2017-05-25 SPADE4 Newsletter Article and Project Structure

Meeting Information


1 - 2 PM US EasternTime


Access Code



Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Pre-Meeting Notes and Links to Supporting Resources

Meeting Minutes


Anti-Trust (Project Manager or Meeting Facilitator)Each participant indicates that he/she understands and agrees to abide by the AgGateway Anti-Trust Policy, or leaves the meeting.All are agreed.
2Minutes Taker (Project Manager)A minutes taker has been selected.
3Meeting Agenda (Meeting facilitator)The group understands the agenda, adjusting it as necessary.


  • SPADE4 Structure
    • Instead of one big project encompassing multiple products, break it down into sub-sections to work on sequentially instead of concurrently
    • A lot of work to do on SPADE3 Products
      • CART
      • Ref Data API
      • Implementation Guidelines
      • Deliverables
        • Regulatory
        • Crop Nutrition
          • tonnage reporting
        • Scounting O&M
        • Telematics/WAVE
    • As we are wrapping up SPADE3 - finish deliverables before starting SPADE4. SPADE4 becomes identification of new pain points and product deliverables to be addressed
      • Implementation/Guidelines meeting at MYM - identify expected deliverables and draw a line with target completion date
      • Frank Riddick from NIST is available to help cleanup our process models
      • Use cases and user stories need to be finished and ready for publish - standards and guidelines approved and posted in wiki for members or public; also delivery to standards bodies
    • Funding - may be easier for smaller chunks for participating companies
    • Are there new pain points to address in Field Operations to focus on? Identify them at the MYM.
      • Ag Retail AIDC?
    • Avoid burnout of usual suspects
  • Newsletter Article Content
    • Work Group structure change from SPADE3 to SPADE4 - agile, focused participation with more clearly defined start/end dates
    • Funding structure change is possible to support shorter duration activities with quicker delivery
    • Wrap-up of SPADE3 deliverables (user stories, use cases, data buckets, gap check of standards, BPMN diagrams) and transition of leftover work to SPADE4 with following prioritization discussions
    • What to expect at MYM
      • Drawing the line/setting a completion date and deliverable scope
    • How different PAC standing working groups are going to pickup carry forward actions and implementations based on the deliverables.
  • Assignments/Next Steps
5New Tasks (Minutes Taker)The group has reviewed what tasks were assigned during the meeting.
7Adjournment (Meeting facilitator)The meeting is adjourned.Adjourned.