2018-03-15 Communications Committee Meeting

2018-03-15 Communications Committee Meeting


All Members List
(present or not present)
Members Present
Non-Members Present
  1. Natasha Lilly* (The Equity)

  2. J. Nolfo* (BASF)

  3. Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)* (AgGateway)

  4. Shannon Haringx (Unlicensed)*

  5. Eileen Licitra (Unlicensed)* (Iteris, Inc.)

  6. Matt Garcia* (Syngenta)

  7. Anthony James (Unlicensed)* (Syngenta)

  8. Mary Enriquez (Unlicensed)* (Crop Protection Services)
  9. Nick Reichel (Deactivated) (XS, Inc)
  10. Matthew Grassi (Meister Media)
  11. Nikki Marshall (AgGateway Member Services)
  12. Evin Ellis (Unlicensed) (AgData)

(*Voting companies/** alternates)

Time2:00-3:00 PM ET / 1:00 - 2:00 PM CT
Web (Screen Sharing)https://conference-basf.webex.com/conference-basf-en/j.php?MTID=m6c0dad047bb751233f6cc1e20a353aef
Audio (VOIP/Phone)1 (877) 304-6368
Access Code709 162 225




Topic / Leader

Desired Outcome

Pre-Meeting Notes and Links to Supporting Resources

Meeting Minutes

03 min

Welcome & Roll Call / J. Nolfo

Attendees are listed above.


2 min
Antitrust / J. Nolfo

Everybody agreeing to the Antitrust Guidelines.

AgGateway Antritrust Guidelines

All agree to the Antitrust Guidelines.
21 min

Minutes Taker / Natasha Lilly

Natasha has agreed to take notes.
31 min
Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes / J. Nolfo

First - Natasha Lilly

Second- Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

Minutes approved by committee.


Review Action Items  J. Nolfo

Action Items to be reviewed:

  1. J. Nolfo Update Social Task Force
  2. Susan Ruland  to reach out to Trace-ability Working Group
  3. J. Nolfo Update member services on Matthew Grassi and update email address for Shannon.
  4. J. Nolfo to add the new meeting info in the wiki

  1. Worked on cleaning up list on .  Submitted info to Member Services morning of .
  2. Worked on cleaning up list on .  Submitted info to Member Services morning of .
  3. Completed

Susan reached out to the Trace-ability Group.  One concern was that this needs to be something that is a Cross-Council working group.  Susan has sent out some communication to the members.  Joe Tevis is the Chair and Mary Tangen is the Vice-Chair.  A small blurb was put out last week and Susan plans to have a possible write up for next month.


Committee Plan / J. Nolfo

Establish Goals for the new year

  • Operations
    • Get a Vice-Chair
    • Fill all Council/Working Group/Committee Liaisons
    • Increase membership size of Communications Committee
    • Job Description and Expectations for positions within the Committee (Member, Article Writer, Social Media)
  • Social Media
    • Increase interaction with social media platforms, especially LinkedIn Group and Twitter
    • Pre-load and semi-live tweet at relevant trade shows
  • Newsletter: 
    • Leadership Profile in each newsletter
    • New Member Profile in each newsletter
    • Each Council have at least two significant update article
    • Each Committee have at least 1 significant update article
    • Get publication of AgGateway related articles within company internal newsletters
    • Publish xx Case Studies

  • New Vice-Chair: Matthew Grassi of Meister Media

Social Media Calendar / J. Nolfo

Listing of who is responsible for what week until next Communication Committee Meeting


Newsletter Planning - April/ 

J. Nolfo

AgGateway Newsletter Articles



  1. New Member Article: Evin Ellis (Unlicensed)
  2. AgGateway in the News: Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)
  3. Leadership Profile: J. Nolfo
  4. AIDC Working Group: Jody Costa (Unlicensed)
  5. AGIIS: Chris CrutchfieldJosh Wall (Unlicensed)
  6. Council Updates: J. Nolfo
  7. Monthly LinkedIn Group Discussion: J. Nolfo
  8. eConnectivity Matters: Wendy Smith (Unlicensed)
  9. Quick Connect Highlight - Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)
  10. PAIL Press Release - Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)
  11. Trace-ability Working Group - Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

We need a new editor for the newsletter.  This is something that we need to try and fill over the next few months.

