2021-08-05 Crop Nutrition Meet Up

2021-08-05 Crop Nutrition Meet Up


XBrent KempAgGateway
XDan Berne (Unlicensed)AgGateway

kristi.block (Unlicensed)AgGateway
XJim WilsonAgGateway
XRick WeyrauchLand O'Lakes

Seth PetersenWilbur-Ellis
XRobert KovalskyMosaic

Greg FishGrowmark

Todd Moutardier


Mike CarrabineIRM
XGrace LiaoIRM
XEwa WojcikCF Industries

Millie AlmaoCF Industries

Susmitha KilaruCF Industries
XGinger GageNutrien Ag Solutions

Mike.Kuhn@Nutrien.comNutrien Ag Solutions
XJonathan LeeNutrien Ag Solutions
XMike GliddenSimplot Grower Solutions


MSA = Moved, Seconded & Approved

Meeting Information


2:00 pm Chicago


+1 (571) 317-3116

 Access Code

Purpose of meeting: The Crop Nutrition Meet Up will focus on developing charter for a harmonized web service or API implementation of the CNC Project's XML messages. X12 EDI implementations are also likely to be considered. The desired outcome is an initial scope of work and agreement to proceed to a call for participation. Manufacturers, distributors, retailers, allied providers, and other stakeholders are encouraged to attend. 

Participants will benefit through increased understanding of industry capability and readiness to act; opportunity to offer input and provide direction on active and anticipated collaborative efforts.


AgGateway Antitrust Guidelines


Topic (Leader)

Desired Outcome

Sub-topics, supporting documentation, additional resources

Meeting Minutes


Welcome, Antitrust and Introduction () 5 min.

Welcome the group - review new Antitrust statement for 2021
In all of AgGateway's operations and activities, it must avoid discussions or conduct that might violate applicable antitrust laws, or even appear to do so. To that end, AgGateway has established Antitrust Guidelines, which it has provided to each participant in this meeting. While it is your ultimate responsibility to ensure that your actions comply with applicable antitrust laws, your participation in this meeting is affirmation that you will abide by AgGateway's guidelines.
Antitrust statement read. 
2Minutes Taker () 1 min.A meeting taker has been selected.

Brent Kemp will capture notes

Agenda reviewed, noting that the ShipNotice/XML discussion needs to be deferred due to lack of availability of the resource.

3Current State - Extending Crop Nutrient Supply Chain MessagingThe group has the opportunity to review recent resources and identify any for implementation

From the 2021-05-11 Meet Up

Web Services, API implementation and CNC connectivity: 

  • Some parties are implementing non-CNC XML messages for ShipNotice, others. Where reviewed, business rules appear to be in line with CNC implementation.
  • Some parties are interested in implementing a web service approach to message exchange; others, an API implementation.
  • No widespread agreement on moving from XML to JSON; some parties still implementing X12 EDI in the segment. 

Questions from June call:

Does an API/RESTful web service offer a similar tool to the technical acknowledgement? Technical acknowledgement is a specialized component of SOAP. 

Are we talking about a refactored SOAP into a RESTful web service?

What about a JSON implementation of the XML?

What about X12 implementations? Is there a crosswalk between formats and toolsets?

  • For SAP implementers, PO has an internal tool that can be leveraged for converting JSON to XML; 
  • No reason you can't transmit X12 or XML payloads over RESTful service - just becomes a new transport 

Some conversation about using Nexus as a RESTful endpoint - consider pinging Guido on that

Schedule a conversation with Ginger about a demo for the Nutrien service

Invite SSI/AgVance to comment

Finish message harmonization for X12 to XML (Order series)

Nutrien shared an overview of their movement to API implementation of B2B connectivity.

  • Shared contributing factors to their decision making
  • RESTful API portal approach - Apigee tech from Google as a base
  • Reviewed navigation of Supplier Order Management
    • AgGateway v5 messages supported
    • JSON is proprietary format, but appears to share naming convention closely aligned to ag eStandards
    • How would a supplier GET a purchase order? That's an artifact of the presentation layer; human involvement noted, has some challenges with the outbound message
    • Discussion on how to handle long running processes, call backs, and identifiers returned 
    • Question on how to obtain support once registration request is submitted - email address 
    • OAuth2.0 protocol is supported - any intent to support external authentication provider? Design for inbound is scoped to the product. Outbound supports pretty much any standard HTTP authentication protocol. 
    • Question on connection intent - if a partner isn't moving off of X12, is the intent to not connect? Same issue as in other interoperability initiatives; seeing some motion forward. How can connectivity be opened up to the masses instead of a single path? Maintenance, ease of implementation seen as benefits.
    • Recognition that someone will have to build this - success stories shared. 
  • API conversation to be scheduled following some agenda building around current implementations, message service guidelines, and defining scope for discussion.

Revisited X12 to XML mapping and crosswalk

  • Think the order is complete; ship notice likely; invoice maybe outlier
    • CF observes that they are less interested in participating in EDI
    • Simplot is getting more interest in X12
    • Schedule week of 13 September; shoot for Wednesday 15th

Retail-to-distributor Ship Notice

  • Deferred to September/October group call
4Ideation - Working Group ScopeThe group has identified a path forward to implement, and broken down work packages to prints as applicable.

5Next StepsGroup identifies specific actions that will follow this meet-up.
  • Schedule next call
  • Issue invitations to identified parties
  • Review state of XML message implementation across versions

Other items () 

Discuss any additional items that came up during the meeting that need to be addressed in another meet-up

Next Meetings: 

7Next Meeting ()Is there a need for another Meet-Up

EDI harmonization scheduled for 15 September at 2:00 pm Chicago time

8Adjournment ()AdjournMeeting adjourned at 14:59 pm Chicago time

Tasks/Action Items

WhoWhen AssignedWhatDeadline Status