2019-05-17 PAC Communications Team Meeting

2019-05-17 PAC Communications Team Meeting

Meeting Information


10:00 - 11:00 AM US Central Time



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Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Pre-Meeting Notes and Links to Supporting Resources

Meeting Minutes


Anti-Trust (Project Manager or Meeting Facilitator)Each participant indicates that he/she understands and agrees to abide by the AgGateway Antitrust Policy, or leaves the meeting.All agreed to abide by antitrust guidelines.
2Minutes TakerA minutes taker has been selected.
Jessica Trites Rolle will take minutes.
3Meeting Minutes

Unapproved minutes of previous meetings are approved.

2019-04-12 PAC Communications Team Meeting

2019-05-03 PAC Communications Team Meeting



Old Tasks review


5Current Activity

AgGateway 2020 change to PAC Communications working group activity

Implementation Notes

  • Check-in on usability for initial run (ADAPT and PAIL)
  • Template side-panel gradient coloring still too light toward bottom of page?

Soil Testing Standardization working group

  • Flyer for 'what the group is working on'

Future ADAPT items

  • Show difference between ADAPT and ISO 11783 XML and how are meant to work together, not as alternatives to each other
  • "How ADAPT Versioning Works" - explain ADAPT versioning, breaking changes, and release timing so companies have a clear timeline so they know good times to implement (e.g., don't wait b/c think it will change 'soon')
  • FAQs on when to implement
  • Guide to business and developer information/tools (e.g., where to find, what is available, where to check for more info) - companies need to understand the package of materials and tools available and how to use in one guide document/page

Future other items

  • PAIL and PICS case studies
  • PICS implementation guide
  • Traceability pitches (one for food processors)?
  • SPADE 1 - 3 wrap-up


aberger@agsense.net (Unlicensed) said the Implementation Note side-panel is too light toward the bottom and they updated it on a PAIL note.

Jessica will review once in final draft.

DANIEL DANFORD and R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) working on ADAPT flyer, may need review (with Andres).

Need an explainer that tells what ADAPT is and is not - standards vs. services vs. replacements vs. complements

Need an explainer that tells what AgGateway is and is not - AgGateway is NOT a data repository, it's a "connection" group - Jim Wilson and Loyola drew up a graphic that shows where and how AgGateway functions - need to turn this into an infographic. Other groups are presenting things that are standards and standards orgs that are NOT...we need to help.

ACTION: Jessica Trites Rolle get pic of Jim Wilson's drawing for us to work from - this would be GREAT to have as one of our MYM PAC Comm session outcomes

6Event Calendar and Speaking Engagements

PAC Communications Calendar 2019

  1. Event materials/supplies for:
    1. InfoAg
    2. Agritechnica
    3. Others (see calendar)
  2. Create one or more of the below by MYM for use at upcoming events:
    1. Flyer possibiltiies:
      1. Traceability Initiative (streamline processes in farmer businesses)?
      2. Flyer (or other explainer) to address why it’s OK to collaborate with competitors at AgGateway and what makes that acceptable (antitrust, etc.)
    2. Business card-sized promo piece: ask a pain-point question on front, information and QR code on back


Symposium on the future of Irrigation - call for participation came out yesterday. Happens concurrent with AIA show in early December. Work on proposal.

7Onboarding / Member Engagement

Reaching out to current and new members


No discussion.

8New Business

Discuss items not covered above.

9New Tasks

The group has reviewed what tasks were assigned during the meeting.

10Next MeetingThe group agrees to the next meeting date and time.

 at 10 a.m. US Central Time

11AdjournmentThe meeting is adjourned.

 at 10:42 a.m. US Central Time


items to consider in future

  • ADAPT materials: make sure they show how ADAPT works between ISO and other standards, that it’s a tool to translate and share and standardize, not a new separate standard.
  • Identify audience: target flyers, messages to different groups; also have an overview all-audience flyer
  • Talk to new members: what pain points were they trying to solve that got them to join, and what collateral could we create to help others?
ASABE 2017: Sustainability, Provenance and ADAPT, Compound Identifiers. ASABE 2018: "Fit" paper (where does AgGateway "fit" into the standards space). Were not completed for conference papers, but could consider these journals for publication:
  • Computers & Electronics in Agriculture (ASABE journal) (no fee)
  • Applied Engineering in Agriculture (Elsevier journal) (fee)
  • There's also a Precision Ag journal, but the time frame from submission to publication is too long.

KEEP - As update/create flyers or other materials, consider (from 8/28/18 meeting discussion):Flyer format:
  • Use A4 format for our flyers, include country codes flyer and card phone numbers and country on addresses, and make sure we're being international in all our press. Also be careful about colloquialisms.
  • Use diagrams and pics, not words (words mean something different to different people) – borrow from presentations (ADAPT, CART, traceability, etc.) and make into a professional graphic
Flyer focus: OUTCOMES

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