Order Fulfillment - Bar Code Enabled

Order Fulfillment - Bar Code Enabled

Context of U

  This use case will cover deliveries, transfers, inventory adjustments, returns by customers as well as returns to supplier





Primary Actor


Stakeholders and Interests

  • Warehouse Manager (May be off site):  Inventory accuracy; efficient process to get inventory into system quickly; product placement is correct so easily accessed
  • Warehouse Operations Manager (On site):  Inventory accuracy; efficient process to get inventory into system quickly; product placement is correct so easily accessed
  • Accounting Department:  Reduction of extra cost due to inventory errors; inefficient processes that increase time spent handling inventory
  • Sales:  Current, accurate inventory to fulfill sales orders; timeliness in fulfillment of the order
  • Inventory Control (Auditing of Inventory):  Reduction of time needed to perform audit; Accuracy of inventory before and during the audit
  • Manufacturer or Distributor:  Efficient process enables faster billing and payment; Reduction in time needed to handle error resolution; Enables vendor inventory accuracy; Accurate information to base program payments etc. against.  Track & Trace enabled
  • IT Manager/ Support: Ensure the bar code equipment and Inventory Control System (ICS) is operating as required to support the business.
  • Process Governance Lead: Develop process documentation and ensure it's operational application.
  • Customer: Product in stock and ready for delivery; Timeliness of delivery
  • Carrier:  Quick unloading time; accuracy; speed up payment for service; Timeliness in reporting delivery complete back to logistics team  
  • Shipping Company:  Receiving confirmation the delivery is completed; speed up payment for services
  • Receiving Company's Procurement Dept.:  Quick validation order has been fulfilled so they can close out PO.
  • Manufacturing division within the receiving company:  Real time visibility to inventory updates
  • Site Managers - Receiving: Real time visibility to any inventory updates
  • Warehouse Staff:  Accurate placement and recording of location for product
  • Regulatory/ Safety Compliance Lead:  Ensure all products that come under regulatory compliance are handled and stored properly


  1. For deliveries, product must be in the warehouse and available to deliver.
  2. Product is defined in the master inventory list
  3. Order  Return Request is eligible for action
  4.  Must have a delivery transaction in order to execute a return
  5.  Organization has implemented an inventory system to include bar coding

Minimal Guarantees

the interests as protected on any exit

Success Guarantees

  1. Accurate inventory of returnable assets
  2. Visibility to chain of custody
  3. Right product and qty. delivered to the right place to the right person
  4. Organization and customer have agree to a delivery date and time (May be a walk in) 


Time to deliver order

Main Success Scenario

  1. Negative Inventory Impacts -  Delivery, Returns to Supplier, Inventory Adjustments (to include product dumps), or Transfer Out (Internal or External) 
    1. Pick ticket document is generated in system and available
    2. Warehouse staff pulls up pick ticket on device
    3. Warehouse staff locates, inspects product and scans product to adds qty into ICS
    4. Organization generates delivery document
    5. Carrier loads products and electronic signature obtained from carrier for chain of custody
    6. ICS records product delivery or disposal in ICS taking it out of inventory
    7. Carrier delivers product to customer and obtains electronic signature from customer as proof of delivery
    8. System accepts Proof of delivery document from carrier
  2. Positive Inventory Impacts - Customer Return or Transfer In (Internal or External)
    1. Office Staff creates return or transfer document
    2. Carrier is dispatched to pick up product and obtains customer's electronic signature on return document
    3. Carrier adds their electronic signature to the return document accepting custody of product
    4. Carrier returns product to warehouse
    5. Warehouse staff unloads and inspects product 
    6. Warehouse staff provides electronic signature on carrier's return document to acknowledge received product
    7. Warehouse staff scans product and enters qty. received 
    8. Warehouse staff will return product to warehouse location scanning location label (if applicable)
    9. ICS updates product status as available


Main Success Scenario StepConditionBranching Action

1.d / 2b

 Product can be delivered/return thru 3rd party carrier, internal staff or picked up by customer

  If customer picks up or returns they sign the delivery & return documents .

2b.Qty. may need to be adjusted if not enough product available to fulfill order Product is back order, substituted or cancelled (Refer to the order process)
 2f. Product may not be in condition to restock Qty needs to be adjusted by following business process
 1c. If involves an inventory adjustment

 Follow organization procedure for disposal

 1f If adjustment involves disposal 

No signature is required 

 2a If is a transfer in Document is supplied by Transfer Out party
 2f If any received product is damagedFollow organization policy for resolution 

Technology and Data Variations

the variation that will cause eventual bifurcation in the scenario

Main Success Scenario StepBranching Action
reference to the main success scenario # where the variation occurs

numbered list of variations


  • whatever the project wants to note
  • ideally such content would be recorded elsewhere (e.g., business rule table)

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list of contributors, using the wiki's "@First Last" feature, if possible



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