2020-07-09 MYM Data Privacy Meet Up

2020-07-09 MYM Data Privacy Meet Up



Jessica Trites RolleNational Crop Insurance Services

Brent KempAgGateway

Ben SloanEFC Systems Inc.

Kay CampeRosen's, Inc.

Julie BenickWinfield United

Jane Aderhold (Deactivated)AGDATA LP

Darlene Gibson (Unlicensed)BASF


MSA = Moved, Seconded & Approved

 Meeting Information


9:00 am Chicago

Web (Zoom Screen Share)
Provided as part of Virtual Mid-Year Meeting

Meeting Purpose

At the 2020 AgGateway Mid-Year Meeting, an AgGateway team is leading a discussion on data privacy and security designed to update AgGateway’s position white-paper on this critical topic. Join the kick-off of this task force that will review sections identified as needing updates, and bring your input for areas where AgGateway should take a second look.



Meeting leader Jessica Trites Rolle, National Crop Insurance Services (jessicatr@ag-risk.org)

AgGateway staff Brent Kemp (brent.kemp@aggateway.org)


Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Sub-topics, supporting documentation, additional resources

Meeting Minutes


Welcome, Antitrust, and Introduction

Welcome the group and introductions

AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines

All were welcomed and agree to abide by the AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines
2Minutes TakerA meeting taker has been selected.Jessica Trites Rolle will take minutes.


Current Data Privacy and Use White Paper

Group learns some background on former Data Privacy & Security Committee

Group "tours" current white paper

The group reviewed the background of the current Data Privacy and Use White Paper.

Jessica Trites Rolle reviewed the content of the current white paper.


Discussion & Brainstorming

Noted terms, data elements, questions, sections, or references that are outdated

Necessary additions

Skipped items to reconsider

The group discussed possible needs and additions to the white paper, potential considerations for expansion.

  • Revisit and update data types
  • Look at financial/risk management data at a geospatial level
  • Consider IoT (sensors, etc.)
  • Consider AI
  • Update all references and links
  • Add new examples
  • Reconsider the concept of "ownership"
  • Revisit/expand key data use areas and questions for agricultural businesses in light of:
    • PIPEDA (Canada)
    • GDPR (EU) and the EU agricultural Code of Conduct
    • Australian agriculture-related Code of Conduct
    • Forthcoming LGPD (Brazil, slated for 2021 implementation), and
    • US state laws, including the CCPA and CPRA (California) and privacy laws and requirements in Virginia, New York, and elsewhere
  • Update PII definition to show differences in PII in the US for agriculture, especially in governmental programs, versus PII under GDPR, et al.
  • Look into FAIR principles
5Making updates

Group discusses how maintenance work happens under the new AgGateway structure

Group discusses another Meet-Up or Task Force formation

The group reviewed how an existing, publically-available digital resource can be updated under the new AgGateway structure, and discussed that a large addition to the white paper may require a full working group instead of an update task force.

6Next Meeting

Is there a need for another Meet-Up?

Go right to a Task Force?

The group agreed to hold another Meet-Up on at  at 2 p.m. US Central time

To form the full update task force, will ensure we include a review by/participation of people involved in ADC, Todd Janzen/Ag Data Transparency, European and Canadian member experts, and those at US member companies familiar with data privacy, use, and security/protection.


 at 10:10 a.m. US Central Time

Tasks/Action Items

WhoWhen AssignedWhatDeadline Status
Brent Kemp
Establish July 23 Meet-Up and distribute invitation7/12/2020Complete