2021-05-11 Crop Nutrition Meet Up

2021-05-11 Crop Nutrition Meet Up



Brent KempAgGateway

Dan Berne (Unlicensed)AgGateway

kristi.block (Unlicensed)AgGateway

Greg FishGrowmark

Tory Bjorklund (Unlicensed)

Rick WeyrauchLand O'Lakes

Ann Vande Lune

Natasha Lilly

Ewa WojcikCF Industries


Randall Warden

Colt Silvers

Joachim Crombez

Chad Robertson

Serge Pasheev (Unlicensed)

Daoud Urdu

Mark Mohr

Ptam RakarLand O'Lakes

Ian HarleyTraction Ag



MSA = Moved, Seconded & Approved

Meeting Information


10:00 am Chicago



 Access Code

Purpose of meeting: The Crop Nutrition Meet Up will focus on the state of B2B messaging in a supply chain context. A question has arisen in respect to industry interest in developing a harmonized web service or API implementation of the CNC Project's XML messages. X12 EDI implementations are also likely to be considered. The desired outcome is awareness of the current state and identification of parties interested in developing new message implementations. Manufacturers, distributors, retailers, allied providers, and other stakeholders are encouraged to attend. 

Participants will benefit through increased understanding of industry capability and readiness to act; opportunity to offer input and provide direction on active and anticipated collaborative efforts.


AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines

2021-05-11 - CN MeetUp.pptx


Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Sub-topics, supporting documentation, additional resources

Meeting Minutes


Welcome, Antitrust and Introduction () 5 min.

Welcome the group - review new Antitrust statement for 2021
In all of AgGateway's operations and activities, it must avoid discussions or conduct that might violate applicable antitrust laws, or even appear to do so. To that end, AgGateway has established Antitrust Guidelines, which it has provided to each participant in this meeting. While it is your ultimate responsibility to ensure that your actions comply with applicable antitrust laws, your participation in this meeting is affirmation that you will abide by AgGateway's guidelines.
Brent Kemp read at 10:02 am Chicago.
2Minutes Taker () 1 min.A meeting taker has been selected.Kristi Block has agreed to capture notes
3Ideation - Extending Crop Nutrient Supply Chain MessagingThe group has the opportunity to review recent resources and identify any for implementation

From the Ag Retail community: 

JSON message implementation of CN connectivity. 

  • General consensus of interest, but concerns about bandwidth since many are already working in the Energy group. Noted that an initial conversation within the CN group is also needed.
  • Statement of support around moving to an easier to implement, RESTful API with JSON as message format as opposed to continuing multiple versions of the same messages in ebXML implementations. 

Brent presented an overview of where Crop Nutrition is at. (Include PP slides?)

  • Tonnage Reporting: Challenge working with state government as changes in staffs happen with administrations. Migration to web-based portals.
  • Mix Ticket (2018-19): JSON-based implementation. 
  • Responsible Ag: Auditing & certification of safe and best practices for fertilizer safe handling. Datalink with AGIIS and Responsible Ag.

AgGateway's had interest from members on: 

  1. API implementation
    1. EWA interested in using RESTful API transport; requests from existing customers. We concluded that it's not what we were looking for. That implementation will work for other partners and that there is a standard to do it. New CIO from Fall 2020. Using CNC standards, when we integrate with new customers still asking for X12 and new customers have different requests. Need some flexibility. Interest in WG participation. 
      1. API specs are JSON and XML. Preference to XML
      2. If there is a JSON standard, we will follow it to be flexible between the two.
      3. EDI harmonization? Contract message must use X12. TKI was also working on contract.
    2. Mike Kuhn live with some partners on API of order create and order invoice.
  2. JSON options
  3. EDI harmonization

Natasha - interested in how contracted and grouped together. The alignment would help. Limited products at our company. Using the last quick connect, all of our partners we needed were there.

Anne - Love to have more participants with all supplies. Have begun the process with one. Accepting orders and ship notices. It's seed and chemical ship notice and it's an adaption of that. Looked at business rules available. Had most of what we needed to get up and rolling. If we have more discussion on mix ticket bring in Eric Hoefing

Sounds like there is implementation on crop nutrition; harmonization is of interest; and an opportunity to have additional conversations about web services and APIs. 

4CNC Specific - INCO Terms Code List UpdateNeeded?

Ewa - We've implemented INCO terms from the CNC project. Did not know about INCOTerms2020. Need to have a review of INCOTerms2020 v. the previous INCO.

Greg -  Not using. Could see the option available as beneficial. 

Mike - Not using yet.

5Next StepsGroup identifies specific actions that will follow this meet-up.
  1. Conversation on X12/XML Harmonization Call.
    1. Ewa to find and send to Brent preparation materials for next meet-up.
  2. Standards and implementation of APIs and RESTful web services.
    1. Sharing the approaches of these are steps being taken, areas of concern, etc
    2. Webservice transport is using CNC messaging. Not XML as being the transport mechanism.
    3. Look at establishing a standard around web service
      1. Ask to be involved: Mike from IRN; Nutrien Ag; other members active in this space.
  3. Email blast linked to article/review of INCOTerms 2020 delta work to be completed before next meet-up.
  4. Brent to reach out to Mark Carabine and TKI.

Other items () 

Discuss any additional items that came up during the meeting that need to be addressed in another meet-up

Next Meetings: a cadence of a regular meet-up would be helpful. Maybe not every month but at least twice a year outside of mid-year and annual meetings. 

7Next Meeting ()Is there a need for another Meet-Up

Scheduled for XX  at XX:XX a/pm Chicago time

8Adjournment ()AdjournMeeting adjourned at  10:55 pm Chicago time

Tasks/Action Items

WhoWhen AssignedWhatDeadline Status

Email blast linked to article/review of INCOTerms 2020 delta work to be completed before next meet-up.
