ADAPT Press Release Notes

ADAPT Press Release Notes

ParticipantsShannon Haringx (Unlicensed), Susan Ruland (Unlicensed), R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed), Jim Wilson, Andrea Gowler (Unlicensed), Jeremy W Wilson, Mark Stelford (Unlicensed)
AgGateway Anti-TrustAgreed
  • Immediate Press Releases identified (prior to Annual Meeting):
    • Availability of Data Model – top priority as many questions are receive
    • Announce launch of the open source effort - bring public up to speed on where we are and what has been accomplished; highlight concerns already squared away, participation, milestones, licensing status, etc.
  • Future Press Releases identified:
    • ADAPT Framework



  • May be concern about press release of availability of data model prior to annual meeting.  Team is driving toward timeline, but cannot guarantee this will be ready by the meeting.  Need opportunity to receive feedback and this many not all be identified.
  • Open Source Effort
    • Working through some licensing issues - would like this sorted through by the team before press release; need to be more concrete prior to release
  • Decision: prepare press releases and be ready to pull the trigger if timing works out; if ready after annual meeting, we will still want to release the press releases
  • There may be different audiences for the two press releases -opportunity to communicate twice
  • We probably have less than 25% of FMIS companies currently involved in AgGateway/ADAPT



Data Model Release - 1

  • Call to action  - software providers feedback on data model and beta of framework for version 1 release in early 2016 for FMIS providers to start integrating
  • Feedback is needed prior to release of open source effort
  • Audience - FMIS companies/software providers; potential plug in creators (executive level leadership is typical press release audience)
  • Licensing needs to be figured out before call for feedback (hopefully by annual meeting) - member companies need to vote on change in direction-proposal for different licensing model than we have been looking at
  • Meeting next week of technical team to determine status of data model readiness to receive feedback
  • Tell people where to go to get the data model
  • Ask for participation - come and play
  • Present the availability of data model and convey benefits:
    • ability for point to point integration with minimal work
  • Feedback sought:
    • Join the effort in order to provide feedback
    • If members of ADAPT committee - provide feedback on model 
  • Consider additional targeted communication soliciting feedback directly from specified companies/individuals
  • Consider getting this into the hands of Paul Shrimp to write about it after the press release (contact directly asking to talk)
  • Include a link to get the details, but press release tells the story


Open Source Effort Release - 2

  • Call to action -  ag retailers and growers, folks in ag community that are using software handling different aspects of data in scope for ADAPT v1 to feel like they can pick up the phone to ask their software providers to become engaged in the ADAPT effort.  Best to hear this from customers.
  • "Headline/Big Idea" - major advancement in ability to seamlessly exchange data within agriculture
  • Distinguish committee working with ADAPT vs. open source software itself (ADAPT oversight committee vs. ADAPT framework/project) i.e. business rules/governance vs. physical output
    • Call out governance as an important aspect of this effort to adhere to industry best practices 
  • How to get more engaged - provide contact information
  • Open source community - build thoughts on this.
  • FMIS provider value -
    • Delivering software framework supporting plug in architecture that allows different manufacturers to provide access to their proprietary formats in a way that reduces the work involved by software providers to read and write the different formats.
    • Foster FMIS software development community to allow folks to resolve issues faster using a solid open source framework
  • Benefit to ag retailers and growers is that it allows focus on other value added features by their FMIS providers if this basic data exchange issue is resolved.
  • This release comes after sufficient feedback has been received from the data model release





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