2020-03-24 Ag Retail Connectivity Meet Up
Present | Name | Company |
MSA = Moved, Seconded & Approved
Meeting Information
Date | 2020-03-24 |
Time | 1:30 pm Chicago |
Web | https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/758070349 |
Phone | +1 (224) 501-3318 |
Access Code | 758-070-349 |
Purpose of meeting: The Ag Retail Meet Up will inform members on the state of current work; identify industry pinch points that can benefit from process improvement, standards implementation, or both; and offer an opportunity for idea generation and collaboration.
Participants will benefit through increased understanding of industry capability and readiness to act; opportunity to offer input and provide direction on active and anticipated collaborative efforts.
Topic (Leader) | Desired Outcome Sub-topics, supporting documentation, additional resources | Meeting Minutes | |
1 | Welcome, Antitrust and Introduction (Jacob Crow) 5 min. | Welcome the group - | All were welcomed. All were advised the call is taking place under the terms of the AgGateway antitrust guidelines. Verbal agreement received from attendees. |
2 | Minutes Taker (Brent Kemp) 1 min. | A meeting taker has been selected. | Brent Kemp advised he's taking notes. |
3 | Ag Retail Pain Point Survey Results (Randy Fry/ Brent Kemp) 25 min. | Group is informed of the results of the 2020 retail pain point survey and has opportunity to determine next steps on high priority topics a - Inventory Management b - System Integration | Randy reminded the group that this meeting was intended to be bundled with an energy meeting. He shared the responses to pain point survey noting that several of the topics seemed directed primarily to Energy. Asked the group if there were any additional topics that they wanted to see covered? Noted that energy is a very big topic of discussion today. What is the main issue with inventory - energy focused
System Integration
API implementation
4 | Association Outreach (Brent Kemp) 10 min. | Group is aware of efforts to engage with other retail-focused organizations and associations. Additional associations are identified for outreach and a plan is developed to contact them. 2020 Canada Association of Agri-Retailers Conference 2020 Cooperative Roundtable Presentation | Brent provided an update on 2020 presentations to date Randy noted good relationships with ARA, recent presentation to ASTA Any ideas on engaging more of the retail segment in B2B connectivity?
5 | Unique identification in Crop Protection Messaging (Julie Benick) 15 min. | Group has opportunity to discuss and begin to develop a plan for addressing unique identification of products in crop protection messages. | Julie Benick notes that as they expand B2B connectivity, they are encountering need for a standard item file for onboarding a new supplier/customer. Standard could include other lines but focused primarily on CP at this time.
6 | Planning for a 2020 Partner Implementation Meeting (Natasha Lilly) 15 min. | Document next steps | Natasha Lilly shared feedback that the quick connect booklet might be a more valuable offer to new retailers than an initial readiness assessment. Maybe in conjunction with the other. Also observes that retail to retail message is good for building awareness, but need others to offer invitation and engagement as well. Lead in to ... Come to a meeting that highlights/focuses on implementation, showcasing value of implementing existing messages and getting new faces in the room to see what's going on. How do we make that invite happen?
7 | Updates on New Messages uptake (Ann Vande Lune) 10 min. | Document next steps | Not addressed due to time |
8 | Other items (Jacob Crow) 5 min. | Discuss any additional items that came up during meeting that need to be addressed in another meet-up | Not addressed due to time - Brent provided an update on MYM planning status |
9 | Next Meeting (Jacob Crow) 5 min. | Is there a need for another Meet-Up | Agreement that an additional call is in order. Suggest that a cadence of the council calls is in order; 3rd Tuesday of the month, bi-monthly. Stick to May 19 for next large-scale retail gathering/call Identify any need for additional calls on specific topics identified today. |
10 | Adjournment (Jacob Crow) | Adjourn | Meeting adjourned at 4:05 PM New York time. |
Tasks/Action Items
Who | When Assigned | What | Deadline | Status |