2019-11-06 Communications Committee Meeting

2019-11-06 Communications Committee Meeting


All Members List
(present or not present)
Members Present
Non-Members Present

Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

Nick Reichel (Deactivated)

Nikki Marshall

Sydney Groom (GTAC)

2 men from Japan

(*Voting companies/** alternates)

Time1:45 - 2:45 pm CT (New Orleans)
Web (Screen Sharing)
Audio (VOIP/Phone)
Access Code




Topic / Leader

Desired Outcome

Pre-Meeting Notes and Links to Supporting Resources

Meeting Minutes


Welcome & Roll Call / Susan Ruland

Attendees are listed above.

Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) is the acting chair. If you are interested in becoming the chair or co-chair, please speak up or feel free to contact Susan anytime.



Everybody agrees to the Antitrust Guidelines.

AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines

Agreement took place when registering.

Minutes Taker / 

Nikki is taking notes.
Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes / Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

Minutes from September: 2019-09-05 Communications Committee Meeting

Nikki made the motion to approve the Sept minutes, Susan seconded.

Welcome discussion

Introduce any new attendees

All attendees - share most important thing you've learned so far at conference.

Sydney shared that she found out farmers are ready for the change to digital agriculture.

Nick shared that asking specific questions to members rather than open-ended might get better results.

Susan learned a little bit more about how technical things work; in quick-connect planning session, they are trying to figure out who they should get in the door and who should connect. That is a struggle for them since the meeting is in June - if you want to get implementation, who do you need to get into the room?


Review Action Items  Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

Action Items to be reviewed:

  • All on Social Media Task Force to review calendar for their assigned weeks 
  • Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) to share short list of who's she's working with to get case studies

Review Action Items: Reviewed.

Photographer: suggested having wording in the case studies able to be searched by google so it comes up higher in searches. Susan replied that we have a very specific business audience. Nikki said having that searchable/translatable by Google could help the global translation trouble. Photographer suggested doing a blog page with a link to a .pdf. 

Nikki suggested putting the magazine article link on the website with the case studies.

Short list of Case Studies Susan is currently trying to get underway:

  • BASF
  • Mosaic
  • Syngenta
  • Corteva
AgGateway 2020/ Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

Organizationally, everything moving forward

  • Consolidation with AgGateway Global Network
  • Transition from Councils 
  • Setting up Portfolio Management Center (PMC) and Digital Resource Center (DRC)
  • Staffing

Impact on Communications Committee:

  • Global considerations: NA, Europe, Latin America
  • Need to update Branding Guidelines
  • Positive for us: Information from PMC and DRC will help promotion efforts 

Immediate Needs/Focus:

  • Website

Consolidation has been approved by the Board.

Councils are dissolved as of their last meetings at the conference.

PMC, DRC being set up, hopefully hiring people in the next month.

Susan has to start thinking about global communications and branding guidelines.

Immediate focus is the website. Translation for websites: EU and LATAM are not as active as NA right now. Per Susan, what they decided was that as a staff we cannot afford to go there yet. They are thinking: "We like the current look and feel of site; may not need/want radical change, make home page look different enough that there is something new and exciting, immediately show we're global, give immediate access to various regions, give immediate access to the most exciting things going on at AgGateway. "Specifically interested in (list different regions)". Susan showed us her possible layout of the new website.

Marketing Plan / Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)
  • Annual Report
  • Activity Report
  • Review Website draft Home page/navigation with the committee
  • Global communications moving forward
  • Precision Ag Communications Sub-Committee
  • Other upcoming communications: Quick Connect, new Working Groups, Meet-Ups

ActionSusan Ruland (Unlicensed) to add global updates to the Communications Committee meetings.

ActionSusan Ruland (Unlicensed) to add Precision Ag Communications Sub-Committee report as regular agenda item. 

Social Media Calendar 

Listing of who is responsible for what week until next Communication Committee Meeting

Review the social media calendar. Seek volunteer to load the 2020 schedule. 

Went over Hootsuite and SMTF calendar. Sydney suggested getting on Instagram along with our other social media platforms. See if Hootsuite supports Instagram.

Create 2020 Social Media calendar; verify all five currently doing social media are still willing, and see if there are new people who want to be put into the rotation. 

Sydney suggested using hashtags all the time, and setting up a YouTube channel.


Newsletter Planning - 

December Issue

Newsletter Articles - November Issue

Due 20 November


  1. AgGateway 2020/Annual Conference General Session (include promotion of Annual Report): Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)
  2. Annual Conference thank sponsors
  3. Congratulate Award winners
  4. List of AgGateway Activities
  5. New Member Article: Evin Ellis (Unlicensed)Ally Yanco (Deactivated)
  6. Promote new member orientation webinar? Nikki Marshall
  7. Product Catalog: Brent Kemp
  8. Seed messages - S&G
  9. AGIIS/Member Services: Chris CrutchfieldJosh Wall (Unlicensed)l
  10. AgGateway in the News: Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

No new member orientation webinar scheduled at this time.

Newsletter planning - Future issues

Newsletter Articles - Jan/Feb Issue

Due January 14, 2020


  1. Working Groups: Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)
  2. MYM - mark your calendar: Nikki Marshall
  3. Any Working Group updates? (traceability, mix ticket, soil, product catalog) Nick Reichel (Deactivated)
  4. New Member Article: Evin Ellis (Unlicensed)
  5. AGIIS/Member Services: Chris CrutchfieldJosh Wall (Unlicensed)
  6. AgGateway in the News: Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)


Council & Working Group Updates / Liaisons

Each liaison to provide an update of what is happening in their Councils or Committees and to determine if Communications can provide assistance


Committees and Working Groups

Nick suggested putting a note in the newsletter once we have the Member Advisory Panel as to who makes up that panel.

 New Business  

Other Discussion Items / Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

  • For other committee members to address topics not covered above.
No new business. 

 Meeting Wrap Up  
Next Meeting 

  • Next Committee meeting: At Annual Conference, Wed, Nov. 6, 1:45-2:45 pm CT

Meeting adjourned 2:48pm. 

  • Active Action Items 

Date AssignedAction ItemDue DateComments/Status
11/6/2019Check to see if current Social Media Task Force people are willing to continue, see if new people want to help.
Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

Take Monsanto off website

Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

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