2019-03-01 PAC Communications Team Meeting
Meeting Information
Time | 10:00 - 11:00 AM US Central Time |
Web | |
Phone |
Access Code | 321-520-850 |
# | Topic (Leader) | Desired Outcome Pre-Meeting Notes and Links to Supporting Resources | Meeting Minutes |
1 | Anti-Trust (Project Manager or Meeting Facilitator) | Each participant indicates that he/she understands and agrees to abide by the AgGateway Antitrust Policy, or leaves the meeting. | All agreed to abide by antitrust guidelines. |
2 | Minutes Taker | A minutes taker has been selected. | Jessica Trites Rolle will take minutes. |
3 | Meeting Minutes | Unapproved minutes of previous meetings are approved. | M/S/P |
4 | Old Tasks review |
| Carry over to next week - focus is official publication 'standards' |
5 | Current Activity | Case Studies - next steps with John Deere? Publication guidelines - revisit (if appropriate at this point) Discussion areas:
| Discussion R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) submitted PAIL Parts 1 and 3 for ASABE standards development award - presented early July at ASABE annual meeting in Boston Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) talked with Kasparbauer Randall D (Deactivated) and the John Deere ADAPT case study is complete and will be posted, likely next week Other case studies for 2019:
PAIL - Work continues on implementation notes, not enough people helping - will keep this group posted. PAIL needs to have a standard way of publishing the notes. |
6 | Onboarding / Member Engagement | Reaching out to current and new members - how SHOULD we approach? | Keep thinking about this |
7 | Event Calendar and Speaking Engagements | Review and update: PAC Communications Calendar 2019 Identify upcoming speaking engagements and, if members are presenting or have a booth, determine communications items - flyers, etc. - needed. | Event - R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) submitted an abstract for the Agricultural Data Interest Group at the 13th Plenary of Research Data Alliance to be held in Philadelphia on April 1, 2019. |
8 | Holding Tank (items to consider in future) | New flyers
Other comm item/website considerations:
ASABE 2017: Sustainability, Provenance and ADAPT, Compound Identifiers. ASABE 2018: "Fit" paper (where does AgGateway "fit" into the standards space). Were not completed for conference papers, but could consider these journals for publication:
| KEEP - As update/create flyers or other materials, consider (from 8/28/18 meeting discussion): Flyer format:
Flyer focus: OUTCOMES |
9 | New Business | Discuss items not covered above. | In May, determine what should be at the InfoAg AgGateway booth: flyers, QR-code-cards, etc. Also: do we want a targeting/communications strategy for talking to different companies/exhibitors in person? |
10 | New Tasks | The group has reviewed what tasks were assigned during the meeting. |
11 | Next Meeting | The group agrees to the next meeting date and time. | at 10 a.m. US Central Time |
12 | Adjournment | The meeting is adjourned. | at 10:46 a.m. US Central Time |