2019-03-19 AgGateway 2020 Leadership Webinar
2019-03-19 AgGateway 2020 Leadership Webinar
- Members: aberger@agsense.net (Unlicensed); Alek Krenichyn (Deactivated); Carissa Staples (Unlicensed); Chris Langley; Clay Mayer (Unlicensed); DANIEL DANFORD; Dennis Daggett; Jacob Crow; Jeff Belding (Unlicensed); Jenna Allen (Unlicensed); Jeremy W Wilson; Jessica Trites Rolle; Kay Campe; Kevin Gondek; Matt Garcia; Michael Carrabine; Mike Thronson (Unlicensed); rfry@ceres.coop; Ron Farrell (Unlicensed); Ron Staab (Unlicensed); Scott Nieman;Stuart Rhea (Unlicensed); Stephanie Frazier (Unlicensed); Steve Daigle (Unlicensed);
- Staff: Brent Kemp Marilyn Hunter (Unlicensed); Josh Wall (Unlicensed); Chris Crutchfield; Susan Ruland (Unlicensed); Wendy Smith (Unlicensed)
- Welcome
- Antitrust - all agreed
- Review Goals of AgGateway 2020
- Organizational Structure
- High-level recommendations
- Draft org chart
- AgGateway Regions
- Board and Executive Committee
- Communities
- Committees
- Working Groups
- Digital Resource Center
- Portfolio Management Center
- Centers of Activity
- April Face-to-Face Meeting
- Next Steps
Discussion from the AgGateway 2020 Leadership Webinar:
- What does it mean to us for our council meeting - When can we start rolling this information out to the councils?
- You can use the document Wendy sent out prior to this webinar or the slides linked above.
- Is there a plan of how to transition the council to communities?
- That will be a topic we will be working on with the leaders at the April meeting
- At the April meeting we will be talking about how the leaders think would be the best way to accomplish that transition from council to communities.
- Plan for your council meetings at MYM to capture wider feedback on the transition. We may schedule some transition for the Annual Meeting.
- Would it be smart to let the councils know when we are having the meeting and will discussing more about that at MYM, and fill out the AgGateway 2020 wiki page?
- Good point. Yes, this remains a work in progress
- Some cases we have been working on this and it has been a flowing process
- Wiki page - we really haven't received much of anything on that page - we need people's thoughts and questions
, multiple selections available,