2021-01-19 Ag Retail Meet Up

2021-01-19 Ag Retail Meet Up



Jessie RexroatEffingham Equity

Randy FryCeres Solutions

Uriah PaddockCeres Solutions

Jeff GriffethCo-Alliance, LLP

Natasha LillyEffingham Equity

Julie BenickWinfield United

Beth GrahamAGDATA

Dave Craft

Software Solutions Integrated

Greg Baldwin (Unlicensed)EFC Systems Inc

Greg FishGrowmark, Inc

Jacob CrowGrowmark, Inc

Keith MilburnGrowmark, Inc

Lynda PembertonSoftware Solutions Integrated

Mary EnriquezNutrien Ag Solutions, Inc.

Michael CarrabineInternational Raw Materials

Mike TerningCultura Technologies

Rick WeyrauchLand O Lakes, Inc.

Samantha Murray (Unlicensed)CDMS

Mark SimmonsYara

Darren CoppeckAg Retailers Association

Julie Malson (Deactivated)Co-Alliance, LLP

kristi.block (Unlicensed)AgGateway Staff

Dan Berne (Unlicensed)AgGateway Staff

Josh Wall (Unlicensed)AgGateway Staff

Brent KempAgGateway Staff


MSA = Moved, Seconded & Approved

 Meeting Information


1:30 pm Chicago


+1 (571) 317-3116

 Access Code

Purpose of meeting: The Ag Retail Meet Up will inform members on the state of current work; identify industry pinch points that can benefit from process improvement, standards implementation, or both; and offer an opportunity for idea generation and collaboration.

Participants will benefit through increased understanding of industry capability and readiness to act; opportunity to offer input and provide direction on active and anticipated collaborative efforts.


AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines


Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Sub-topics, supporting documentation, additional resources

Meeting Minutes


Welcome, Antitrust and Introduction () 5 min.

Welcome the group - review new Antitrust statement for 2021
In all of AgGateway's operations and activities, it must avoid discussions or conduct that might violate applicable antitrust laws, or even appear to do so. To that end, AgGateway has established Antitrust Guidelines, which it has provided to each participant in this meeting. While it is your ultimate responsibility to ensure that your actions comply with applicable antitrust laws, your participation in this meeting is affirmation that you will abide by AgGateway's guidelines.
All were welcomed. Antitrust guidelines adherence confirmed.
2Minutes Taker () 1 min.A meeting taker has been selected.Member Services will capture notes
3Ideation - Distributor to Retail ConnectivityThe group has opportunity to review recent resources and identify any for implementation
  • Product Catalog
  • Crop Nutrition Messaging
  • Others ...

Brent introduced the topic:

  • Crop Nutrition Messaging - The group was asked if Crop Nutrition messaging was a priority item. Randy Fry stated they are interested in any messaging opportunities but Crop Nutrition would be a lower priority than Crop Protection. The group was in agreement with the priority. Natasha and Jeff stated that Crop Protection was moving slow and if Crop Nutrition could move quicker they would take any messaging opportunities they could get. Brent asked if there were any specific challenges in Crop Nutrition messaging, Natasha stated the way the product is contracted and price does present challenges but will need to be talked through.  She believes it will be different than Crop Protection and may take more steps but her organization is willing to move forward with the process. Mike Carrabine spoke up as a past participant of the initial CNC project and he stated the most difficult part of the process is identifying willing participants.  He felt that the Quick Connect Session were very beneficial to identify participants.  Natasha agreed that the Quick Connection sessions provided visibility into what connection different suppliers supported it also allowed participants an opportunity to sit down with their trading partners and understand the requirements of establishing a connection.  Brent stated he would be meeting with the Conference Committee and determine when would be the best time to schedule Quick Connect sessions.  
  • Product Catalog Adoption - Brent described the resources that have been delivered and wondered if anyone had a chance to review the resources available. No one spoke up and stated they had reviewed the resources at this point. Randy wondered if Scott Nieman could come to the next Ag retail Meet-Up and provide a demo. Brent also noted there were a couple of manufacturers showing interest in implementation of the Product Catalog 
  • Animal Nutrition - A project that came from BASF (European Division) regarding the tracking and traceability of animal nutrition products.  Brent mentioned there would be an upcoming presentation in the next couple of months and wanted to see if there was any interest from Ag Retail so they could be included in the initial presentations. Jeff mentioned Co-Alliance would be interested.
4Ideation - Retail to FMIS ConnectivityThe group has opportunity to review recent resources and identify any for implementation
  • Working Group 08 update
  • Others ...
Working Group 8 - In-Field Product ID Plug-Ins for ADAPT

There is currently a gap in identification and tracking the planting of seed and application of crop protection products on a grower’s field. This is especially true when a grower buys multiple brands of seeds. A new ADAPT plug-in and enhancements to the ISO plug-in are needed in order to address this gap. Brent stated if there was an interest, reach out to Brent, Dan or Member Services.

Brent asked if there were additional pain points and Keith Milburn asked the question is any sustainability or carbon messages being considered? Keith mentioned that his organization is getting questions on how carbon is being measured or tracked.  He believes this is going to be an upcoming issue for the industry. The group mentioned this should be an area the group starts brainstorming on and begins understanding what is already out there.

In recap Crop Protection messaging is the number 1 priority, Crop Nutrition number 2 priority, more due diligence in understanding the Product Catalog and keep pushing forward on new Seed Messages

5Ag Retail Energy - x minutesGroup will share the plans for upcoming energy-focused meet ups in January.

Energy Agenda (from December 2020)

  • Kickoff -  5 minutes   Jeff & Randy
    • Randy to share big picture of ag diagram, think about how energy fits in
    • Focus on the business issues today - steer wide of tech solutions at least to start
  • Introductions around the table
  • Intro to Ag Gateway – 5 minutes - XXX
  • Pain Point discussion – lead by our group ~60 minutes
    • Start with identified list:
      • logistics - shipping, transport, ship docs, BoL (wholesale and retail)
      • meter reading and tank tracking, (where are they, how much is in them - lessons learned from bulk and how that applies for customer implementation/customer data - something actionable versus informational - delivery trigger/keep full)
      • integration with existing supply chain data,
      • invoicing (multi-level; wholesale and retail)
    • Open to the group for more discussion, issue identification
  • Assign Priorities – Jeff & Randy  15 minutes
  • Next steps – (Discussion of next call agenda, further brainstorming and introduction of tech solutions, etc.)  Brent Kemp  - 15 minutes
Brent provided an overview of the upcoming energy-focused meet-ups and reviewed the ppt. at a high level. Brent stated if anyone had additional input to, please let him know. 

Other items () 

Discuss any additional items that came up during meeting that need to be addressed in another meet-up

Randy brought -up the worked being done by the Crop Protection Product Identification group.  They are currently looking at a solution to modify the existing Crop Protection Price Message to provide more clarity in the product identifiers that are being used for each trading partner. Josh Wall will be working with Randy Fry to get the next Meet-Up scheduled.

7Next Meeting ()Is there a need for another Meet-Up

Not at this time.

8Adjournment ()AdjournMeeting adjourned at  pm Chicago time

Tasks/Action Items

WhoWhen AssignedWhatDeadline Status