2016-02-11 Communications Committee Meeting

2016-02-11 Communications Committee Meeting


All Members List
(present or not present)
Members Present
Non-Members Present
  1. Natasha Lilly* (The Equity - Chair)

  2. J. Nolfo* (BASF - Vice Chair)

  3. Kristin Nottingham* (SSI)
  4. David Craft* (SSI)
  5. Melinda Sposari* (Fertilizer Institute)
  6. Andriana Majarian* (Agrian) 

  7. Brandon Olstad (Unlicensed)* (Claas)
  8. Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)* (AgGateway)
  9. Victoria Peoples* (Bayer)

  10. Jody Costa (Unlicensed)* (Barcoding, Inc.)

  11. Shane Snyder* (Barcoding, Inc.)


  1. Kristin Nottingham

  2. J. Nolfo
  3. Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)
  4. Natasha Lilly
  5. Brandon Olstad (Unlicensed)




(*Voting companies/** alternates)

Meeting Information


3:00 - 4:00 US ET

Web (Screen Sharing)


Audio (VOIP/Phone)

(872) 240-3311

Access Code165-863-693






Topic / Leader

Desired Outcome

Pre-Meeting Notes and Links to Supporting Resources

Meeting Minutes

03 minWelcome & Roll Call - Natasha LillyAll accounted for 


2 minAntitrust / Natasha Lilly

Each participant has indicated that he/she understands and agrees to abide by the AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines, or leaves the meeting.

AgGateway Antritrust Guidelines

All willing to abide
21 minMinutes Taker / A minutes taker has been selected.
31 minApproval of Prior Meeting Minutes / Natasha Lilly Kristin Moves, J Seconds.
4 Review Action Items /  Natasha Lilly  

Committee reviewed Action Items from previous month.

Decision to pull Andriana off of things until we hear confirmations back from her on level of involvement.

Melinda Sposari to stay active in Committee and be liaison for Crop Nutrition Council.

5 Newsletter Planning – March
AgGateway Newsletter Articles
Due DateTuesday, February 16, 2016
New Member ArticlesNatasha Lilly

Chris Crutchfield / @Josh Wall

AgGateway In The News Kristin Nottingham
Leadership Profile  Brandon Olstad (Unlicensed)
AIDC Working Group Jody Costa (Unlicensed)
Communications ToolkitSusan Ruland (Unlicensed)
AgRetail Standard ReportingSusan Ruland (Unlicensed) / Natasha Lilly
Crop Nutrition ArticleMelinda Sposari
Mid-Year Meeting Highlights Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)
SPADE CommitteeShannon Haringx (Unlicensed)

Natasha still working on "New Member" article for March.

Leadership: Sarah Moster working on hers.

Jody good on content for AIDC

Potential SPADE article Shannon Harringx

6 Newsletter Planning – April
AgGateway Newsletter Articles 
Due DateTuesday, March 15, 2016
Ag Connectivity Matters  Wendy Smith (Unlicensed)
New Member ArticleNatasha Lilly
Allied Providers MatrixSusan Ruland (Unlicensed)
AgGateway In The News Kristin Nottingham
Leadership Profile  Brandon Olstad (Unlicensed)
AIDC Working Group Jody Costa (Unlicensed)

Chris Crutchfield / @Josh Wall

Mid-Year Meeting Julie Benick
7 Marketing Plan / Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) 

Areas of Emphasis for AgGateway Communications: Awareness, Participation, Initiative Support, Consistent Corporate Branding/Messaging, Corporate Positioning

Strategic Objectives for next 3 years set by Board.

Discussion around 3 Goals for Communications.

Discussion around Tactics, Meeting Promotion Plans.

Next Steps: Quarterly To Do List. Each month Susan will be sharing what is happening for the month during each call.

Board Meeting review: Great energy, lots of ideas discussed on how to use Communications Committee effectively. Goal for Councils, provide content! AgRetail already started. SPADE and Grain & Seed have some ideas started.

Develop a Call To Action Brainstorm agenda item for March agenda: Social Media emphasis

8 Committee Plan / Natasha Lilly 



Council Updates / Kristin Nottingham


Kristin Will be reaching out to new members during the month to be sure if they have anything for the Committee.


New Business: Committee Assignments

/ Natasha Lilly

Council Members – Do we have members from each council?
• Kristin Nottingham – No council
• Natasha Lilly – Seed Council, Ag Retail Council
• Dave Craft – Ag Retail Council
• Melinda Sposari - Crop Nutrition Council
• Victoria Peoples – Specialty Chemical Council, Crop Protection Council
• Susan Ruland – No council
• Brandon Olstad – Precision Ag Council, SPADE Group, SPADE Communications Task Force
• Jody Costa – Allied Providers Council
• Shane Snyder – Allied Providers Council
• J Nolfo – Specialty Chemical Council

Still need involvement from the  Grain & Feed Council


11 Review of Wiki page / J. NolfoReview setup & development of Wiki page and ensure everyone on committee has access.J. to continue to update Wiki. Many did not get notification of the call. J to follow up with Member Services on this and to use emails communication in addition to Wiki feeds until situation is resolved.
12 Other Discussion Items / Natasha Lilly

Reaching out to Councils - Media Task Force

Do we need to still send out an Invite for personal outlook calendars for the meetings for the remainder of the year.




13 Council Reporting Points / Natasha Lilly 


98 Next Meeting / Natasha Lilly

Team is aware of the next meeting date/time.

Next meeting to be Thursday, March 4th at 3 pm ET/ 2 pm CT/ 1 pm MT/ noon pm PT.  Our meetings can be found on the Wiki & AgGateway calendars.
99 Adjournment / Natasha LillyThe meeting is adjourned.Adjourned at 4:15 PM ET.


Active Action Items as of 2/11/2016

Date AssignedAction ItemDue DateComments/Status
  Susan has given some thought to this as well as a few new programs coming out. Nothing set in stone yet. In process. Susan is cleaning up the website. Susan still working on.
  Continued to next month.
  • Natasha Lilly to follow up with Grain and Seed Council to find a committee liaison.




  • J. Nolfoto follow up with Member Services on this and to use emails communication in addition to Wiki feeds until situation is resolved.



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