2023-06-13 Identification Meet Up - Mid-Year Meeting

2023-06-13 Identification Meet Up - Mid-Year Meeting




Key Cooperative



Winfield United

Land O'Lakes




EFC Systems

CNH Industrial



AgVantage software




International Raw Materials

The Equity


MSA = Moved, Seconded & Approved

 Meeting Information


1:30 pm Chicago



 Access Code

Purpose of meeting: The Identification Meet Up will inform members on the state of current work; identify industry pinch points that can benefit from process improvement, standards implementation, or both; and offer an opportunity for idea generation and collaboration.

Participants will benefit through increased understanding of industry capability and readiness to act; opportunity to offer input and provide direction on active and anticipated collaborative efforts.


AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines

AGIIS Duplicates Task Force Recommendation Report - September 2011


Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Sub-topics, supporting documentation, additional resources

Meeting Minutes


Welcome, Antitrust and Introduction () 2 min.

Welcome the group - review Antitrust statement
In all of AgGateway's operations and activities, it must avoid discussions or conduct that might violate applicable antitrust laws, or even appear to do so. To that end, AgGateway has established Antitrust Guidelines, which it has provided to each participant in this meeting. While it is your ultimate responsibility to ensure that your actions comply with applicable antitrust laws, your participation in this meeting is affirmation that you will abide by AgGateway's guidelines.

2Minutes Taker () 1 min.A meeting taker has been selected.
3Introduction and Background to Identification in Ag () 15 minutesHistoric background for use of identification codes in agriculture is laid out.
  • Directory evolution
    • Allied Directory
    • Harvest Partners and NAPD Directory
    • Product Directory
    • Consolidation to AGIIS
    • Entity Rules and De-Duplication Task Forces
  • Industry use cases

4Current State () 15 minutesParticipants understand the current state of rules and processes for enumerating entities in AGIIS, especially with respect to issues like assignment and reuse of codes.
5Issues Discussion and Documentation () 30 minutes

Known issues are documented 

  • Segment (seed, CP, CN ...)
  • Industry data model approach (customer vs purchaser, vs account vs ...)
  • Cross references and their management

6Next Steps () 15 minutesMeeting participants determine whether there is need for additional work, identify individuals 

Matters Arising () 5 minutes

Discuss any additional items that came up during meeting that need to be addressed in another meet-up

8Next Meeting ()Is there a need for another Meet-Up

9Adjournment ()AdjournX:XX am Chicago Time

Tasks/Action Items

WhoWhen AssignedWhatDeadline Status