AgGateway 2020 Communications Committee

AgGateway 2020 Communications Committee

Use the following template to define the Committee structure moving into AgGateway 2020


TopicsDefine What the AgGateway 2020 Committee Will Look Like
Purpose of CommitteeCommunications Committee: Help to keep the members and industry up to speed on AgGateway activities. Advisory group to Communications Director. Manage the monthly newsletter and daily social media.

Policies or Guidance (what you will do; how will you do it)

Meetings:  How often?

Templates for materials, press releases, channels for particular promotion, website vs. members-only wiki, branding guidelines.

We will need to do international branding guidelines. (Are we keeping international in mind when we produce materials)

Question of translation – just English, other languages. 

Media lists updated.

Include current PAC communication task force into the Communications Committee

Usually once/month. If need for more they can be scheduled. 

Representation (how many & who will be on the committee)Continue with members who are interested; also liaison with regions (not necessarily on the same time). Representatives or reports from Working Groups (invite them in for a limited time).  Continue to invite marketing/communications/business folks. 
Roles of committee (what is needed)Committee is an advisory body for the Communications Plan. Providing content Communications Director. Assistance on the newsletter and social media. 
How to recruit volunteers? (as there won't be councils)Target certain industry segments – keep current participants involved. Where are gaps? Current members reach out potential members to invite them in. 
Staff involvement (how you see the staff involved)Communications Director is acting chair, welcoming volunteer leaders.
Plan to transition (what you need to do prior to transition; document a timeline of activities)Merging the Communications Committee with PAC communications. Reach out to regions. 

Do keep in mind the global aspect of the new AgGateway 2020.

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