AgGateway 2020 Activities

AgGateway 2020 Activities

This page was created to capture the type of activities that the AgGateway members can get involved.

GroupPurposeFacilitatorContact PersonComments / Start dates
Quick Connect Task ForceOrganize and recruit members/companies to participate in the 2020 MYM Quick ConnectNatasha will set up meetings as needed.
Ag Association Relations/Ambassadors "Community"To promote awareness & efficiencies about Ag eBusiness within the industry through contacts within the other Ag Associations.  Also to see areas we might be able to solve some of their business issues.


(possibly Communications Director)

Member Services

May meet 1-2 times per year at the F2F meetings

Ag Retail "Community"A group that audits and participates in other AgGateway activities & working groups that directly affect ag retail.  This group will also discuss issues, pain points and ideas.???Member ServicesWill meet at the 2 face-to-face meeting, or when needed
Chain Supply Efficiencies "Community"Group to discuss implementation issues and promote new connectivity among the segments, promote tracking the connectivity (such as web services, business rules, etc.)???Member ServicesMay schedule meet-up meetings on specific topics when needed
Mapping messages to X12 - Working Group?This is taking the XML schemas and mapping them to the EDI X12 messages and determining any gaps.???Member ServicesTime to start has not been determined.
GTIN/Product Task ForceTransitioning the product ID to the GTIN for Crop Protection and how growers will use (which include the Formulation & Brand ID)???Member ServicesTime to start has not been determined.
Canadian ConnectivityThis group discusses the progress and issues for connectivity in Canada.Heather Byrne Moumdjian (Unlicensed)Member ServicesMeet 2-3 times a year.
CP product directoryBest practices and create a set of guidelines that reviews the line-by-line information and what needs to change.


Member ServicesTime to start has not been determined.

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