SPADE3 Public-Facing Page Draft

SPADE3 Public-Facing Page Draft


Welcome to the SPADE3 (Standardized Precision Ag Data Exchange) Project!  This is where you can find out all about SPADE and take the next steps to being a part of this great project.

SPADE seeks to:

  • Establish a framework of standards to simplify mixed-fleet field operations, regulatory compliance, crop insurance reporting, tractability, sustainability assessment and field or crop-scale revenue management.
  • Allow seamless data exchange between hardware systems and software applications that collect field data across farming operations.
  • Make it easier for growers to share data with their trusted ad visors, suppliers, and other value partners, who often use different system components.
  • Lower the cost of entry for growers and ag retailers who want to use precision ag through transparent data exchange and interoperability.



SPADE Assists SPADE Delivers
  • Seeding

  • Best Practices
  • Crop Scouting
  • Use Cases
  • Crop Nutrition
  • Process Models
  • Crop Protection
  • International Context
  • Harvesting
  • ISO11783 Alignment
  • Grain Handling
  • Specs and Toolkits
  • Asset Management
  • Reference Data
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Data Exchange APIs



SPADE3 Overview

SPADE3 builds upon the work of SPADE1 and SPADE2. The SPADE3 project team will develop implementation guidelines for core documents, which include plan, recommendation, work order, work record, and machine reference file. The project team will develop implementation guidelines for the AgXML CommodityMovement message to support grain handling. The team will develop guidelines for data security (I.e., authentication and authorization) along with building out the infrastructure for authorization for data request and response to support the implementation of reference data services (reference data being data that supports transactional/operational data). The team will also begin to build out the infrastructure to support telematics. Finally, the team will define processes and data requirements to support crop scouting, crop nutrition, telematics, commodity grain movement, and AGIIS integration.

What's New in SPADE3?

WAVE: Originally arising from work by the Precision Ag Councils Telematics group, this product will identify standards and provide tools for mobile and fixed asset managment.

CART:  Originating in AgGateway's Grain Council, CART looks to expand and implement standardized messages from the widely-adopted AgXML standards for rail and truck grain transport.  The scope included tying loads from field machinery to scale data.

Crop Nutrition:  SPADE3 will capture data exchange requirements for chemical fertilizer and manure use cases, propose enhancement to ISO11783 as needed, and provide requirements to the ADAPT toolkit.

Get Involved

SPADE needs much more than strictly technical work: if you're an expert in the business or agronomy aspects of what we're working on, your user stories will help enrich the project deliverables better for the entire industry.

  • If your company is not a SPADE3 participant, the following public page provides all the information you need to join the effort: https://aggateway.atlassian.net/wiki/x/vgFwAw
  • If your company is a SPADE3 participant and you want to contribute to one of the product-development activities, contact the associated Product Owner, Scrum Master, or Jim Wilson at jim.wilson@aggateway.org or (+1) 816-516-8847.

Additional Questions?

Contact Jim Wilson, SPADE Project Manager (+1)816.516.8847

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