2017-09-13 Communications Team Meeting

2017-09-13 Communications Team Meeting

Meeting Information


2 - 3 PM US Central Time


Access Code



Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Pre-Meeting Notes and Links to Supporting Resources

Meeting Minutes


Anti-Trust (Project Manager or Meeting Facilitator)Each participant indicates that he/she understands and agrees to abide by the AgGateway Anti-Trust Policy, or leaves the meeting.All are agreed.
2Minutes Taker (Project Manager)A minutes taker has been selected.
3Meeting Agenda (Meeting facilitator)The group understands the agenda, adjusting it as necessary.


  • Review Open Items
  • New Business


  • Speaking Engagements
    • Jim will be in New Zealand week of 10/9 presenting several PAC topics
    • Michael Larsen giving an AgGateway update at AEF PlugFest 10/18
      • Susan - will want to promote this in the newsletter
      • Plan to have AgGateway Europe flyers on hand. 
  • Open Items:
    • InfoAg - results/action items? 
      • Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) to connect with Mark on next steps - bring it up at the ADAPT Business meeting 9/14 and report back.
      • 2 or 3 new members came out of InfoAg.  Susan passed on to Brent to follow up.
    • ADAPT Integration Testimonials
      • Mark had to drop - follow up at next meeting
    • Annual Conference -
      • There will be no PAC Communications session
      • Look at Reference Data API flyer for possible improvements to make a push with manufacturers at annual meeting
        • Put this on the agenda for next PAC Communications meeting and Andres will bring edits/input 
      • PAIL possible need for flyers to promote ASABE approval
    • PAIL - plan to promote submission to ASABE
      • Susan and Dan to touch base mid-next week regarding a press release and plan for promotion
    • PAIL - would be helpful to keep talking about what we can do to communicate what it means. Communications team to serve as sounding board
      • Action: next meeting explore this topic - need Susan to participate; identify specific meeting date/time and invite others from irrigation innovation consortium & irrigation association as well as Aaron Berger. Andres to provide names/addresses. Andres and Dan to prep for this special meeting to take place during a regular communications team meeting timeslot.
      • Decision: Resume discussion at next Communications meeting on 9/27 after Dan and Susan have met and then determine logistics for a special meeting
  • ASABE Papers - no new progress - busy writing PAIL and VDI paper.  After PAIL is out the door, will revisit.  Identification paper cited in VDI paper, need to get completed before VDI conference.
  • New Business
    • Jim - Japan looking for success stories/case studies to support AgGateway Japan formation meeting coming up
    • Andres - VDI Conference
      • Hanover Germany may overlap with Annual Conference (11/10-11)
      • Opportunity to present a paper about ADAPT and Core Documents and Reference Data in the context of the European Identity Project.  Paper has been written and accepted, but needs to be presented.  AgGateway is on the agenda for 11/10 afternoon.  Jim has a flight but may be able to rearrange.  Ben possibility but needs to be at Annual Conference on Thursday for the SPADE4 session.  Andres will ask if Stuart can do it.  Jim may be best person to do it.  Jim to check with Joe.  Possibility of moving SPADE4 session up to earlier in the conference - may free Ben up for VDI.  

4Meeting Minutes (Meeting facilitator)

Unapproved minutes of previous meetings are approved.

Meeting Minutes approved at end of each meeting.
5New Tasks (Minutes Taker)The group has reviewed what tasks were assigned during the meeting.
  • Complete
6Next Meeting (Meeting facilitator)The group agrees to the next meeting date and time and possibly a recurring meeting schedule.

 Recurring meeting schedule has been set.

7Adjournment (Meeting facilitator)The meeting is adjourned.Adjourned.

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