2018-08-28 PAC Communications Team Meeting

2018-08-28 PAC Communications Team Meeting

Meeting Information


3 - 4 PM US Central Time



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Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Pre-Meeting Notes and Links to Supporting Resources

Meeting Minutes


Anti-Trust (Project Manager or Meeting Facilitator)Each participant indicates that he/she understands and agrees to abide by the AgGateway Anti-Trust Policy, or leaves the meeting.All agreed.
2Minutes TakerA minutes taker has been selected.
Jessica Trites Rolle will take minutes.
3Meeting Minutes

Unapproved minutes of previous meetings are approved.

2018-05-15 Communications Team Meeting

2018-06-05 Communications Team Meeting

2018-06-12 MYM Communications Team Meeting

Table until next meeting

4Old Tasks review

Ongoing - Jessica Trites Rolle to report information to Dan Berne (Unlicensed).

5MYM Action Items Review (discussion)
  • New flyers
    • CART PoC (use flyer J. Tevis developed for initial PoC as basis?)
    • Traceability Initiative (streamline processes in farmer businesses)
    • Precision Ag Council general
    • Focus on outcomes in flyers (new, updated) and ensure a flyer or promo piece addresses why it’s OK to collaborate with competitors at AgGateway and what makes that acceptable (antitrust, etc.)
  • InfoAg
    • ADAPT promo video on continuous replay
    • CART and Traceability flyers
    • General AgGateway flyer
  • ADAPT materials: make sure they show how ADAPT works between ISO and other standards, that it’s a tool to translate and share and standardize, not a new separate standard.
  • For flyers: Use diagrams and pics, not words (words mean something different to different people) – borrow from presentations (ADAPT, CART, traceability, etc.) and make into a professional graphic
  • Business card-sized promo piece: ask a pain-point question on front, information and QR code on back
  • Identify audience: target flyers, messages to different groups; also have an overview all-audience flyer
  • Remove SPADE flyer from public website and rewrite as the project is closed out and published
  • Add a link to the AgGlossary on the AgGateway landing page (‘quick links’)
  • Case study: PICS study for Sensefly; ADAPT; PAIL; potential to do a pseudo-case-study on CART PoC?
  • Talk to new members: what pain points were they trying to solve that got them to join, and what collateral could we create to help others?

Discussion: Group did a quick review.

Jessica Trites Rolle will work with Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) to review and make a timeline for the updates and new flyers.

6Activity: Flyer creation & Guide review

ContextItem system flyer

PICS Implementation Guide


PICS flyer is current, and the barcode on the flyer takes you to the implementation guide. The implementation guide is out of date and is being updated.

ContextItem System flyer: this will be a new effort. R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) has a draft started based on the PICS flyer.

  • Will discuss ContextItem 'in a nutshell' and the ContextItem API
  • Provide examples
  • Explain why it's important in the context of everything else we're doing
  • New QR code
  • graphics - use AWS licensed material
  • chart of pain points
  • Using ContextItems in ISO files
  • How to request a new ContextItem
  • no "members" on this flyer
  • Need a call to action / what we want from them
  • Audience: technical staff and their leadership, so a mix of 'story' for business and detail/techie for the folks who do the work
7Running Activities List / Upcoming Needs
  • Flyer/Guide updates/reviews
  • Articles, recognition
  • Communications WG activity for /wiki/spaces/PAC/pages/340459521
  • SPADE wrap-up
    • There are SPADE2 and SPADE3 summary wiki pages. There's also a SPADE life cycle Jim Wilson and Jeremy started some time ago, working to tie all SPADE and related output (user stories, use cases, BPMN diagrams, etc.) into one large flow (doc might be 'global narrative'). The SPADE2 summary chart is most complete - good baseline.


PAIL new work item proposals 1 through 3 preparing to submit to ISO - R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) will run past Jessica Trites Rolle when prepared for edit/comment. Do press release when submit.

ASABE 2017: Sustainability, Provenance and ADAPT, Compound Identifiers. Also ASABE 2018: "Fit" paper (where does AgGateway "fit" into the standards space). Were not completed for conference papers, but could consider these journals for publication:

  • Computers & Electronics in Agriculture (ASABE journal) (no fee)
  • Applied Engineering in Agriculture (Elsevier journal) (fee)

There's also a Precision Ag journal, but the timeframe from submission to publication is too long.

8Event Calendar and Speaking Engagements

Review and update the PAC Communications Calendar 2018.

Review upcoming speaking engagements and what communications items - flyers, etc. - are needed

Add: CGIAR Platform for Big Data in Agriculture Convention - World Agroforestry Centre, Nairobi, Kenya October 3-5, 2018 - R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) attending

Convention theme: "Decoding the Data Ecosystem."

9New BusinessDiscuss items not covered above.Flyer format: need to ensure we use A4 format for our flyers, include country codes flyer and card phone numbers and country on addresses, and make sure we're being international in all our press. Also be careful about colloquialisms.
10New TasksThe group has reviewed what tasks were assigned during the meeting.

See above.

11Next MeetingThe group agrees to the next meeting date and time.

 at 3 p.m. US Central Time

12AdjournmentThe meeting is adjourned. at 3:59 p.m. US Central Time