2022-03-11 Implementation and Quick Connect Meet Up

2022-03-11 Implementation and Quick Connect Meet Up


XBrent KempAgGateway
XJeremy W WilsonAgGateway
XLeslie HedgesAgGateway
XJosh Wall (Unlicensed)AgGateway
XAnn Vande LuneKey Cooperative
XGreg Baldwin (Unlicensed)EFC Systems
XJulie BenickWinfield United
XNatasha LillyThe Equity

XScott MeredithACS
XChris CrutchfieldAgGateway

Nikki MarshallAgGateway


MSA = Moved, Seconded & Approved

 Meeting Information


9:00 am Chicago


+1 (646) 749-3129

 Access Code

Purpose of meeting: The Implementation and Quick Connect meet up will review current state of discussions regarding needs and expectations for a successful connectivity and implementation workshop (however that's defined). Annual and long term planning will begin, as will task assignment necessary to pull off a quick connect session in 2022.

Participants will benefit through increased understanding of industry capability and readiness to act; opportunity to offer input and provide direction on active and anticipated collaborative efforts.


AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines


Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Sub-topics, supporting documentation, additional resources

Meeting Minutes


Welcome, Antitrust and Introduction () 1 min.

Welcome the group - review Antitrust statement
In all of AgGateway's operations and activities, it must avoid discussions or conduct that might violate applicable antitrust laws, or even appear to do so. To that end, AgGateway has established Antitrust Guidelines, which it has provided to each participant in this meeting. While it is your ultimate responsibility to ensure that your actions comply with applicable antitrust laws, your participation in this meeting is affirmation that you will abide by AgGateway's guidelines.
Antitrust statement read.
2Minutes Taker () 1 min.A meeting taker has been selected.
3Approve Meeting Minutes () 1 min.The previous meeting minutes have been reviewd and approved.

2022-02-18 Implementation and Quick Connect Meet Up

MSA (AVL/NL) - Unanimously approved

4Review of Action Items () 5 minutesThe group's prior decisions and action items are reviewed, and status reported. Any action items that are not closed out are evaluated for relevance and additional needs
  • Meeting Participation:
    • Identifying additional participants
  • Implementation Awareness:
    • Identifying resources for collecting connectivity/capability status 
  • Documentation:
    • Evaluating master connectivity requirements vs session/target specific collateral

Reviewed action items; no particular feedback received prior to the call

Discussed the reference material from annual, scope of holistic connectivity material that feeds a higher level, tightly scoped document for quick connect sessions. Still an open question on how one feeds the other, what tools might be useful.

  • How do we make sure all messages, resources are included - both from a documentation and from a partner meeting/implementation perspective?
  • Include mix ticket, ADAPT, other legacy work
  • Question - is anyone implementing the new(2019) seed messages?
    • Key is in discussion with Bayer for pilot in Q2 2022. Looking to move forward with them.
    • The Equity is in talks as well. Observed that Agvance is waiting on final documentation in order to put this on their development schedule. 
    • Brent is contacting others to determine interest, availability.
    • Face to Face session at Mid-Year requested - push to conference committee for scheduling
    • Also set up Quick Connect planning session for the end of the MYM. Suggest promoting this session for awareness of companies who want to participate in a partner meeting at annual. 
    • Observed that engaging ag retail may be problematic at this point of the year
    • Prep a seed call meet up for end of March/beginning of April to set up awareness of format, conversation. Kick off bi-weekly sessions following MYM.


2022 Implementation Priorities (Brent Kemp) 20 minutes

The group brainstorms and lays out priorities to support the current year.

  • Planning for Mid-Year
  • Identifying additional implementation opportunities 
  • Planning for improved capabilities documentation (see Action Items)
  • Identifying volunteer opportunities to support all of the above
    • Recurring meetings
    • Staff liaison
    • Organizational support capability
    • Other

Mid-Year Session Outline - if we think we'll get more eyes on the idea and support for planning in person, is the following in order?

  • Timing - plan for 90 minutes. Consider breaking into two one hour blocks?
    • Annual Meeting Mechanics
    • Communication, Promotion, Collateral
    • Embedding additional resources in the conversation: mix ticket, ADAPT, agronomic data. Make sure this is an intentional invitation to stakeholders. ACTION: Brent, Jeremy, Greg to consider what such an invitation would entail.
    • Some time for partner breakouts afternoon of the last day? 
  • Present capability chart? Present capacity chart? Bring mimosas?
    • Poster-sized chart is kind a nightmare for updating. Could be a tool to attract - also shock or shaming. 
    • Could we do it by process/segment instead of detail? Different colors by status?
      • Could drive additional conversation
      • Retailer is interested in "can you do the process?" Believe that once the business says we want to do this, IT will make it work. 
  • Present collaboration partner/desired partner contact tool?
  • Solicit contributions for both?
  • Walk through a quick connect for the annual? Solicit feedback?
  • Solicit commitment to participate at the annual. 
    • Finalize schedule as soon as possible - prefer during the session at MYM
    • Identify desired partners to specifically reach out to to get the sessions scheduled

Key issue - getting people there. 

  • Communication to business partners, business systems vendors
  • Getting retailers as well as manufacturers - are messages alone sufficient? Collateral. MYM is about getting the people who want to connect there - annual is about getting those they are trying to connect with.
  • Work with systems providers, manufacturers to promote - summer meeting speaking opportunities? 


Long Term Ideation (Jeremy Wilson) 10 minutes

Group considers other areas of implementation and connectivity.

  • Retail to field equipment/FMIS connectivity
  • Post-farmgate connectivity
  • Holistic group fostering and encouraging implementation

Hold for future calls.


Other items () 

Discuss any additional items that came up during meeting that need to be addressed in another meet-up

Next Call(s):

  • Focus on communication and collateral; invite Paul to attend
  • Update on MYM schedule, tentative idea of annual schedule
  • Begin identifying invitees for annual
8Next Meeting ()Next meeting date and time are set

Shoot for 31 March - same time 9 CT 

9Adjournment ()AdjournMeeting adjourned at 9:57 am Chicago time

Tasks/Action Items

WhoWhen AssignedWhatDeadline Status
Conference Committee Schedule Quick Connect prep session for the end of MYM 
Brent Kemp Schedule, hold conversation with Jeremy, Greg, on invitation content for agronomic participation in quick connect 
Brent Kemp High level, process oriented capacity and capability chart