2019-09-05 Communications Committee Meeting

2019-09-05 Communications Committee Meeting


All Members List
(present or not present)
Members Present
Non-Members Present

Evin Ellis (Unlicensed)

Charlotte Schuricht

Nikki Marshall

Jessica Trites Rolle

(*Voting companies/** alternates)

Time2:00 pm ET
Web (Screen Sharing)https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/914234637
Audio (VOIP/Phone)1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code914-234-637




Topic / Leader

Desired Outcome

Pre-Meeting Notes and Links to Supporting Resources

Meeting Minutes

03 min

Welcome & Roll Call / Susan Ruland

Attendees are listed above.

Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) is the acting chair. Anyone interested in becoming the chair or co-chair, please speak up or feel free to contact Susan anytime.


2 min


Everybody agrees to the Antitrust Guidelines.

AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines

21 min

Minutes Taker / 

Susan is taking minutes
31 min
Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes / Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

Minutes from June: 2019-06-11 Communications Committee Meeting

Charlotte motions; Ally Yanco seconds; all approve. 


Review Action Items  Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

Action Items to be reviewed:

  • All on Social Media Task Force to review calendar for their assigned weeks 
  • Susan Ruland (Unlicensed) to share Implementation Notes template with the committee and the membership when it is completed. - promote. Reminder that Communications Committee is the central point for Implementation Notes - posting, promoting, etc. 

Review Action Items 


Committee Plan / Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

Review with focus on points to focus on:

Committee Goals for 2019

  • 2019 Specific
    • Help communicate AgGateway 2020 plans
  • Resource Related
    • Let members/industry know about resources – via newsletter, social media, etc.
    • Help solicit additional case studies
    • Develop graphic video depicting AgGateway value
  • Social Media
    • Cross share with other organizations
    • Pre-load and semi-live tweet at relevant trade shows
    • Push out info on AgGateway resources
    • Review Social media/Google analytics at least 1x/quarter
  • Newsletter
    • Leadership professional/Future state articles to get members aware of emerging technologies (block chain, traceability)
    • New member profile in each newsletter
    • Council updates every issue
    • Promote AgGateway resources
    • Promote case studies
  • Operational
    • Promote participation on committee, and on Social Media group

Susan asked the committee to think about who might be a case study - consider reaching to folks to solicit case studies. 

Action: Susan will share short list of who she's trying to work with on new case studies. 

AgGateway 2020/ Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

Organizationally, everything is moving forward

  • Consolidation with AgGateway Global Network
  • Transition from Councils 
  • Setting up PMC and DRC
  • Staffing

Impact on Communications Committee:

  • Global considerations: NA, Europe, Latin America
  • Will need updated Branding Guidelines
  • Positive: PMC and DRC - dashboard
  • Merge in PAC Communications Task Force - but PAC team has decided to continue meetings. 

Immediate Needs/Focus:

  • Website

Jessica - looking at ways to continue the PAC communications group while still coordinating well with this committee – and call for participation from others members. A place to hash stuff out - ideas for communications resources. 

Sub-committee - "PASC" - precision ag communications sub-committee

Call today - after this one. 

Marketing Plan / Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)
  • Updates regarding quarterly focus and press releases 
  • Updates for the next few months: Website, Awards Program, Update AgGateway 2020 flyer, produce Annual Report, Annual Conference planning/content

Susan updated the committee on activities this fall leading into the Annual Conference.

She also reviewed the new Implementation Note template, and the PAIL note as a "model" of how to do these. We will be promoting the template with the members to try to get more of these in the works as a way to promote implementation of AgGateway resources. 

Social Media Calendar 

Listing of who is responsible for what week until next Communication Committee Meeting

Revew of the social media calendar. 

Newsletter Planning - 

October Issue

Newsletter Articles - October Issue

Due 20 September


  1. AgGateway 2020: Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)
  2. New Member Article: Evin Ellis (Unlicensed)
  3. Annual Conference (including sponsorship opportunities): Nikki Marshall
  4. Channel Integrity: Jim Wilson
  5. Product Catalog?: Brent Kemp
  6. Implementation Note: Jessica Trites Rolle
  7. Seed messages - S&G
  8. AGIIS/Member Services: Chris CrutchfieldJosh Wall (Unlicensed)l
  9. AgGateway in the News: Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

Reviewed the roster. 

Evin has a new member article for this issue. 

Newsletter planning - Future issues

Newsletter Articles - November Issue

Due 18 October


  1. AgGateway 2020: Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)
  2. Annual Conference: Nikki Marshall
  3. Any Working Group updates? (traceability, mix ticket, seed, soil, product catalog) Nick Reichel (Deactivated)
  4. New Member Article: Evin Ellis (Unlicensed)
  5. AGIIS/Member Services: Chris CrutchfieldJosh Wall (Unlicensed)
  6. AgGateway in the News: Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)


Council & Working Group Updates / Liaisons

Each liaison to provide an update of what is happening in their Councils or Committees and to determine if Communications can provide assistance


Committees and Working Groups

Jessica - Precision Ag Council - looking at how to transition. Joe Tevis - Traceability - submitted new proposal to set up Working Group for traceability - under the new structure. First foray into new structure. 

Listing out important areas that need doing - making sure we don't lose the topics. Meet-Ups

Nikki - Conference Committee - hoping to have registration up in the next week or 2. Looking for sponsorships. Encourage people to sponsor! 

 New Business  

Other Discussion Items / Susan Ruland (Unlicensed)

  • For other committee members to address topics not covered above.
No new business. 

 Meeting Wrap Up  
Next Meeting 

  • Next Committee meeting: October 3, 2:00 PM ET 

Meeting adjourned at 2:50 pm ET

  • Active Action Items 

Date AssignedAction ItemDue DateComments/Status
 Susan will share short list of who she's trying to work with on new case studies. 


Committee to consider case study candidates

 Committee to encourage sponsorships for Annual Conference

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