2018 AETC Talking Points

2018 AETC Talking Points


CommitteeTalking PointsComments



  • Working on X611
    • mechanical harvest focus
    • include visual of SPADE deliverables for harvest (BPMN, etc.)
    • Deere plug-in - brings in equipment data
    • ISO plug-in and what it does
    • ADM plug-in allows transmission of yield data among FMIS's
    • Include example as a story format, i.e. an actual use case
      • Include TopCon's vision that we shouldn't try to capture all the subtleties - polygon vs. meat & potatoes records with DDIs, etc.
need to update gliffy license


(Intl. Stds.)

  • PAIL: AGGateway → X632 → ISO
    • AgGateway is your friend and how
  • AgGateway Europe/Japan/LATAM
    • Growing international presence - involvement in developing international standards
  • Drive home the point that AgGateway is about business processes
  • High level point - we need to be very clear about scope of our work - continue to emphasize collaboration first then work to understand other people's scope to prevent duplication of efforts
high level

MS 23/6


    • switch up examples for application
    • Include OK to Spray idea
    • reference data API work with containers
pertains to sprayers

MS 23/19

(Ag elec.)

ADAPT, ISO plug-in and its release.

Interactions w ISO? AEF?
