2022-02-03 Communications Committee Meeting

2022-02-03 Communications Committee Meeting


All Members List
(present or not present)
Members Present
Non-Members Present

Paul Schrimpf

Nikki Marshall

(*Voting companies/** alternates)

Time1:00 pm CT (Chicago)
Web (Screen Sharing)

Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

Audio (VOIP/Phone)

United States: (571) 317-3116 (see meeting invite for other countries)

Access Code





Topic / Leader

Desired Outcome

Pre-Meeting Notes and Links to Supporting Resources

Meeting Minutes




Antitrust / Paul Schrimpf

Read antitrust statement: 

“In all of AgGateway’s operations and activities, it must avoid discussions or conduct that might violate applicable antitrust laws, or even appear to do so. To that end, AgGateway has established antitrust guidelines, which it has provided to each participant in this meeting. While it is your ultimate responsibility to ensure that your actions comply with applicable antitrust laws, your participation in this meeting is affirmation that you will abide by AgGateway’s guidelines.”

AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines

Read by Paul Schrimpf


Review Action Items 

Review action items from previous meetings. 

  • Theme Follow Up: "Realizing the Power of Connections"
  • Social Media: Feedback So Far
  • Email Contact List Discussion Update/Email Bounces
  • Case Studies: Conversation with Dan B.
  • Speakers Bureau: Thumbs up
  • Tap Into AgGateway
  • Ag Day Plan Update March 21-22

Paul Schrimpf noted that future annual reports will be more overtly a reflection on the accomplishments of the year passed... how the organization met the challenge of that year's theme and goals. 

Social media reported going well from all participants. Committee members are effectively tapping into existing web resources and stories to post on SM when news is light. 

Paul Schrimpf noted that bounce rates on the member have been growing, now nearly 300 out of the 1750 we send. Nikki Marshall is setting up a meeting with Paul and Chris Crutchfield to discuss. EDIT by Nikki: meeting scheduled for 2/4/22 at 1:30pm Chicago.

Ag Day/Ag on the Mall plan generated some great suggestions. Rather than bring a lot of flyers, Julia Eberhart suggested we bring a few samples and provide QR Codes for people to directly download the brochures (either on a monitor or in printed material). 

Resources & Relationships / 

  • Association Outreach - AFIA, ARA, etc. – (not started) Women In Agribusiness

Paul Schrimpf will reach out to ARA and CropLife America before the next Com Meeting.


Activity Update / 


  • Welcome Google! (Whisper)
  • Newsletter Discussion: Feature Story Ideas
    • Member Profiles that focus on AGG Value?
  • Focus for Communication Plan
    • Audience Definition Exercise
      • Sort by company type and title, establish priority (Key Accounts?)
      • C-Suite is a clear target
      • Define by message... what resonates in each segment?
      • AGG 2022 ... move the spirit of "2020" relaunch forward. "If you haven't stopped by recently, it's time to come back"
  • Mid Year Meeting Sponsor Calls/Marketing (June 13-16)
  • Website

Nikki Marshall still working on getting statement and logo from Google (notoriously slow to respond), then we can more robustly trumpet their membership. 

The group will keep an eye open for possible feature stories we can execute for the newsletter. 

Communication Plan skeleton described by Paul Schrimpf was well received.. Jessica Trites Rolle especially liked the idea of getting people to reengage with AGW ... the AGW 2020 plan never got a chance to percolate before COVID hit. Paul will have a rounded out communication plan to put before the group at the next meeting. 

Paul Schrimpf shared that there's a sense from staff and members that the website, while robust, could do a better job of making information available and clear to the user. Lots there but often difficult to find. 

The group chimed in positively on the idea of bringing the company list "above the fold," and making it easier to scan through companies. 


Materials Development 

Still getting feedback on priorities, hope to have something more together for next ComCom Meeting. 

Newsletter Planning  

Newsletter Articles - March Issue (First week of Mar. release)

Deadline: February 18


  1. Portfolio Update
  2. Ag Day Event, March 20-21
  3. Feature Article TBD 
  4. New Member Article - Google?? TBD
  5. Latin America - Loyola
  6. Europe - Conny 
  7. Association - industry news
  8. AGIIS/Member Services: Josh Wall

Paul Schrimpf explained that he would like to do some pitching to podcasters to get AGW leadership on for interviews. Julia Eberhart shared podcasts by Tim Hammerich and Tim and Tyler Nuss, which look great. 


Group Updates

Open floor - anyone can share an update of what is happening in other areas of AgGateway where they're working. Also, determine if Communications can provide assistance.

Mid-Year Conference Promotion should be starting in a couple weeks. Graphic for the website is with Meri for design. 
 New Business  

Other Discussion Items 

  • For other committee members to address topics not covered above.

 Meeting Wrap Up  

Next Meeting 
March 3, 1 PM ChicagoMeetings for 2022 will continue to be first Thursdays at 1pm Chicago. Nikki notified Kimberly so she can set up this year's meeting series.


  • Active Action Items 

Date AssignedAction ItemDue DateComments/Status

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