2022-07-13 Scale Ticket Meetup
Meeting Logistics
Opening Topics
Main Topics
1. Review grain scale ticket pain point
Define scope inbound to elevator/processor only or outbound as well
Believe the scale ticket would be the same for both in and outbound
Quality and composition would still be important, not just net weight
One difference is outbound may require official weights and measures for sale documents
Is scope just grain, or all commodities, ie feed, liquids, …
All will tie to quality/composition and sale requirements
Requirements for fertilizer could be different than grain
Would be good to inventory data elements for different products
Compare to see if there is a common ticket that could be generated
May be too wide reaching and hinder progress
CART material was focused on grain but did cover both in and outbound
Goal is information must move electronically, ie API
Much of the CART transfer events where focused on FSMA
Tying grain scale-in back to field(s) could be challenging, maybe not achievable in initial scope
Using SCORE can build our own, but leverage existing components
Could build a base scale ticket and have specialized components for specific commodities
Identify a common set of components
OAGIS ReceiveDelivery has a lot of baggage that may make it difficult to use for our use cases
2. Review draft charter
Changes tracked on original draft charter below:
3. Determine interest in a working group
Minutes: there was interest in forming a working group. The plan is to finish cleaning up the draft of the charter that was reviewed and send out an official call for participation
Closing Topics