2022-08-26 Field Boundary Definition & Use Case Meetup
Lynn Owens @Jeremy W Wilson @Conny Graumans @Sid Parks @Jessica Trites Rolle Rick Behrens @Scott Nieman @Matt Boyce @Doug Walgren (Deactivated) David Bennell Erin, Aaron, Alessandra @Kevin Krieg (Deactivated) @Himanshu Tyagi @richard tiffin Michael Seusy, Sampath @Ruttencutter, Chris @Hemme, Bryce @Natasha Lilly @Theresa Driscoll (Deactivated)
Meeting Logistics
Agenda and Minutes
Main Topics
Use decide tag for any decisions taken
Review draft charter
Topic Leader: @Ben Craker
The desired outcome is that the group reviews and agrees to the charter to determine, scope, deliverables, timeline etc.
Pre-meeting notes and references:
Draft charter linked below
Working group Leadership
Topic Leader: @Ben Craker
The desired outcome is that the chair and vice chair of the working group are selected
Pre-meeting notes and references:
Meeting logistics
Topic Leader: @Ben Craker
The desired outcome is that the group selects a date, time, cadence, location for working group meetings
Pre-meeting notes and references:
Meet weekly, bi weekly, for an hour, two hours, schedule a couple day face-to-face?
Mornings (US) better for European participation
Tuesdays and Fridays most open for AgGateway schedule
@Ben Craker will sort out some smaller groups to tackle each use case over the next month-ish
@Jeremy W Wilson, @Paul Schrimpf and @Ben Craker to adapt chair responsibilities to working groups to better explain expectations for chair/vice-chair etc.
Potato Provenance
Looking more at complete data set related to potato production
Was hoping this WG would work on field identifier
Potentially start up another
Use Cases
Soil testing
In-season imagery
Field operation by farmer
Custom field operation by 3rd party
Field attributes
In-field obstacles, exclusions, buffer zones, headlands, field entry/exit points, etc.
What is definition of Obstacle, ie is irrigation system an obstacle?)
Autonomous vehicle operation
Governmental reporting
Crop insurance reporting
Crop insurance claim
Sustainability/carbon reporting
Multi-cropping: splitting/merging a “fields” at different times
Cover crops