2020-03-19 Communications Sub-Committee Meeting

2020-03-19 Communications Sub-Committee Meeting

Meeting Information


11:00 AM - Noon US Central Time



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Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Pre-Meeting Notes and Links to Supporting Resources

Meeting Minutes


Anti-Trust (Project Manager or Meeting Facilitator)Each participant indicates that he/she understands and agrees to abide by the AgGateway Antitrust Policy, or leaves the meeting.All agreed to abide by antitrust guidelines.
2Minutes TakerA minutes taker has been selected.
Jessica Trites Rolle will take minutes.


Meeting Minutes

Unapproved minutes of previous meetings are approved.


What's this Sub-Committee meant to do?


Meeting invitation purpose:

Continue the work of actively creating communications, education, and promotional pieces for AgGateway projects and meetings at which AgGateway participants and staff will present or table. This group was initially part of the Precision Ag Council (the PAC Communications Working Group). With our new global and quick-work-focused AgGateway, the "produce items quickly" focus of the former workgroup is now housed under the global Communications Committee as an 'activity' subcommittee. Work in this subcommittee will include all working group and resource efforts of AgGateway: whatever flyers, application or implementation notes, or other promo or communication pieces a working group or presenter needs, that group or person can bring that to this volunteer/staff group for review/edit/comment, updating, formatting, etc.

Finally, through these two meetings, we’ll decide on an ongoing meeting day of the week, time, frequency, and ideas on invitees.

Jessica Trites Rolle reviewed how this group came about.


Pending Action List

Communications Sub-Committee Pending Materials Development List

  • Review list and brainstorm additions
  • Identify what has to get done first

For website redesign (carried forward from 2019 calls):

  • Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) to consider how to tie 'sets' of information together in new website structure (concept of "I want to do x, so I should look at A, B, and D pages or documents")


Talked about the need for good Infographics and accompanying stories with targeted audiences in mind. DANIEL DANFORD noted that we need to start sooner than later - critical in this down economy with budget-cutting, cancellations, virtual-only conferences, etc. DANIEL DANFORD and R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) noted we need to continue to propose and write papers for conference submission as usual, even if conferences are not in person. The opportunity to share the great work of AgGateway is too important not to continue.

  • "What AgGateway has accomplished and connected" AgGateway Stakeholders and Deliverables Map v2.pdf
  • "What AgGateway is/does (vs what it is NOT/does NOT do)"
  • Turn these into one-page or two-page doc that show the work AgGateway does, all the areas it touches and the cost-benefit of EACH action - the VALUE proposition in detail and story form:

    • For the Infographic portion, use illustrator to create
    • In the supporting 'story' portion, give detail that tells the cost-benefit
    • Can use for current members and new/recruitment - people are looking at budgets and costs in closer than ever, we need to defend our value!

Items we'll review and act on

  • Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) will finalize the Ag Lab/Soil Testing flyer
  • ADAPT Timescopes Implementation Note (underway - R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed))
  • ADAPT Capture Crop Rotation - this item is unclear
  • "How ADAPT Versioning Works" - explain ADAPT versioning, breaking changes, and release timing so companies have a clear timeline so they know good times to implement (e.g., don't wait b/c think it will change 'soon')
    • Page exists, may just need review to confirm it makes sense and is complete
    • Jessica Trites Rolle will read and draft comments on whether there should be any enhancements
  • R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) and DANIEL DANFORD to discuss this item on the Materials Dev List: Guide to business and developer information/tools (e.g., where to find, what is available, where to check for more info) - companies need to understand the package of materials and tools available and how to use in one guide document/page
  • Jessica Trites Rolle - contact Nathan Stein, Pix4D, to discuss Nathan or Pix4D (re)joining

Current Activity

Open discussion - any items needing completion ASAP, let's start discussing now

See task list
6Event Calendar and Speaking Engagements

Communications Sub-Committee Conference/Event DRAFT Calendar 2020

  • Review draft 2020 calendar
  • Determine how to combine with other calendars/tracking tools

Group looked at the calendar, noting the conferences and plenaries that have already gone virtual for 2020 (most others are monitoring, offering full refunds for a longer time, and some that are not listed are absent because they were canceled outright).

Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) and Jessica Trites Rolle to discuss how to integrate this conference and event tracking (speaking, exhibiting, etc.) calendar into the Communications Committee and AgGateway SmartSheet calendars.

8New Business

Discuss items not covered above.

No discussion

9New Tasks

The group has reviewed what tasks were assigned during the meeting.

  • Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) will finalize the Ag Lab/Soil Testing flyer
  • R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) to complete ADAPT Timescopes Implementation Note
  • Jessica Trites Rolle investigate what we needed on the Materials Dev List item "ADAPT Capture Crop Rotation"
  • Jessica Trites Rolle to review this page as a layperson/potential user to determine if the ADAPT versioning, breaking changes, and release timing (so companies have a clear timeline so they know good times to implement (e.g., don't wait b/c think it will change 'soon')) guidance makes sense OR should be updated/enhanced with pictures/graphics
  • R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) and DANIEL DANFORD to discuss this Materials Dev List item: "Guide to business and developer information/tools (e.g., where to find, what is available, where to check for more info) - companies need to understand the package of materials and tools available and how to use in one guide document/page."  Documentation | Data Model
  • Jessica Trites Rolle - contact Nathan Stein, Pix4D, to discuss Nathan or Pix4D (re)joining
10Next Meeting

The group agrees to the next meeting date and time.

 at 11 a.m. US Central Time

11AdjournmentThe meeting is adjourned.

 at 12:02 p.m. US Central Time