2022-08-26 Field Boundary Definition & Use Case Meetup

2022-08-26 Field Boundary Definition & Use Case Meetup



Lynn Owens @Jeremy W Wilson @Conny Graumans @Sid Parks @Jessica Trites Rolle Rick Behrens @Scott Nieman @Matt Boyce @Doug Walgren (Deactivated) David Bennell Erin, Aaron, Alessandra @Kevin Krieg (Deactivated) @Himanshu Tyagi @richard tiffin Michael Seusy, Sampath @Ruttencutter, Chris @Hemme, Bryce @Natasha Lilly @Theresa Driscoll (Deactivated)


Meeting Logistics

ADAPT Serialization Meet Up - 26 Aug - 1pm Chicago (2pm New York)

Fri, Aug 26, 2022 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM (CDT)


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Agenda and Minutes

Antitrust Reminder

  1. Leader: Chair

    1. In all of AgGateway's operations and activities, it must avoid discussions or conduct that might violate applicable antitrust laws, or even appear to do so. To that end, AgGateway has established Antitrust Guidelines, which it has provided to each participant in this meeting. While it is your ultimate responsibility to ensure that your actions comply with applicable antitrust laws, your participation in this meeting is affirmation that you will abide by AgGateway's guidelines.

    2. Antitrust Guidelines

  1. Minutes taker

    1. Leader: Chair

    2. The desired outcome is that a minutes taker is selected.

    3. Minutes: @Ben Craker will take minutes

  2. Agenda

    1. Leader: @Ben Craker

    2. The desired outcome is that the meeting participants agree to the agenda, adjusting first as required.

    3. Minutes:

Main Topics

Use decide tag for any decisions taken

  1. Review draft charter

    1. Topic Leader: @Ben Craker

    2. The desired outcome is that the group reviews and agrees to the charter to determine, scope, deliverables, timeline etc.

    3. Pre-meeting notes and references:

      1. Draft charter linked below

    4. Minutes:

  2. Working group Leadership

    1. Topic Leader: @Ben Craker

    2. The desired outcome is that the chair and vice chair of the working group are selected

    3. Pre-meeting notes and references:

    4. Minutes:

      1. Chair:

      2. Vice-Chair:

  3. Meeting logistics

    1. Topic Leader: @Ben Craker

    2. The desired outcome is that the group selects a date, time, cadence, location for working group meetings

    3. Pre-meeting notes and references:

      1. Meet weekly, bi weekly, for an hour, two hours, schedule a couple day face-to-face?

    4. Minutes:

      1. Mornings (US) better for European participation

      2. Tuesdays and Fridays most open for AgGateway schedule

      3. @Ben Craker will sort out some smaller groups to tackle each use case over the next month-ish

      4. @Jeremy W Wilson, @Paul Schrimpf and @Ben Craker to adapt chair responsibilities to working groups to better explain expectations for chair/vice-chair etc.

  4. Potato Provenance

    1. Looking more at complete data set related to potato production

    2. Was hoping this WG would work on field identifier

    3. Potentially start up another

  5. Use Cases

    1. Soil testing

    2. In-season imagery

    3. Field operation by farmer

    4. Custom field operation by 3rd party

    5. Field attributes

      1. In-field obstacles, exclusions, buffer zones, headlands, field entry/exit points, etc.

      2. What is definition of Obstacle, ie is irrigation system an obstacle?)

    6. Autonomous vehicle operation

    7. Governmental reporting

    8. Crop insurance reporting

    9. Crop insurance claim

    10. Sustainability/carbon reporting

    11. Traceability

    12. Multi-cropping: splitting/merging a “fields” at different times

      1. Cover crops


Closing Topics

Matters arising

  • Minutes:

Tasks assigned during meeting

  • Minutes:

Meeting schedule

  • Minutes: Next meeting on Sep 2, 2022 at 9:00 central


  • Minutes: Meeting adjourned at 9:59 central time