  1. New Member article- will now be the authored by Evin Ellis.  Thanks Evin!
  2. done
  3. Leadership - hopes to have one completed
  4. done
  5. done
  6. J to send out an email to council chairs
  7. Denise may have an article to discuss this
  8. Susan discussed with Wendy and we will postpone until next month
  9. not completed but planned
  10. done
  11. planned

Newsletter Planning - May/ 

J. Nolfo

AgGateway Newsletter Articles



  1. New Member Article: Evin Ellis (Unlicensed)
  2. AgGateway in the News: Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)
  3. Leadership Profile: J. Nolfo
  4. AIDC Working Group: Jody Costa (Unlicensed)
  5. AGIIS: Chris CrutchfieldJosh Wall (Unlicensed)
  6. Council Updates: J. Nolfo
  7. Monthly LinkedIn Group Discussion: J. Nolfo
  8. eConnectivity Matters - Wendy Smith (Unlicensed)
  9. Crop Protection - Eileen Licitra (Unlicensed)
  10. Allied Providers - Eileen Licitra (Unlicensed)
  11. Quick Connect Session - Natasha Lilly

J Nolfo to write about Case Studies??? Spec Chem - write about the big wins.


Council & Working Group Updates / J. Nolfo & Liaisons

Each liaison to provide an update of what is happening in their Councils or Committees and to determine if Communications can provide assistance


Committees and Working Groups

Note: All liaisons to continue to talk with councils and committees about the upcoming meetings that are important to each group.

Seed- Natasha Lilly - a lot of discussion on the Cross Councils harmonization rules that Lori Edwards asked the group to discuss.  Anthony James plans to put a meeting back on the books for the Seed Value Calculator.

Ag Retail-Natasha Lilly - Ag Retail has created a task force for a Mid-Year Ag Retail Quick Connect Session.  We are asking for volunteers for the task force.

Grain & Feed-Natasha Lilly - welcomed a new member Kristi Block - a lot of discussion on block chain effect in Agriculture

Crop Nutrition-

Specialty Chem-J. Nolfo -No Council meeting since last Committee meeting

Allied Providers - Eileen Licitra (Unlicensed) -

Crop ProtectionEileen Licitra (Unlicensed) - unable to make the last meeting. Case Studies was something that was brought up and there was an interested party.  Eileen will try and get them in contact with Susan.

Precision Ag - Shannon Haringx (Unlicensed) - Meeting Friday to put together an engagement plan for silent members and identify members to reach out to for specific reasons, such as CART. - Susan speaks up that this was a great activity to review for other councils.

Conference Committee

Membership CommitteeNick Reichel (Deactivated)


Marketing Plan / Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

  • Updates regarding AgGateway Strategic Plan
  • Updates regarding quarterly focus and press releases 
  • Annual Report Feedback
  • Susan spoke early about the important of Case Studies and that the Strategic board and the OMB was very interested in this and have a lot on interest in the traction of this activity.

 New Business  

Other Discussion Items / J. Nolfo

  • For other committee members to address topics not covered above.
  • Natasha promises to have Susan The Equity case study in a few days. Susan explains that she is making a case study kit and needs one to include in this next flow. 
  • Susan - still needs some help with the Newsletter - maybe Matt

 Meeting Wrap Up  
Next Meeting / J. Nolfo
  • Next Committee meeting will be April 5th @ 2:00- 3:00 pm EST/ 1:00-2:00 pm CST
Adjournment / J. Nolfo

  • Meeting adjourned at approximately 2:48 pm EST

  • Active Action Items As of  

Date AssignedAction ItemDue DateComments/Status
  J. Nolfo to revisit the idea of training on Social Media.  

J may just reach out to Matt and Nick on a call.

  Natasha Lilly to finish her case study and get to Susan. 
 Eileen Licitra (Unlicensed) to find out who was interested in a Case Study in CP and get that info to Susan 

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