenta Crop Protection, LLCaaron.deardorff@syngenta.com


spray application equipmentRich GouldTeeJet Technologiesrich.gould@teejet.com(630) 517-1308

Possible Traceability

Jeremy to reach out

Tony ChadwickTeeJet Technologiestony.chadwick@teejet.com(509) 981-1647

Carissa GappaTelvent DTN, Inc.Carissa.gappa@dtn.com

Mary TangenTelvent DTN, Inc.mary.tangen@dtn.com(402) 399-6446(402) 212-7849

Todd MeyerTelvent DTN, Inc.todd.meyer@dtn.com

consultingYoichi KanamaruThe Applegrove House, Inc.yk@applegrove-house.com

Jim Wilson

Jerome BumpTopcon Agriculturejerome.bump@digi-star.com(920) 568-6220

Joe TevisTopcon Agriculturejwtevis@vis4ag.com

(952) 912-8402

(612) 325-3012

irrigation, precision agNathan EricksonTrimble Navigation Limitednathan_erickson@trimble.com

Roger Scott NusbaumTrimble Navigation Limitedscott@farmworks.com

Scott ReinertTrimble Navigation Limitedscott_reinert@trimble.com

control systems, valves, sensors, irrigationKathy DavisTucor Inckdavis@tucor.com(724) 935-6850
Andres or Dan Berne

Larry SarverTucor Inclsarver@tucor.com(724) 935-6850

Pam BollingerUnited States Department of Agriculture - DC OfficPam.Bollinger@rma.usda.gov

Richard AndersonUnited States Department of Agriculture - DC OfficRichard.Anderson@rma.usda.gov(816) 926-3950

Todd AndersonUnited States Department of Agriculture - DC OfficTodd.Anderson@wdc.usda.gov

David Hoyt


United Suppliersdlhoyt@landolakes.com(641) 858-2713(319) 269-5018

Cory Spaetti


Uptake Technologies Inccorwin.spaetti@uptake.com(312) 424-2200

Tim MarquisUptake Technologies Inct.marquis@uptake.com
(920) 915-8807

Trevor Mecham


Uptake Technologies Inctrevor.mecham@uptake.com(269) 568-2236

Jack FerriWilbur-Ellisjferri@wilburellis.com(559) 903-9413

Michael O'MalleyWilbur-Ellismomalley@wilburellis.com(206) 431-1698


retailJason EllsworthWilbur-Ellis Companyjellsworth@wilburellis.com
(509) 845-6493Scott to reach out

Jason WojtalewiczWysocki Produce Farmsaggateway@rpespud.com(715) 366-7175

Michael SmithXS, Inc.msmith@xsinc.com(919) 379-3529(919) 448-7225

Rana KunduYASH Technologies Inc.rana.kundu@yash.com
(309) 269-0896

Brian AntonucciZedXantonucci@zedxinc.com(814) 357-8490

now BASF FMISJoseph M. RussoZedXrusso@zedxinc.com(814) 357-8490
Ask Andres if still involved in PAIL or worth a reach out

Nathan GerberZedXgerber@zedxinc.com