2016-03-03 Communications Committee Meeting

2016-03-03 Communications Committee Meeting


All Members List
(present or not present)
Members Present
Non-Members Present
  1. Natasha Lilly* (The Equity - Chair)

  2. J. Nolfo* (BASF - Vice Chair)

  3. Kristin Nottingham* (SSI)
  4. David Craft* (SSI)
  5. Melinda Sposari* (Fertilizer Institute)
  6. Andriana Majarian* (Agrian) 

  7. Brandon Olstad (Unlicensed)* (Claas)
  8. Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)* (AgGateway)
  9. Victoria Peoples* (Bayer)

  10. Jody Costa (Unlicensed)* (Barcoding, Inc.)

  11. Shane Snyder* (Barcoding, Inc.)

  12. Meri (AgGateway)


  1.  Natasha Lilly

  2. Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)
  3. Kristin Nottingham
  4. Jody Costa (Unlicensed)
  5. Shane Snyder
  6. Melinda Sposari
  7. Brandon Olstad (Unlicensed)



(*Voting companies/** alternates)

Meeting Information


3:00 - 4:00 US ET

Web (Screen Sharing)


Audio (VOIP/Phone)

(872) 240-3311

Access Code165-863-693






Topic / Leader

Desired Outcome

Pre-Meeting Notes and Links to Supporting Resources

Meeting Minutes

03 minWelcome & Roll Call - Natasha LillyAll accounted for 


2 minAntitrust / Natasha Lilly

Each participant has indicated that he/she understands and agrees to abide by the AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines, or leaves the meeting.

AgGateway Antritrust Guidelines

 All willing to abide
21 minMinutes Taker / A minutes taker has been selected.

 Natasha Lilly is willing to capture

31 minApproval of Prior Meeting Minutes / Natasha Lilly  Jody Costa Moves, Shane Snyder Seconds.
4 Review Action Items /  Natasha Lilly   Committee reviewed Action Items from previous month.
5 Newsletter Planning – April
AgGateway Newsletter Articles
Due DateTuesday, March 15, 2016
Ag Connectivity Matters  Wendy Smith (Unlicensed)
New Member ArticleNatasha Lilly
AgGateway In The News Kristin Nottingham
Leadership Profile  Brandon Olstad (Unlicensed)
AIDC Working Group Jody Costa (Unlicensed)

Chris Crutchfield / Former user (Deleted) 

Allied Providers MatrixSusan Ruland (Unlicensed)
Mid-Year MeetingJulie Benick

 Removal of Allied Providers matrix - This went out in the March newsletter




6 Newsletter Planning – May
AgGateway Newsletter Articles Tuesday, April 19, 2016
Due Date 
New Member ArticleNatasha Lilly
AgGateway In The News Kristin Nottingham
Leadership Profile  Brandon Olstad (Unlicensed)
AgGateway Global NetworkRod Conner
AIDC Working Group Jody Costa (Unlicensed)

Chris Crutchfield / Former user (Deleted)

 Mid-Year Meeting Julie Benick
 SPADE article Susan Ruland

 Jody Costa is working with Michelle/GS1 and will have content for the AIDC working Group


Brandon is planning to do an article on Shayla Darnell 


Susan is adding a Spade article from content that came in from R. Andres Ferreyra (Unlicensed)


Rod Conner will contribute with an update on the AgGateway Global Network.  This could be an ongoing article or something that we could have every few months.


7 Marketing Plan / Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) 

 We reviewed the Committee plan as a group and went over Susan's strategy as this group is slightly different from other council with their committee or council's plan.

8 Committee Plan / Natasha Lilly 

 Natasha would like to put full focus on the social content for the first two quarters of the year.  Jody commented that we need to beef up the number of messages.  Send out content then follow up with a how to join or other information on AgGateway.


Council & Working Group Updates / Kristin Nottingham

  • Seed Council: Natasha Lilly
  • Ag Retail Council:Natasha Lilly, Dave Craft
  • Crop Nutrition Council: Melinda Sposari - Crop Nutrition Council
  • Specialty Chemical Council: J. Nolfo, Victoria Peoples
  • Crop Protection Council: Victoria Peoples 
  • Precision Ag Council: Brandon Olstad
  • Allied Providers Council: Jody Costa, Shane Snyder
  • SPADE Group: Brandon Olstad
  • SPADE Communications Task Force: Brandon Olstad


Kristin has very actively been contacting the councils and working groups and a lot of good content has been coming it. 


 We are represented by all major groups with the exception of Feed and Grain council. 

  • Natasha Lilly will follow up with an email to that group and plan to discuss further at the Mid-year meeting. 
97 Other Discussion Items / Natasha Lilly



 Jody created a Power point for the Board Meeting. 


All Social Media members will need to be more active on retweets.  Please pay attention during your week.  We will bump it up to Two tweets per day.


Melinda Sposari suggested we have a time slot for the Mid-year Meeting - all agreed.


  • Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) will email the group the presentation for review before the next call. 
  • Natasha Lilly will start a one pager to start editing for the group to discuss on the next call. 
  • Natasha Lilly will email Marilyn Hunter on a possible Time slot for a Social update at the upcoming Mid-Year meeting.
98 Next Meeting / Natasha Lilly

Team is aware of the next meeting date/time.

Next meeting to be Thursday, April 7th at 3 pm ET/ 2 pm CT/ 1 pm MT/ noon pm PT.  Our meetings can be found on the Wiki & AgGateway calendars.
99 Adjournment / Natasha LillyThe meeting is adjourned.Adjourned at 2:52 PM ET.


  • Active Action Items as of 2/11/2016

Date AssignedAction ItemDue DateComments/Status
  • Natasha Lilly will start a one pager to start editing for the group to discuss on the next call. 
  • Natasha Lilly will email Marilyn Hunter on a possible Time slot for a Social update at the upcoming Mid-Year meeting.
  • Natasha Lilly to follow up with Grain and Feed Council to find a committee liaison.


 03/03 04/07


  • J. Nolfoto follow up with Member Services on this and to use emails communication in addition to Wiki feeds until situation is resolved.  Social Media reminders have not been received.





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