2018-06-05 Communications Team Meeting

2018-06-05 Communications Team Meeting

Meeting Information


3 - 4 PM US Central Time



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Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Pre-Meeting Notes and Links to Supporting Resources

Meeting Minutes


Anti-Trust (Project Manager or Meeting Facilitator)Each participant indicates that he/she understands and agrees to abide by the AgGateway Anti-Trust Policy, or leaves the meeting.All agreed.
2Minutes Taker (Project Manager)A minutes taker has been selected.
Jessica Trites Rolle will take minutes.
3Meeting Minutes (Meeting facilitator)

Unapproved minutes of previous meetings are approved.

2018-05-15 Communications Team Meeting

Motion to approve. No second.

Hold approval to next conference call.

4Topic 1:Task review

Continuing key communications and press activity areas:Traceability and CART, PAIL3, completing SPADE, update on ADAPT activity, applicability of Blockchain in ag...

Most action items had no activity. Jessica Trites Rolle wil include PAIL materials update on the activity agenda for MYM. Other tasks can also be wrapped into MYM.

Topic 2: MYM Agenda Review

Session description:

Precision Ag Council working group activities and projects have to reach our members, partners, and the public. One way that happens is through our PAC Communications Working Group, where we tackle coordinating PAC project, ADAPT, and PAIL communication.

We’ll brainstorm additional outreach/engagement with new and ‘lapsed’ PAC members; review upcoming conferences/speaking opportunities and materials needed for each; identify flyer and promo package updates and additions; and develop how SPADE3 work is shared (flyers, implementation notes, or similar).

This is an open session and we want YOUR inquisitive, creative, critical-thinking mind involved!

Tentative agenda:

  • Working Group purpose
  • Review active PAC and related projects
  • Activities (yes, this is where we all participate!)
    • Outreach to new and lapsed members
    • New/updated flyers, promo pieces, or other materials needed?
      • Upcoming conferences and speaking opportunities (e.g., InfoAg)
      • PAIL, ADAPT, or CART Proof of Concept
    • Closing out SPADE3 - Identify and decide what counts as “final” state:
      • Items incorporated into PAIL or ADAPT, or ISO, ASABE, or other standards
      • Items not yet incorporated or published:
        • Follow PAIL standards/fundamentals documentation?
        • Borrow ADAPT implementation notes concept?
        • Create short flyers similar to ADAPT core documents?
        • Brainstorm: Format? Audience? Final location?

Jessica Trites Rolle still needs to call working group members and project leads, especially Mark Stelford concerning an ADAPT update

Jeremy W Wilson recommended only discussing SPADE closure if the attendees are long-time SPADE participants.

Agreed primary agenda at MYM is:

  • CWG activity overview (if needed)
  • Discuss and assign/re-assign outreach (as needed) to the 6 new member orgs and lapsed member orgs
  • (majority of time) Review current promo pieces and flyers and identifying needed updates, additions, etc.
    • ADAPT, reference data API, PAIL, PICS and identify changes and additional materials needed

    • Create flyers/materials for CART PoC

  • Final topic - depending on attendees - is to discuss SPADE3 (really all of SPADE) wrap-up communications:
    • What constitutes "published" or "finalized?"
    • Members only with high-level press piece(s) for public?
    • Documents: flyers? implementation notes? charts? other?)

SPADE: There are SPADE2 and SPADE3 summary wiki pages. There's also a SPADE life cycle Jim Wilson and Jeremy started some time ago, working to tie all SPADE and related output (user stories, use cases, BPMN diagrams, etc.) into one large flow (doc might be 'global narrative'). Jeremy advised that the SPADE2 summary chart is most complete - locate that.

Topic 3: Event CalendarReview and update the PAC Communications Calendar 2018.No updates

Topic 4: Speaking EngagementsReview upcoming speaking engagements and what communications items - flyers, etc. - are neededJeremy W Wilson will need some materials for InfoAg, likely for the CART PoC. Will need to develop at MYM.

Topic 5: New BusinessDiscuss items not covered above.No new items
5New Tasks (Minutes taker)The group has reviewed what tasks were assigned during the meeting.
  • Jessica Trites Rolle revise MYM agenda and develop slide deck

    • Share draft with committee
  • Jessica Trites Rolle contact project and product owners the committee needs available to do flyer and promo material review
  • Jessica Trites Rolle will print copies of current flyers from AgGateway.org for use in markup at MYM session - also bring large paper and markers to MYM
6Next Meeting (Meeting facilitator)The group agrees to the next meeting date and time.

In-person at Mid-Year Meeting,  at 10 a.m. US Central Time

7Adjournment (Meeting facilitator)The meeting is adjourned. at 3:38 p.m. US Central Time