2023-11-14 Seed Meet Up - Annual Meeting
Present | Name | Company |
Co-Alliance | ||
Key Cooperative | ||
Syngenta | ||
SSI | ||
Winfield United | ||
Land O'Lakes | ||
AgGateway | ||
Bayer | ||
ACS | ||
EFC Systems | ||
CNH Industrial | ||
ProAgrica | ||
Stratabuilt | ||
AgVantage software | ||
Rosens | ||
Ceres | ||
Heartland | ||
International Raw Materials | ||
The Equity | ||
MSA = Moved, Seconded & Approved
 Meeting Information
 Date | 2023-11-14 |
 Time | 1:00 pm Chicago |
 Web | |
 Phone | |
 Access Code |
Purpose of meeting: The Seed Meet Up will inform members on data needs in the nature and biodiversity movements; receive updates on newly implemented messages, identify industry pinch points that can benefit from process improvement, standards implementation, or both; and offer an opportunity for idea generation and collaboration.
Participants will benefit through increased understanding of industry capability and readiness to act; opportunity to offer input and provide direction on active and anticipated collaborative efforts.
Topic (Leader) | Desired Outcome Sub-topics, supporting documentation, additional resources | Meeting Minutes | |
1 | Welcome, Antitrust and Introduction () 2 min. | Welcome the group - review Antitrust statement In all of AgGateway's operations and activities, it must avoid discussions or conduct that might violate applicable antitrust laws, or even appear to do so. To that end, AgGateway has established Antitrust Guidelines, which it has provided to each participant in this meeting. While it is your ultimate responsibility to ensure that your actions comply with applicable antitrust laws, your participation in this meeting is affirmation that you will abide by AgGateway's guidelines. | All agreed to antitrust at registration so no affirmation is needed. |
2 | Minutes Taker () 1 min. | A meeting taker has been selected. | Chris Crutchfield |
3 | Charting a Nature Positive Future for Food and Ag () 45 minutes | Participants are informed on the state of initiatives related to biodiversity and preservation of nature. Betsy Hickman, Director of the Anthesis Group, presents. Virtual link TBD | |
4 | Message Implementation Update () 25 minutes | Participants are informed on the results of pilots and new implementation of messages, and have the opportunity to ask questions
| Key and Bayer successfully piloted Returns.
Similar time savings from Manufacturer perspective. AV- Q- Where are other mans at with implementation?
Any retailers looking to move forward with Returns? Some waiting on AgVend |
5 |
| Emerging items are identified and scoped or referred to other groups as applicable
| BK-June at MYM had discussion of the evolution of GLN Industry at time agreed a consistent id is important and is being used by trading partners.  Man-Dist-Retailer still works well.  NAPDID- used for Growers end eventually converted to GLN/AGIIS. Companies now have different expectations for how growers should be enumerated. Multiple Prop Code was introduced, but was a Band Aid.  Brent - proposing a WG to look at business rules to address challenges. Brent-Q- What do we want to identify? How do we enumerate?  Will need to involve other industry segments and involve DOC. Who wants in? Cindy Russell indicated interest End goal is to identify what we are identifying. Not looking to use another ID. |
6 | Matters Arising () 5 minutes | Discuss any additional items that came up during meeting that need to be addressed in another meet-up | |
7 | Next Meeting () | Is there a need for another Meet-Up | Yes- Looking towards meetings on Wednesday or Friday for future discussions around GLN use and potential business rule changes. |
8 | Adjournment () | Adjourn | 2:55 pm Chicago Time |
Tasks/Action Items
Who | When Assigned | What | Deadline | Status |