Communications Sub-Committee Pending Materials Development List

Communications Sub-Committee Pending Materials Development List

Pending Action List (Holding Tank)

Pull items out to work on as needed / as time permits

Backlog List Building Comments from 2019 PAC Communications WG Calls

Store a backlog of items that need implementation notes. This ties back to the importance of Core Documents. Do we need a working group to manage implementation notes or best practices? Create list and identify the person who will be the SME and have tech writer work with them. Draft list, put it out to group and ask who is interested in working on and start with those that get volunteers. Have a PAIL implementation note list, just need to locate and put in one place.

Flyers, Notes, and Slide Decks

  • (Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) will review per 3/19/20 meeting) Other activity on Ag Lab / Soil Testing flyer and PPT to promote or share/post flyer?
  • PAIL - next note?
  • Revisit: idea of a mini-curriculum for various tool understanding and implementation (ala FSA)
  • Update PPT about what AgGateway has done is doing, what's available, and how to engage (will need to be broader than what existed under each Council)


(3/19/2020 - Need to start sooner than later - critical in this down economy with budget-cutting, cancellations, etc.)


Turn these into one-page or two-page doc that show the work AgGateway does, all the areas it touches and the cost-benefit of EACH action - the VALUE proposition in detail and story form:

  • For the Infographic portion, use illustrator to create
  • In the supporting 'story' portion, give detail that tells the cost-benefit
  • Can use for current members and new/recruitment - people are looking at budgets and costs in closer than ever, we need to defend our value!

Infographics - Discussion from 4/30/20 call (see below for 4/30 call notes)

Start with (separate documents)...

  • "What AgGateway is/does (vs what it is NOT/does NOT do)"
    • Allow members to have short, clear discussion with others in their organization
    • Allow members/staff to talk with prospective members
  • "What ADAPT is/is not"

Reviewed 4/30 - concepts to build from:

Brain dump:

  • What is AgGateway? Who is part of the organization? What work is happening now, and what's already done? How do you use the tools?
  • C-suite/Exec versus technical/detailed versus farmers
  • Different industry area (rail, grain, equipment, irrigation, etc.) means different focus
  • meet the person where they are!
  • tailor focus to what a prospective or current member is trying to fix/solve/accomplish
  • Create suite of views members can pull from:
    • general
    • irrigation - PAIL proposition value canvases (borrow from that work)
    • soils (also has proposition value canvases
    • crop protection/seed company view
    • FMIS view
    • Create a new sub-set of documents and graphics as another entry into the Communications Toolkit, with 'chunks' of content and stories/narratives (with graphics) that can be tailored to specific audiences. AgGateway messaging, agreed-to AgGateway words/charts/pics, but separate components a member or presenter could choose from. A use-what's-pre-built or build-your-own approach.

Notes from 5/28/20 Call

Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) provided Jessica Trites Rolle a one-page document with high-level messaging. Jessica Trites Rolle will work with the messages and existing canvases (Soil/labs and PAIL) and "roadmap" Infographic to pull out some new elements that might fill a new need for talking with decisionmakers at current member companies to keep them on board. See 4/30/20 meeting notes in the middle column on this page. Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) mentioned that AgGateway management is also retaining reusable slide decks tailored to specific industry segments, and many of those decks can be mixed around to formulate something new for a different audience. Also have talking points by Council from two or three years ago that could be repurposed into the narrative part of an Infographic.

  • ADAPT Timescopes Implementation Note (3/19/2020 - underway)
  • ADAPT Capture Crop Rotation - 4/2/2020 - this was an item originally proposed from Japan to explain in flyer/note form how to use ADAPT to track crop rotation. ADAPT Capture Crop Rotation is to show how ADAPT can be used to do this task. R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) noted this is related to plantback restrictions. He's working on products now and will consider this.
  • "How ADAPT Versioning Works" - explain ADAPT versioning, breaking changes, and release timing so companies have a clear timeline so they know good times to implement (e.g., don't wait b/c think it will change 'soon')   (3/19/2020: Page exists, may just need review to confirm it makes sense and is complete) - minor update underway 4/2/2020
  • FAQs on when to implement (3/19/2020 - review ADAPT Wiki entries and boil it down to something shorter for quick and easy consumption - a "top 10" Q&A)
  • Guide to business and developer information/tools (e.g., where to find, what is available, where to check for more info) - companies need to understand the package of materials and tools available and how to use in one guide document/page (3/19/2020 - R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) can point to the public info on the website, the related source code, and we can review and identify discrepancies or items to fix - can use to add/change and build out the data model.) - 4/2/2020 - discussion started and DANIEL DANFORD is looking at ADAPT source code and comparing with ADAPT Object Model documentation so can document differences; R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) will resolve differences (match source code), then check against Argo UML model

From 7/1 ADAPT Meeting

  • ADAPT is focused on bulk-data transmission, and that doesn't work for some.
  • ADAPT is focused on the process, not what we DO with the data, and that's what people need: what do I DO?
  • People want to use ADAPT, but don't use C#
  • People want to exchange data through an API in a standardized format - "ADAPT Standard"
  • People need a serialization format better than just a shapefile
Traceability Initiative Items
  • Implementation Note possibilities:
    • Product
    • Container
    • Place
    • Load
    • Product Container Operation
Future "Other" Items
  • PAIL and PICS case studies  (4/2/2020 - PAIL group meeting again to determine next steps and a restart)
  • PICS implementation guide
  • SPADE 1 - 3 wrap-up
  • Flyer (or other explainer) to address why it’s OK to collaborate with competitors at AgGateway and what makes that acceptable (antitrust, etc.)
  • Business card-sized promo piece: ask a pain-point question on front, information and QR code on back
Older Backlog
  • Traceability pitches (one for food processors)?
  • Identify audience: target flyers, messages to different groups; also have an overview all-audience flyer
  • Talk to new members: what pain points were they trying to solve that got them to join, and what collateral could we create to help others?

ASABE 2017: Sustainability, Provenance and ADAPT, Compound Identifiers. ASABE 2018: "Fit" paper (where does AgGateway "fit" into the standards space). Were not completed for conference papers, but could consider these journals for publication:

  • Computers & Electronics in Agriculture (ASABE journal) (no fee)
  • Applied Engineering in Agriculture (Elsevier journal) (fee)
  • There's also a Precision Ag journal, but the time frame from submission to publication is too long.

As update/create flyers or other materials, consider (from 8/28/18 meeting discussion)...

Flyer format:

  • Use A4 format for our flyers, include country codes flyer and card phone numbers and country on addresses, and make sure we're being international in all our press. Also be careful about colloquialisms.
  • Use diagrams and pics, not words (words mean something different to different people) – borrow from presentations (ADAPT, CART, traceability, etc.) and make into a professional graphic

Flyer focus: OUTCOMES


Key items from 5/31/2019 call concerning any communications for AgGateway

The group talked about the challenge of any communications piece, including infographics, with the constant changes of work done by AgGateway and the ever-changing agriculture space worldwide and always shifting technology.

  • To make sure any infographic or note or flyer (etc.) is useful, TEST IT!
  • Once drafted, 'test' with people that did NOT create to see if they have the same understanding and, if so, can they explain it to others correctly. if not, what do we need to change to make it make sense? what examples do we need to use from daily life?
  • Need to be able to explain to others what things are without using project names or acronyms (but link them so when people hear the term, they understand) - focus on irrigation standards, field operations, data transformation and translation, etc.
  • Tell a story - easier for people to remember, repeat, relate to, and link to their work

Do short animated video to show the stakeholders and deliverables flows and how AgGateway fits in - group agreed, this is a good approach.

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