2020-09-21 Seed Meet Up

2020-09-21 Seed Meet Up



Brent Kemp

Chuck Bohanon

Josh Wall

Mitch Rezansoff

Jessie Rexroat

Mindy Hendrickson

Dan Berne

Lynda Pemberton

Randy Fry

Diganta Adhikari

Greg Fish

Uriah Paddock

Jeremy Wilson

Todd Stewart

Joe Tevis

Corina Ardelean

Mary Enriquez

Alek Krenychyn

Brad Joern

Ann Vande Lune

Mike Ball


MSA = Moved, Seconded & Approved

 Meeting Information


1:00 pm Chicago


+1 (571) 317-3116

 Access Code

Purpose of meeting: The Seed Meet Up will inform members on the state of current work; identify industry pinch points that can benefit from process improvement, standards implementation, or both; and offer an opportunity for idea generation and collaboration.

Participants will benefit through increased understanding of industry capability and readiness to act; opportunity to offer input and provide direction on active and anticipated collaborative efforts.



Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Sub-topics, supporting documentation, additional resources

Meeting Minutes


Welcome, Antitrust and Introduction () 5 min.

Welcome the group -All were welcomed. All agreed to abide by antitrust guidelines
2Minutes Taker () 1 min.A meeting taker has been selected.Brent Kemp will capture notes
3Covid Lessons Learned - pinch points, needs and solutions - ~5 minutesGroup has opportunity to share issues that have been identified during the past four months; content is captured and prioritized as applicable.

Introduced Mural to participants. Captured observations for future consideration and potential action as applicable.

  • Observation that for the most part, remote work serves well. In some cases, though, the lack of face to face ability results in reduced ability to work together and move work forward.
    • Not a group building or trust building issue; mainly about dedicated, heads down time
  • Locations struggling with reliable, stable internet connectivity
4Issues in Implementation () - 35 minutesGroup identifies anew issues that have arisen, reviews activities underway or planned, and prioritizes next steps.
  • eBOL and Returns (2019 work status)
  • 2019 New Messages (Transfers, replants, returns, grower zone geography)
  • New issues arising
  • 2019 New Messages
    • Don't believe anyone is working on the new messages
    • Some motion on Order-to-Booking
    • Consolidation at the manufacturers is slowing things - internal system  consolidation
    • Suggest scheduling regular, ongoing calls
    • Don't believe we had finished the eBOL message - need to bring this back as a working group - planned to start in March 2020
      • Transportation, chemicals may be in scope
      • Believe there is an eBOL that has been deployed for chemicals
      • At a high level, this was a retailer-to-manufacturer initiated process:
        • Retailer has product to return
        • Needs BOL from the manufacturer to show "what we are putting on your truck to return"
        • Burden of ownership is what results in requirement that MFR produce the BOL
        • Tactic: Include review of chemicals-oriented message (ShipNotice) as part of the evaluation
        • Current process is manual, direct keyed into a manufacturer portal
        • Want to avoid this if possible
        • ACTION: Plan a call for November - tee up for annual conference session
        • Tactic: Make sure we have development work queued up for Q1/Q2 2021
  • One new issue - price message download
    • In the event soybean has no zone for prices, differences in implementation by manufacturer observed
    • Some additional information is being seen in price sheets as well
      • Depending upon how a received is handling the data, may not have been noticed
      • Was happy to see some of these new elements, such as relative maturity - find it beneficial
    • Any recollection on whether a defined code list was set up for zone? Not on the call.
    • ACTION: Randy Fry to revisit business rules documentation to see whether there is any documentation on how such should be handled
  • Would like to see a general session on bringing the 2019 messages back up for awareness to the members - give manufacturers that have stepped up an opportunity to talk on this? 
  • Any priority to the message set? If someone wants to implement, build a capability matrix as well as a prospective development calendar aligned with the messages? Message priority could be based on the time of year available for development.

Association outreach, communication, and AgGateway awareness () - 10 minutes

Attendees updated on current industry activities that might support seed initiatives.

  • 5-year planning updates
  • Ag retail activities
  • Communications and association outreach
  • Other items arising
  • Member and prospective member solicitation opportunities discussed
  • Reviewed upcoming timeline for member informational webinars re: strategic, annual planning for awareness and feedback
  • AGIIS enhancements are being solicited. Any needs or ideas can be submitted to the Directory Oversight Committee via Member Services
  • Observed that the global nature of AgGateway is resulting in cross-regional aligned working groups. More opportunities coming. For more details contact Dan Berne.
  • WG01 - InField Product Identification
    • Group is working to develop an ADAPT plug in to take the retailer's load out ticket and electronically send it to their customers
    • Implement a planter monitor as a pick list
    • Leverage the work the seed group has done on product identifiers and extend that into the field during planting. This would result in discrete identification as opposed to text input that may or may not align with anything.
    • Leverage content from distributor to retailer messaging to extend to field operations
    • Will be launching a working group for this development effort that will also be requesting dollars to help fund a developer, commitment to implementation 
    • Value is to complete the traceability of the seed from manufacturer through distribution and retail to the field, and back again

Other items () 

Discuss any additional items that came up during meeting that need to be addressed in another meet-up

No other items identified.

7Next Meeting ()Is there a need for another Meet-Up

Next meeting - hold on ideation calls until after the annual meeting

Next working meeting will be week of 16 November 2020 at the virtual annual

8Adjournment ()AdjournMeeting adjourned at 1:54 pm Chicago time

Tasks/Action Items

WhoWhen AssignedWhatDeadline Status
Brent Kemp Add seed meet up to socialize message implementation and scheduling for the annual meeting 
Randy Fry Research business rules on price sheet; determine any documentation on no-zone price code