0 3 min Welcome & Roll Call / J. Nolfo
Attendees are listed above. 1
2 min Everybody agreeing to the Antitrust Guidelines.
AgGateway Antritrust Guidelines
All agree to the Antitrust Guidelines. 2 1 min Minutes Taker / J. Nolfo 3 1 min Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes /
J. Nolfo Old Business 4 Review Action Items / J. Nolfo
Action Items to be reviewed:
J. Nolfo to turn in the meeting descriptions for the Mid-Year J. Nolfo reach out to Jody - to see if we can produce some analytics at the Mid-Year All Social Media Task Force members to add Social Media into their calendars. All actions items were completed.
J. Nolfo informs the group about what the Social Media Task Force does and asks the group for any additional interest in participation.
5 Committee Plan / J. Nolfo
Establish Goals for the new year
OperationsGet a Vice-Chair Fill all Council/Working Group/Committee Liaisons Increase membership size of Communications Committee Social MediaIncrease interaction with social media platforms, especially LinkedIn Group and Twitter NewsletterLeadership Profile in each newsletter Each Council have at least two significant update article Each Committee have at least 1 significant update article 6 Updates regarding AgGateway Strategic Plan Updates regarding quarterly focus and press releases Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) informs the group on her role in the Communication Committee:
Ag Retail-
Post seminar- ways to use the case studies, video, and other testimonials. ARA - how we can get more info out to a bigger audience. We have to decide what to do at the November meeting this year. Sales reporting format - how to get the right message formulated ( Ag Retail Council) ADAPT framework -
Toolkit is now available - promotions will follow at InfoAg this coming July Seed-
Value Calculator promotion Discussion on joining all the calculators joining and being promoted together Webinar for the Value Calculator was also an idea that is being discussed Promotion into other seed trade associations. Crop Nutrition
press release will soon be put out the Order/Create Precision Ag
New PAIL standard - press release SPADE deliverables will be released as they become available C-Suite Kit
Hard to create because of the many variables. Annual Conference Promotion
Quick Connect - new idea for joining different people together Ron Storms award AgGateway in Action 2 videos that were completed this year Annual Reports Idea
What does it look like? Open to all attendees for ideas Exploration of a Graphic Video Concept
Something Simple but catchy 7 Newsletter Planning - August / Kristin Nottingham
AgGateway Newsletter Articles AgGateway Newsletter Articles Due Date 21 Jul 2017
Title/Subject Author Leadership Profile: New Member Article AgGateway In The News AIDC Working Group AGIIS AgGateway Resources and Testimonial Video Mid Year Meeting In Review AgGateway to Careers Annual Conference Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) Ron Storms
New Article Ideas
Articles Removed/Edited:
All articles will be turned in time for the July meeting New Business 8 Newsletter Planning - September / Kristin Nottingham
New Article Ideas:
Newsletter article on the Crop Nutrition - Order/Create Standard - Sarah Koehn Telematix????? article Ben Craker Articles Removed/Edited
9 Council & Working Group Updates / J. Nolfo & Liaisons
Each liaison to provide an update of what is happening in their Councils or Committees and to determine if Communications can provide assistance Councils: Committees and Working Groups: Conference Committee: Kristin Nottingham Membership Committee: OPEN SPADE Task Force:OPEN SPADE Communications Task Force: OPEN Remove Shane Snyder on all councils.
Remove Susan and add in Shannon Haringx for Precision Ag.
Seed- Natasha Lilly
Value Calculator finalization Ag Retail- Natasha Lilly
Power in the Connectivity Seminar Ideas about ways to spread this type of word further Crop Nutrition Sarah Koehn
spotlight on AGIIS Product change request inside of AGIIS Value Calculator and C-Suite communications Specialty Chem- J. Nolfo
Brainstorming session - how to get past big hurdles Allied Providers - Jody Costa (Unlicensed)
Plan to do a guest speakers series this year - Greg Erler presented a sneak peak at the Seed Value Calculator Decide what we want to do with the current capabilities matrixNot in heavy use Categorization of the bulk of it - ease of use Discussions on public vision of this tool Conference Committee - Kristin Nottingham
Fireside chat was positive Connectivity seminar Crop Protection - Lori Edwards
3 working groups currently are underway Work on Product Directory - how to identify the product and formulation instead of the container itself How to reach out to the other councils so that we can join together and work with these councils Precision Ag - Shannon Haringx (Unlicensed)
Update on PAIL - very close for there to be news SPADE is wrapping up due to funding issues 10 Social Media Calendar / J. Nolfo Listing of who is responsible for what week until next Communication Committee Meeting
All have been informed and asked to participate on this task force. 11 Other Discussion Items / J. Nolfo
For other committee members to address topics not covered above. Social Media Discussion 20 Website Google Analytics / J. Nolfo and Jody Costa Review of Google Analytics sites and events
Google Analytics was not turned on with our new website. Susan will work with website team to get this turned on.
J. Nolfo presented on the LinkedIn analytics "Reach"
May was extraordinarily high we think this is due to the preparation of the Mid-Year Meeting. Twitter - Followers are continuing to grow. Discussion on Anthony James as a Annual and Mid-Year tweeter! 21 Social Media insights from Social Media Marketing World 2017 / J. Nolfo High Level review of relevant topics presented at Social Media Marketing World 2017 Lots of content that is now including Images - R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed) shared an extraordinary amount of content.
Images and Video are very important.
22 Guidelines development for Social Media Task Force / TBD Develop rules guidelines and standards for each primary platform AgGateway uses Guidelines to be placed on Wiki page when complete 98 You can subscribe to the Communications Calendar for Monthly meeting and Social Media schedules Next Committee call is July 6th @ 3:00- 4:00pm EST 99 Meeting adjourned at 5:23 pm CST