Crop Nutrient Council Web Services API

Crop Nutrient Council Web Services API

Page Purpose

The purpose of this page is to consolidate documentation regarding the Crop Nutrient Council's consideration of Web Services API requirements. It is not particularly well organized or edited, but serves to ensure that potentially important information is available–even if in rough form.

Meeting on 2013-01-18

Invitation/Agenda Email

Standards & Guidelines, SPADE Team, Crop Nutrition Council, and whoever else is interested,

From the 2013-01-10 Standards & Guidelines Committee meeting notes:  What is the process for the CNC to establish web services guidelines for its messages? Contract, ContractResponse, OrderCreate, OrderResponse, OrderChange, ShipmentStatus. Partners are interested in pursuing this soon. Participate in SPADE. Meet within next 2 weeks to discuss: 1. Review existing guidelines, 2. Look at ebXML messaging. 3. API task force group.

To further this effort, I have scheduled a meeting from 2:00 to 3:30 PM CST this Friday, 18 January.

The purpose of this meeting is not to establish the guidelines, but to understand the requirements and understand standards and guidelines in place and in development within AgGateway. Our agenda is straightforward:

  1. Understand messaging/web services as specified for:
    1. ebMS
    2. AgGateway's Web Services Guidelines developed by the Seed Council
    3. AGIIS API
    4. SPADE Reference Data API
  2. Understand the CNC requirements
  3. Determine next steps to address the CNC requirements

Conference call number: +1 218-936-7999

Conference call passcode: 406-4743

Online Collaboration: https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/141518290 

Best regards,
Jim Wilson
AgGateway Standards Director

Meeting Participants

  • Mike C.
  • Jim W.
  • Greg F.
  • Ed K.
  • Grace Liao
  • Brian H.
  • Jason P.
  • Andres F.
  • Rob K.
  • Jaap V.
  • Phil J.

Meeting Notes

Understand messaging/web services as specified for:

  1. ebMS: ebXML's Message Service Spec
    1. Fairly heavy-weight TRP (transport and routing protocol)
    2. Implemented by NEXUSe2e
    3. Implemented in AEC (crop protection)
    4. Implemented in Crop Nutrition Project
    5. Implemented in Seed?
    6. AgGateway has developed implementation guidelines
  2. Generic Web Services Guidelines developed by the Seed Council
    1. To what extent may this be used as a starting point for other project teams? Jim assumed (perhaps wrongly) that this spec was primarily used at a trading-partner-to-trading-partner level. Jim: Follow up with Marilyn or Andrew Jeremiah about this.
    2. NEXUSe2e support this
    1. Includes support for Web Services
  4. SPADE Reference Data API
    1. RESTful approach
    2. Data retrieval only
    3. AgGateway provides lightweight directory services
  5. Understand the CNC requirements
    1. Discussed various interaction patterns
  6. Determine next steps to address the CNC requirements
    1. Address various questions in the notes and diagrams.
    2. Jim compile notes and diagrams for Rob and Phil to take back to CNC. Jim to talk with Rob, Phil, and Marilyn about next steps within CNC, or perhaps S&G.
    3. Ask Marilyn who uses what pattern? Who prefers (or is even limited to) what pattern?
    4. Pros/cons/requirements of the various parties in each pattern
    5. What implications might there be for the rest of AgGateway?

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