2021-09-21 Ag Retail Meet Up

2021-09-21 Ag Retail Meet Up


XBrent KempAgGateway
XNatasha LillyThe Equity
Xkristi.block (Unlicensed)AgGateway
XJosh Wall (Unlicensed)DXC
XScott NiemanLand O'Lakes
XAnn Vande LuneKey Cooperative
XBill Vary (Deactivated)Syngenta
XMike TerningCultura
XRandy Sunderman (Unlicensed)Heartland Coop
XDarlene Gibson (Unlicensed)BASF
XJulie Malson (Deactivated)Co-Alliance
XAhren Bryant (Unlicensed)Syngenta
XGreg Baldwin (Unlicensed)EFC Systems
XLauren MealeyWinfield Solutions
XMark MohrKahler Automation


MSA = Moved, Seconded & Approved

 Meeting Information


1:30 pm Chicago


+1 (571) 317-3116

 Access Code

Purpose of meeting: The Ag Retail Meet Up will inform members on the state of current work; identify industry pinch points that can benefit from process improvement, standards implementation, or both; and offer an opportunity for idea generation and collaboration.

Participants will benefit through increased understanding of industry capability and readiness to act; opportunity to offer input and provide direction on active and anticipated collaborative efforts.


AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines


Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Sub-topics, supporting documentation, additional resources

Meeting Minutes


Welcome, Antitrust and Introduction () 5 min.

Welcome the group - review Antitrust statement
In all of AgGateway's operations and activities, it must avoid discussions or conduct that might violate applicable antitrust laws, or even appear to do so. To that end, AgGateway has established Antitrust Guidelines, which it has provided to each participant in this meeting. While it is your ultimate responsibility to ensure that your actions comply with applicable antitrust laws, your participation in this meeting is affirmation that you will abide by AgGateway's guidelines.
All welcomed.
2Minutes Taker () 1 min.A meeting taker has been selected.Brent Kemp will capture notes.
3Conference and Quick Connect 2021 Planning UpdateThe group is aware of current conference plans and has opportunity to ask and have questions answered
  • Conference dates
  • Key sessions
  • Quick Connect status
  • Nominations for awards

Brent Kemp reviewed current state on conference, sessions, sponsorships and networking opportunities.

kristi.block (Unlicensed) reviewed recent conversations from the Quick Connect Task Force, noting that last meeting of the team suggested that there were several manufacturers who were not likely to attend. 

  • Some feedback received that fertilizer manufacturers would be there
  • Some chemical manufacturers indicated the same
  • Set aside a few meeting rooms to have the conversations
  • Continue to schedule a session for 2022 Quick Connect planning
  • Value is to refine meeting format, collateral, content
  • ACTION: Brent to get the list of no travel/too early to tell/still coming and share with the team
  • ACTION: Brent to follow up with Member Services re: sign up form status
  • Big shout out to the quick connect planning team - well done for all the planning and hard work!
  • Trading capabilities document is still being updated - looking for updates from members. Do plan to include a draft as some content in the mobile app
    • Discussion on survey of capabilities - is the ask for everyone on the call to update connection status and capabilities? Yes. 
    • ACTION: All to respond to survey on message connection capability. 
    • ACTION: Kristi to review survey, email, and clarify the ask as needed

All asked to consider nominees for annual awards.


2022 Proposed Budget and Plan Presentations

The group is aware of communication plan for the 2022 proposed budget and plan

Brent reviewed the current schedule for annual plan and budget presentations, location for post-presentation resources, and feedback process.

No questions at this time.


Working Group Updates

  • WG01 - In Field Product Identification
  • WG04 - Agriculture Lab Testing
  • WG08 - Data Linking
  • Potential work in Canada

Group understands the status of current working groups and meet up activities pertinent to them.

WG01 - Actual product shipped to grower proved out on Deere, CNH displays. Next work streams will be to better identity product through AIDC tools, imaging, etc., to enable grower to identify product without leaving the cab. 

WG04 - Work is winding down - MODUS test ID's on soil. Plant tissue still underway. Water management group, legacy MODUS XML roadmap still to be addressed. 

WG08 - Data Linking group deals with metadata around large data sets, allowing practitioners to make use of data across different domains and/or processes. Ties in to work done in WG01.

Canadian work:

  • CPCC additional connections
  • Product Catalog 2.1 may be released as soon as Annual Conference, which supports Canada specific elements

Scale ticket meet up: 23 people on call  indicating interest in developing a charter and scope of work for scale tickets.

Product forecasting: some work taking place between distributor and manufacturer in scoping out a CP product forecast message. Could expand into retail to distributor scope. Pilot anticipated to be complete soon, with meet up to share and potential working group to extend/enhance pilot implementation.

6IdeationGroup has opportunity to place new ideas on the floor, discuss, and determine next steps.

Question: is there any work going on in AgGateway on circular economy; i.e., somebody else's waste is someone else's gold. Ag-specific interests in reuse or reprocess of packaging, may be under the umbrella of sustainability. Noted that ASABE had a call recently on this - looking for any insight from attendees on awareness of effort. 

Information and research links:

https://www.asabe.org/TFACS - ACTION: All are asked to review last video of the session; particularly discussion around split crops.

Status on Energy:

  • Reviewed state of energy working group
  • Suggested a meeting at conference to talk through path forward?
  • ACTION: Brent to follow up with prior working group participants and see about scheduling a meeting at conference

Question on conference session - do we want a retail specific session pulling out pain points and prioritizing? Yes; been a while since we had a pain point identification/prioritization session. 

Josh brought up maintenance in AGIIS - products, entities, noted that there's some subscriber maintenance happening that impacts help requests. Some AGIIS education planned for conference, new users highly encouraged to attend. DOC is also developing enhancement roadmap for 2022 - ideas welcome!


Other items () 

Discuss any additional items that came up during meeting that need to be addressed in another meet-up

No additional items

8Next Meeting ()Is there a need for another Meet-Up

Next meet up will be at the annual conference

9Adjournment ()AdjournMeeting adjourned at 2:21 pm Chicago time

Tasks/Action Items

WhoWhen AssignedWhatDeadline Status
All Parties requested to provide any updates on connectivity to Member Services, Kristi Block or Brent 
All Parties requested to provide contact names and organizations for retailers, others desired to attend the annual meeting and quick connect