2017-05-04 Joint Council Connectivity Implementation Issue - PriceSheets

2017-05-04 Joint Council Connectivity Implementation Issue - PriceSheets


Marilyn Hunter (Unlicensed), Eric Hoefing (Unlicensed), Theresa Fitzsimmons, Brandon Scherzer, Mindy Hendrickson, Matt GarciaStephanie Frazier (Unlicensed)Cheryl McWhorterLee KreutterKim FlaugherJulie Bauman (Unlicensed)RANDALL FRY (Unlicensed)Julie Malson (Deactivated) Uma Subrahmanyam  Scott Rockafellow,

Business Issue:  Manufacturers/Seller need to be able to designate what segment the price sheet is for (CP vs. Seed vs. Specialty) so customers can distinguish the segments.  Found that this only applies to version 5.1.1 or before.  V5.2 and higher have an element for the segment in both the Properties and Line level.

Goal:  To have a recommendation to the S&G Committee on how to implement PriceSheet with designated segments in V5.1.1.

Purpose of call:  To determine how manufacturers should consistently identify price sheets to distinguish the segments (CP, Seed or Specialty Chem) when sending the V5.1.1 XML message PriceSheet. Determine the deliverables out of this call that would include a recommendation on how to implement (any new business rules for the documentation).

Meeting Day/TimeThursday, May 4th, 2017 @ 10:30 am EDT/ 9:30 am CDT/ 8:30 am MDT/ 7:30 am PDT
Duration1.5 hour
Web Access:https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/625925607
Call-in #:Dial +1 (213) 493-0622
Access ID:625-925-607


TopicDesired OutcomeNotes/Minutes
1Welcome & attendanceUnderstand who is on the callAll accounted for
2Anti-trust guidelines

All the attendees are willing to abide by the AgGateway Anti-trust Guidelines


All willing to abide.
3Review the Business Issue, Goal & Purpose of CallAll are aware of the items above and discuss any confusion or need for clarificationEveryone agrees
4Recap from prior call

From last call

  1. This issue only refers to the v5.1.1 PriceSheet work around
    1. For v5.1.1 - we reviewed the message standard and decided the best place to create a "work around" for v5.1.1 would be in the SpecialInstructions - because that structure is at both the Properties level and the Line level.
    2. Reviewed the SpecialInstructionType code list - the closest value was "PriceCondition"
      • Some of the manufacturers will need to check to make sure that won't cause any issues in their ERP (if used in another message for something else).
    3. The value that will be put in the SpecialInstruction - the group thought it would be best to use the values listed in v5.2, which are:  Chemical, CropNutrition, CropProtection, Energy, Feed, Grain, OrnamentalHorticulture, Paper and Seed.  SpecialtyChemical is not on the code list, so we will need to request to add that value to the code list from S&G for future versions.  For the work-around for Specialty Chemical, the group will consider using either OrnamentalHorticulture or Chemical.
  2. All versions v5.2 or higher already has the segment at both the Properties and Line levels
  • Decision:  All agreed to define the segments within the message instead of the messaging protocol

5Review current Business Use Case & updated draft

An agreed upon Business Use Case that includes how the manufacturer will specify segment

PriceSheet V5.1.1 Including Segment

Modifications were made directly to document linked here.
6Determine business rule(s) for implementation

Determine the business rule(s) that would specify how to implement.

  • Proposed Business Rule:  To designate the segment of a price sheet within v5.1.1, the SpecialInstruction structure will be used with the value of: Chemical, CropNutrition, CropProtection, Energy, Feed, Grain, OrnamentalHorticulture, Paper, Seed to determine the segment.  The SpecialInstructionType will be "PriceCondition".
  • Proposed Business Rule: Only 1 industry segment will be sent per message
  • Proposed Business Rule:  As a work around for any version V5.4 or lower, the Specialty Chemical segment will be identified as "OrnamentalHorticulture".

Do we need to add the segment to the PriceSheetRequest?  Probably...

In the PriceSheetDescription - Dow is currently describing the type of price sheet.  Could this be used for the work around instead of the SpecialInstruction? 

  • Monsanto is using the PriceSheetDescription for other purposes.
  • Dow is OK with SpecialInstructions as the work around

  • Marilyn will send out an email for the councils to respond prior to the MYM.  That way any concerns could be addressed at the MYM.
  • In the PriceSheetRequest - noticed that the ZoneID and ProductClassification are required with 1 occurrence.  For other segments these elements would probably not be used, but the requester would need to specify the segment.  If we change the occurrence, that would not make the new version backward compatible (Marilyn believes, would need to verify with Jim Wilson).  The group didn't think it would need to be unbounded.
  • In the PriceSheetRequest, the requestor might request by ZoneID, and/or ProductClassification (this is typically used to specify a product like corn, soybeans, etc., or products with a certain trait).
  • We need to request changes to the ZoneID and ProductClassification from required to optional and request that IndustrySegment element be added to the PriceSheetRequest.
  • The retailers use the PriceSheetRequest to request price sheets at the beginning and throughout the year.
  • Ceres Solution requests by zone for their locations.

Decision:  All agreed to the 3 proposed business rules and will send out for vetting to the councils.

  • Action:  Marilyn Hunter will send out the 3 proposed business rules to the 4 councils (CPC, SC, SCC, APC) to see if there are any concerns prior to  .
  • Action:  Eric Hoefing (Unlicensed) to request the 3 proposed business rules to S&G for inclusion in the documentation at the MYM if there aren't any issues from the council vetting.
  • Action:  Eric Hoefing (Unlicensed) Need to request from S&G an new element in the PriceSheetRequest - IndustrySegment element (0...*) prior to the MYM.
  • Action: Eric Hoefing (Unlicensed) - Need to ask S&G for changes in the ZoneID and ProductClassification to optional (0...1).  This request is due to the fact that other than Seed who will use as conditional, the other segments typically would not use these elements.  Need to request prior to the MYM.
7Mapping Tool

Review current mapping tool and suggest changes to it for any new business rules with V5.1.1 and V5.4.

Defer until Marilyn can get an updated version of CLICK that include v5.4.

Marilyn did add the proposed business rules for the v5.1.1 mapping tool.

8Next stepsDetermine if there is any other meetings or actions needed to finish up this issue

Tentative meeting for the first week in June.

9AdjournMeeting is adjourned.Adjourned 11:40 am ET.

Action Items:

DateWho's ResponsibleStatus


Mike Glidden - Request from S&G to add "SpecialtyChemical" as a new value for the IndustrySegment list cod


All manufacturers - to check internally to see if when using v5.1.1 would PriceConditions work as a SpecialInstructionType to designate the segment for PriceSheets by 5/1/2017.


Marilyn Hunter (Unlicensed) will contact the other manufacturers that are implementing PriceSheets that are not on the phone and check with them.

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