Copy of AgGateway Post-Image Collection Specification (PICS)

Copy of AgGateway Post-Image Collection Specification (PICS)

This page will house the deliverable (an implementation guideline) for AgGateway's PICS project.

November 21 update: The PICS team is actively working on the text of the implementation guideline. Please check back soon, but meanwhile, please take a look at the informative flyer:

Preferred Image Format:

Why GeoTIFF?

  • GeoTIFF meets the projection requirements

    Other Benefits:

    • Compression
    • Radiometry
    • Transformation
    • Public domain metadata standard (for encoding/decoding)
    • Open Source component GDAL plugin (MIT license)
    • Possible to include aux/sidecar files

GeoTIFF Specifications

Known Limitations:

  • 4GB limit, to be remedied by using the proposed BigTIFF format - http://bigtiff.org/
    • Anything larger than 4GB needs to utilize BigTIFF specifications
    • Can also be solved by breaking large tiff files into 4GB tiles and using virtual layers

Additional Tags Required:

GeoTIFF does not supply all the tags necessary to define information such as spectral band width, band center wavelength, name or acquisition time or duration.  Using both the EXIF and XMP tags shown below the PICS requirements can be satisfied.

ItemTag TypeKeyExampleTypeNotesLink to Specification
Band NameXMPXmp.Camera.BandName

{"Red", "NIR"}


Name of each band (sequence).

Single page image: one name for each band of the image.
Multipage image: one band name per image page. (Note: this allows only one band per page, since sequence of sequence is not possible).

Band Center WavelengthXMPXmp.Camera.CentralWavelength

{660, 800}

XmpSeqCentral wavelength of each band in nm. Similar to band names. If band names are not defined, default band names are generated.https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/206434245-Camera-XMP-Specification#gsc.tab=0
Band WidthXMPXmp.Camera.WavelengthFWHM16015XmpSeqFull width half maximum of the wavelength distribution in nm.https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/206434245-Camera-XMP-Specification#gsc.tab=0
Acquisition DateEXIFExif.GPSInfo.GPSDateStamp2016:03:01AsciiMean GPS date (UTC)https://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/205732299#gsc.tab=0
Acquisition TimeEXIFExif.GPSInfo.GPSTimeStamp12/1 8/1 54785/1000List of RationalMean time of capture - GPS time as hour, minute, second (UTC), with sub-second accuracyhttps://support.pix4d.com/hc/en-us/articles/205732299#gsc.tab=0
Acquisition DurationXMPXmp.Camera.AcquisitionDuration23456XmpTextTime taken to acquire all images in dataset, measured in seconds

Pix4D - proposed


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Sample XML instance file showing how to encode a PICS version as a ContextItem using the PAIL schema-->
     <Observations xmlns="http://aggateway.org/PAIL/0.1" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://aggateway.org/PAIL/0.1 PAIL_Obs_020.xsd">

AsciiThis is using the PAIL schema to accomplish recording a version.Proposed

Other Image Formats:

GeoTIFF was selected as a preferred format for many reasons, but primarily because it is adaptable to so many projections and flexibly for re-projection makes it desirable.  It is not recommended but the EXIF and XMP tags outlined can also be used with other image formats such as ".jpg" or "png" but these other formats may lack projection unless a sidecar/auxiliary file is used.

A tiny link to this page is: https://aggateway.atlassian.net/wiki/x/XABrDw and a tiny-er link: http://bit.ly/2z90aeD 

The tiny-link-bearing QR code: Preview of your QR Code

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