2015-11-23 Communications Team Meeting

Meeting Information



2 - 3 PM US Central Time



Access Code 



Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Pre-Meeting Notes and Links to Supporting Resources

Meeting Minutes


Anti-Trust (Project Manager or Meeting Facilitator)Each participant indicates that he/she understands and agrees to abide by the AgGateway Anti-Trust Policy, or leaves the meeting.All are agreed.
2Minutes Taker (Project Manager)A minutes taker has been selected.Shannon Haringx (Unlicensed) will take notes.
3Meeting Agenda (Meeting facilitator)The group understands the agenda, adjusting it as necessary.

The team understood the agenda.


  • Urgent Items
  • Review open tasks
  • Stakeholder Elevator Speeches
  • Communications Calendar



  • Urgent Items
  • Review open tasks
  • Reference Data API Elevator Speeches: 
      • Equipment Manufacturer and Input Manufacturer - completed by Abby.  
      • Consumers - not yet started - Abby to take a look in her spare time at possibly drafting.
      • Reference Data Providers -  not yet started - Abby to take a look in her spare time at possibly drafting.
  • There is a need for general "intro to SPADE" elevator speeches to the following audiences:
      • Industry show/event attendees - unfamiliar with SPADE or AgGateway (needed before Feb. shows)
      • Companies of current SPADE and/or AgGateway participants
      • Companies to be recruited for SPADE3
  • Communications Calendar
      • ARA Mtg. (Palm Spring): 12/1-12/4
        • No special communications needs for this meeting
      • Big Data meeting in St. Louis in January 26.
        • No one from AgGateway is presenting - normally participants from SPADE will attend
        • Jeremy is attending the event - Shannon to send Jeremy an email to see what will be needed for it. Perhaps discuss at the meeting on 12/7. If urgent needs, then this will take priority over Reference Data API elevator speeches.
      • Update calendar of events
  • General Notes:
      • Annual meeting went well - brief update on communications
      • PAIL working session to capture communications landscape
        • Dan to draft his plan to review with the team and post to wiki
      • Shannon will not be available for 12/7 meeting - Abby to host in her place. Get credentials from Jim to host go to meeting.
      • 12/21 meeting will likely be canceled. Team will regroup again at next meeting on 1/4/15.
4Meeting Minutes (Meeting facilitator)

Unapproved minutes of previous meetings are approved.


Meeting Minutes approved at end of each meeting.
5New Tasks (Minutes Taker)The group has reviewed what tasks were assigned during the meeting.
  • Complete
6Next Meeting (Meeting facilitator)The group agrees to the next meeting date and time and possibly a recurring meeting schedule.

 Recurring meeting schedule has been set.

7Adjournment (Meeting facilitator)The meeting is adjourned.Adjourned.