2023-06-14 Crop Protection Meet Up - Mid-Year Meeting

2023-06-14 Crop Protection Meet Up - Mid-Year Meeting




Key Cooperative



Winfield United

Land O'Lakes




EFC Systems

CNH Industrial



AgVantage software




International Raw Materials

The Equity


MSA = Moved, Seconded & Approved

 Meeting Information


10:30 am Chicago



 Access Code

Purpose of meeting: The Crop Protection Meet Up will inform members on the state of current work; identify industry pinch points that can benefit from process improvement, standards implementation, or both; and offer an opportunity for idea generation and collaboration.

Participants will benefit through increased understanding of industry capability and readiness to act; opportunity to offer input and provide direction on active and anticipated collaborative efforts.


AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines


Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Sub-topics, supporting documentation, additional resources

Meeting Minutes


Welcome, Antitrust and Introduction () 2 min.

Welcome the group - review Antitrust statement
In all of AgGateway's operations and activities, it must avoid discussions or conduct that might violate applicable antitrust laws, or even appear to do so. To that end, AgGateway has established Antitrust Guidelines, which it has provided to each participant in this meeting. While it is your ultimate responsibility to ensure that your actions comply with applicable antitrust laws, your participation in this meeting is affirmation that you will abide by AgGateway's guidelines.

2Minutes Taker () 1 min.A meeting taker has been selected.Josh Wall
3Crop Protection Product Guidelines Update () 25 minutesAll have an opportunity to understand current implementation status and next steps.
  • Report out and review of documentation
  • Review some example load data
  • Agreement to turn over to PMC for submission to Standards and Guidelines

Brent walked the group through the Product Guidelines recommendation.

  • Josh reviewed the AGIIS Enhancement PCR 245 the was released in March.  He walked through the changes and the GTIN Hierarchy page that manufactures can document how they use the indicator digit.
  • Joe Gifford specifically walked through Syngenta's GTIN Hierarchy and explained it to the group.
  • Brent outlined where the work product exists on the wiki which will be presented to Standard and Guidelines.
  • Reviewed best data practices for product owners.
    • Suppliers should be verifying whether data is accurate.
    • Consumers should be making sure they are monitoring updates. 
  • Reviewed at high-level the AGIIS Product XML File Layout (documented on wiki). Major changes were replacing seed specific examples with Crop Protection specific examples.
  • Reviewed Implementor Value Propositions (documented on wiki)
  • Brent emphasized that this working group was focused on the guidelines and implementation was out of scope.
  • The group agreed it was ready to be turned over to Standard and Guidelines.
  • It was mentioned this provides an opportunity to promote the new guideline to manufacturers that have not updated products recently or loaded products into AGIIS.
4Issues Roundtable () 25 minutes

Working group activities are shared with the group for awareness and participant solicitation as applicable

  • Label Data Initiatives
  • Sunrise 2027 and barcoding
  • Roundtable - what's on your mind?
  • Brent recapped the Sunrise 2027 barcoding initiative.
    • Potentially having a 2D barcode workshop at annual conference.
  • Product Label Data 
    • What can be done if you have an electronic label?
    • Conversation is being had what should electronic label look like? What would be a common data model? 
    • Brent made the group aware of the conversation.  Currently no action required.
  • Other topics by the group
    • Data Storage Concerns (US based vs globally)
    • Is crop protection messaging ever going to move to GLN's and GTIN's (Kay Campe)?

Matters Arising () 5 minutes

Discuss any additional items that came up during meeting that need to be addressed in another meet-up

6Next Meeting ()Is there a need for another Meet-Up

TBD (To be determined) potentially sometime in September time frame

7Adjournment ()Adjourn11:30 am Chicago Time

Tasks/Action Items

WhoWhen AssignedWhatDeadline Status