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Updates regarding quarterly focus and press releases
InfoAg precision ag meeting was held this past week in St. Louis. We distributed a press release on AgGateway precision ag activities and got some media coverage. We also distributed a new flyer on ADAPT.
August newsletter will go out early next week. Good contributions again this month – thanks as always for your invaluable help Kristin!
The Strategic Board is discussing a 5-year plan that would start Jan 2018. As part of that plan we’re reviewing AgGateway’s Mission and Vision statements. I’ll update you on the next call.
Google analytics is up and running on the “new” website, so soon we’ll be able to measure traffic and how much flow through we’re getting from social media. More on this on our next call.
Lots of planning now in preparation for Annual Conference in November. Working on meeting promotion, the Annual Report, promoting for Ron Storms Award, etc.
Will help Kristin with promotion of Gateway to Ag Careers when I get back from vacation.
Guidelines development for Social Media Task Force / J. Nolfo
Develop rules guidelines and standards for each primary platform AgGateway uses
Determine interest for newer members joining task force
Establish cadence/frequency in talking online in Various channels
Social Media Task Force Charter
At the joint meeting between the Strategic Board & Operational Management Board (OMB) during MYM, a discussion came up about the task forces and working groups that the councils have recently established or will be establishing soon. The question was asked as to where a listing of the task forces or working groups charters could be found on the wiki.
The charter is a document of the task force or working group and a communication tool to (and reviewed by) both the OMB and the Council Leadership Group so that if there are any synergies between councils, both the OMB and the Council Leadership Group would be aware of it.
Due 8/31/17
J. Nolfo - updates the group that we may need to make a Charter for the Social Media Task Force. This was clarified by Marilyn Hunter (Unlicensed) and we will need to write this up.
Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) - not sure that we need a charter because the Social Media Task Force is ongoing without a definable end.
Marilyn clarified that Social Media Task Force is more of a working group instead of a task force.
J. Nolfo will be working on the charter and would like thoughts and comments.