2020-12-03 Communications Committee Meeting

2020-12-03 Communications Committee Meeting


All Members List
(present or not present)
Members Present
Non-Members Present

(*Voting companies/** alternates)

Time1:00 pm CT (Chicago)
Web (Screen Sharing)


Audio (VOIP/Phone)

United States: (571) 317-3116 (see meeting invite for other countries)

Access Code





Topic / Leader

Desired Outcome

Pre-Meeting Notes and Links to Supporting Resources

Meeting Minutes



Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) is the acting chair. If you are interested in becoming the chair or co-chair, please speak up or feel free to contact Susan anytime.



Everybody agrees to the Antitrust Guidelines.

AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines


Review Action Items / Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

Review any action items from previous meetings.


New Resources / Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

Graphic Video

Testimonial Videos

Annual Report

Promotion of the new videos 

Graphic video -

  • Encourage members to share with trading partners - this is a simple look at some of the value of working with AgGateway, who we are, etc
  • Purdue, Ohio State, trade associations, etc. - would they be interested in helping promote? (Re-share on social media, etc.)
  • SR reach out to Farm Journal (Margy Eckelkamp) - can they help promote?
  • Press release
  • Testimonial videos - share on social media, different spots of the website. 


Activity Update / Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

  • December newsletter
  • Press Releases: Awards, Videos, Leadership
  • Board Briefing Book
  • Branding guidelines
  • 2021 Plan

Need to re-do Social Media calendar

Need to recruit more folks for social media - consider Latin America and Europe, as well. 


Materials Development Communications Sub-Committee/ Jessica Trites Rolle

"This is my AgGateway" 

  • Use in social media, as a sidebar quote in newsletters, etc.
  • Get more 

After interoperability – next topic? 

People in co - have to work together – or production line where you skip a step


Tracking through each step of supply chain?

Inputs - specific types, how used, when, where, how much, etc. 

Come help us do this work, here's why it's important. 

Seed, Production?

Something that AGIIS solves? (what it is and isn't) - maybe feature one thing about AGIIS

ADAPT - what it does – product side (vs entity side)

Need to stay brief, relevant (fresh) 


Soil labs - labwork

Maybe do 2 new videos in 2021. 

  1. Interoperability

ACTION: Susan to review existing script, present new script next time.


Newsletter Planning  

Newsletter Articles - December Issue

Due December 3


  1. Annual Conference - thank sponsors 
  2. Award winners
  3. New videos
  4. 2021 Leadership
  5. Tech Hub LIVE Conference and Expo, July 2021, in Des Moines
  6. New Member Article
  7. News from Meet-ups/Working Groups/Portfolio Management Center
  8. AGIIS/Member Services: Chris Crutchfield 

Jan-Feb. Newsletter - Deadline Jan. 19

New Member article - 

ACTION: Susan create a template that is sent to new members based on info from Nikki's email.  - use the email address off the application. 


Group Updates

Open floor - anyone can share an update of what is happening in other areas of AgGateway where they're working. Also, determine if Communications can provide assistance.

 New Business  

Other Discussion Items / Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

  • For other committee members to address topics not covered above.

 Meeting Wrap Up  

Next Meeting 

  • Next Committee meeting: Feb 4, 1:00 pm CT (Chicago)

  • Active Action Items 

Date AssignedAction ItemDue DateComments/Status

Susan create new member template to easily create a new member article as needed

Susan to share new script for next video by our next meeting - Feb. 4

Susan will work to promote new graphic video, including talking with Farm Journal, others

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