2018-03-15 Communications Committee Meeting

2018-03-15 Communications Committee Meeting


All Members List
(present or not present)
Members Present
Non-Members Present
  1. Natasha Lilly* (The Equity)

  2. J. Nolfo* (BASF)

  3. Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)* (AgGateway)

  4. Shannon Haringx (Unlicensed)*

  5. Eileen Licitra (Unlicensed)* (Iteris, Inc.)

  6. Matt Garcia* (Syngenta)

  7. Anthony James (Unlicensed)* (Syngenta)

  8. Mary Enriquez (Unlicensed)* (Crop Protection Services)
  9. Nick Reichel (Deactivated) (XS, Inc)
  10. Matthew Grassi (Meister Media)
  11. Nikki Marshall (AgGateway Member Services)
  12. Evin Ellis (Unlicensed) (AgData)

(*Voting companies/** alternates)

Time2:00-3:00 PM ET / 1:00 - 2:00 PM CT
Web (Screen Sharing)https://conference-basf.webex.com/conference-basf-en/j.php?MTID=m6c0dad047bb751233f6cc1e20a353aef
Audio (VOIP/Phone)1 (877) 304-6368
Access Code709 162 225




Topic / Leader

Desired Outcome

Pre-Meeting Notes and Links to Supporting Resources

Meeting Minutes

03 min

Welcome & Roll Call / J. Nolfo

Attendees are listed above.


2 min
Antitrust / J. Nolfo

Everybody agreeing to the Antitrust Guidelines.

AgGateway Antritrust Guidelines

All agree to the Antitrust Guidelines.
21 min

Minutes Taker / Natasha Lilly

Natasha has agreed to take notes.
31 min
Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes / J. Nolfo

First - Natasha Lilly

Second- Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

Minutes approved by committee.


Review Action Items  J. Nolfo

Action Items to be reviewed:

  1. J. Nolfo Update Social Task Force
  2. Susan Ruland  to reach out to Trace-ability Working Group
  3. J. Nolfo Update member services on Matthew Grassi and update email address for Shannon.
  4. J. Nolfo to add the new meeting info in the wiki

  1. Worke