2017-04-04 Joint Council Connectivity Implementation Issue - PriceSheets

2017-04-04 Joint Council Connectivity Implementation Issue - PriceSheets


RANDALL FRY (Unlicensed), Anthony James (Unlicensed)Julie BenickBob Whitty (Unlicensed)Eric Hoefing (Unlicensed)Mike GliddenDoug Farrington (Unlicensed)Jeff GriffethJim WilsonRobert KovalskySteve Daigle (Unlicensed), Greg Huot, Julie Malson (Deactivated)Kim FlaugherLee Kreutter, Lori Edwards, Scott Rockefellow, Seth PetersenBrandon Scherzer, Mindy Hendrickson, Stephanie Frazier (Unlicensed), Theresa Fitzsimmons, Julie Bauman (Unlicensed)Charles Clark, Sheila Cutrell, Uma Subrahmanyam Marilyn Hunter (Unlicensed)

Business Issue:  Manufacturers/Seller need to be able to designate what segment the price sheet is for (CP vs. Seed vs. Specialty) so customers can distinguish the segments.

Goal:  To have a recommendation to the S&G Committee on how to implement PriceSheet with designated segments.

Purpose of call:  To determine how manufacturers should consistently identify price sheets to distinguish the segments (CP, Seed or Specialty Chem) when sending the XML message PriceSheet. Determine the deliverables out of this call that would include a recommendation on how to implement (any new business rules for the documentation).

Meeting Day/TimeTuesday, April 4th, 2017 @ 4 pm EDT/ 3 pm CDT/ 2 pm MDT/ 1 pm PDT
Duration1 hour
Web Access:https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/625925607
Call-in #:Dial +1 (213) 493-0622
Access ID:625-925-607


TopicDesired OutcomeNotes/Minutes
1Welcome & attendanceUnderstand who is on the callAttendance taken
2Anti-trust guidelines

All the attendees are willing to abide by the AgGateway Anti-trust Guidelines

AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines.docx

All willing to abide.
3Review the Business Issue, Goal & Purpose of CallAll are aware of the items above and discuss any confusion or need for clarificationNo changes
4Discussion on options to resolve

Attendees discuss the options:

  1. No change or option needed - all trading partners will determine how to use
  2. Industries decide how they want to implement
    1. Choreography
    2. Within the message
      1. Determine which element would be use
      2. how it identify the 3 segments (Crop Protection, Seed and Specialty Chemical)

Would the same payload contain multiple segments? 

  • Yes, need to plan for all in either the envelope and the message
  • Monsanto has had some requests from some customers for multiple segments
  • Customers need to be able to separate the message by segment on the inbound
  • Some are based on what the customer is looking for in the process - have had request for both ways.
  • Sending alone, sending them as a group, depending on what the customers want.  Would like to plan to for both in the future.
  • Customers need to know when they receive the price sheets, which segment the pricesheet is for - some treat/process them differently.
  • Are there any conflicting business rules?  Not that Marilyn's aware of
  • What version are we discussing?  V5.1.1 or higher
  • Had discussion on the geography in the PCI project (manufacturers have differences in geography & zoning) - would pricing differ in the process of how they price by segment?  Would that be a issue when sending multiple segments? 
    • They are different - Dow has a need for either/or option - they wouldn't be able to implement now, but would want for the future.  Currently they are sending only one segment per payload.

Should the segment be designated in the message or messaging protocol?

  • In the past have had issues with using the choreography to designate a segment - couldn't use the same choreography with a customer - if it's done in the message the choreography would be easier to manage.
  • Keep in the message was what a number of the attendees said, and there was no opposition to designating in the message.
  • Decision:  All agreed to define the segments within the message instead of the messaging protocol.

Reviewed the v5.1.1 & v5.2 messages.

  • Most companies that have implemented, are using V5.1.1 - where there isn't a IndustrySegment element
  • V5.2 and higher do have the element IndustrySegment, at both the Properties level and at the Line level.  No need to make any changes for those implementing at v5.2 or higher.  Only a couple companies have implemented either v5.2 or v5.3
  • For v5.1.1 - we reviewed the message standard and decided the best place to create a "work around" for v5.1.1 would be in the SpecialInstructions - because that structure is at both the Properties level and the Line level.
  • Reviewed the SpecialInstructionType code list - the closest value was "PriceCondition"
    • Some of the manufacturers will need to check to make sure that won't cause any issues in their ERP (if used in another message for something else).
  • The value that will be put in the SpecialInstruction - the group thought it would be best to use the values listed in v5.2, which are:  Chemical, CropNutrition, CropProtection, Energy, Feed, Grain, OrnamentalHorticulture, Paper and Seed.  SpecialtyChemical is not on the code list, so we will need to request to add that value to the code list from S&G for future versions.  For the work-around for Specialty Chemical, the group will consider using either OrnamentalHorticulture or Chemical.
  • Proposed Business Rule:  To designate the segment of a price sheet within v5.1.1, the SpecialInstruction structure will be used with the value of: Chemical, CropNutrition, CropProtection, Energy, Feed, Grain, OrnamentalHorticulture, Paper, Seed to determine the segment.
  • Proposed Business Rule:  As a work around for any version V5.4 or lower, the Specialty Chemical segment will be identified as "Chemical".
  • Action:  Mike Glidden - Request from S&G to add "SpecialtyChemical" as a new value for the IndustrySegment list code
  • Action:  All manufacturers - to check internally to see if when using v5.1.1 would PriceConditions work as a SpecialInstructionType to designate the segment for PriceSheets by 5/1/2017.
  • Action:  Marilyn Hunter (Unlicensed) will contact the other manufacturers that are implementing PriceSheets that are not on the phone and check with them.
5Review current Business Use CaseAn agreed upon Business Use Case that includes how the manufacturer will specify segmentRan out of time - will add to next agenda.
6Determine business rule(s) for implementationDetermine the business rule(s) that would specify how to implement if option 2 above is taken.Ran out of time - will add to next agenda.
7Mapping ToolReview current mapping tool and suggest changes to it for any new business rulesRan out of time - will add to next agenda.
8Next stepsDetermine if there is any other meetings or actions needed to finish up this issue

Meet again first week in May.

9AdjournMeeting is adjourned.Adjourned at 5:06 pm ET.

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