2020-07-16 Communications Sub-Committee Meeting

2020-07-16 Communications Sub-Committee Meeting

Meeting Information


11:00 AM - Noon US Central Time



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Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Pre-Meeting Notes and Links to Supporting Resources

Meeting Minutes


Anti-Trust (Project Manager or Meeting Facilitator)Each participant indicates that he/she understands and agrees to abide by the AgGateway Antitrust Policy, or leaves the meeting.All agreed to abide by antitrust guidelines.
2Minutes TakerA minutes taker has been selected.
Jessica Trites Rolle will take minutes.


Meeting Minutes

Unapproved minutes of previous meetings are approved.

2020-05-28 Communications Sub-Committee Meeting

Table approval.

4Open/Ongoing Action Items
  • ADAPT Teams create one new news item each month to include on the adaptframework.org site
  • Jessica Trites Rolle rejoin ADAPT business and, as able, technical calls from communications perspective
  • R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) collect questions on ADAPT from interns for use in new FAQs, new blurbs on website, and social media content
  • Survey: Corina Ardelean and team to finish compiling soils/lab data format questions
  • Survey: Jessica Trites Rolle will review survey questions as "outside" party
  • Survey: R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) to build questions into SurveyMonkey
  • Jessica Trites Rolle review existing canvases and large Infographic and high-level talking points and identify possible combinations to fill gaps in what we have for members to talk with their leadership about what/why AgGateway and what/why ADAPT
  • ONGOING: Jessica Trites Rolle to provide events to Nikki Marshall for SmartSheet calendar when someone is presenting/hosting a booth and including AgGateway in the discussion

Discussed ongoing items.


Current Activity

Communications Sub-Committee Pending Materials Development List

ADAPT and /wiki/spaces/ADAPT/pages/1419378689

  • Communications problems/feedback, and what tools could help
    • Press material to introduce the audience to a new phase, clarify problems ADAPT teams are trying to solve, give clearly-stated goals, including a few examples of what implementations would be (create an "ADAPT Standard(?)" and pattern flyer after Reference Data API flyer to set forth goals, common vision, invite others to join) - subgroup to outline flyer
  • Syngenta intern questions to use for news snippets/FAQs/Tweets/posts

WG04 Ag Lab Data survey

  • Status and needs from this team

2020 MYM - actions for this team or materials development-related items you noticed from...

  • Communications Committee discussion (infographic and related)
  • Portfolio Mgmt Center, AGIIS or other technical sessions
  • Meet-up sessions
  • Other

Strategic Board feedback - communicating to C suite, mid-level, etc.

Do we back up and start with a list of simple, basic questions:

  • What do you need to know?
  • What do you want to see?
  • Do you need business?
  • Do you need technical?

Could we bring Eric (new content manager) into this organizing-our-mountain-of-info effort?

The question Jeremy W Wilson gets a lot: How does ADAPT link to what we did in SPADE, what we did in the Glossary, and will AGIIS and SPADE work ever be joined?

Answer: We need to create something that links these. We don't have that tie. People need to know HOW all these pieces fit together, how they're alike (and why), and how they're different and complementary (and why).

Can we create (need member volunteers) "This is my AgGateway." Have people fill out the form, tell the story of what AgGateway is to them - one-liners for blurbs in the newsletter, blurbs on social media. Jeremy W Wilson: "It provides tools for me to improve and bring data interoperability."

6Event Calendar and Speaking Engagements

Communications Sub-Committee Conference/Event DRAFT Calendar 2020

Review and update calendar, note speaking/presenting/sponsorship engagements

No discussion.
8New Business

Discuss items not covered above.


9New Tasks

The group has reviewed what tasks were assigned during the meeting.

10Next Meeting

The group agrees to the next meeting date and time.

 at 11 a.m. US Central Time

11AdjournmentThe meeting is adjourned.

 at 11:32 a.m. US Central Time

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