2024 AgGateway Annual Conference
Time Zone
All times are local time for Austin, which will be US Central Standard Time (same as Chicago) for the conference dates.
Monday, November 11
Start Time | End Time | Working Groups | Meetups / Professional Development | Education / Training | Closed / Invitation Only |
7:30 AM | 5:00 PM | Registration Desk Open | |||
7:30 AM | 8:30 AM | Grab and Go Breakfast | |||
7:30 AM | 5:00 PM | Member Services Live | |||
8:00 AM | 9:00 AM | Weather Data API Working Group
| Reserved for Quick Connect Meetings
8:30 AM | 10:00 AM |
| Gateway to Ag Careers (GTAC) Orientation This session is for the students that were selected for the Gateway to Ag Careers (GTAC). This session will provide them with a background on AgGateway and the conference. The Ag CIO Roundtable members will participate in this session. |
9:00 AM | 10:00 AM |
| Reserved for Quick Connect Meetings
| AGIIS 101
| Portfolio Management Team (Closed session)
10:00 AM | 10:30 AM | Refreshment Break | |||
10:30 AM | 11:30 AM | Modus Working Group
| Reserved for Quick Connect Meetings
| AgGateway Essentials
| Ag CIO Roundtable (Closed session) This is a closed session for the Ag CIO Roundtable members |
11:30 AM | 1:00 PM |
| First Time Attendee Luncheon (Invitation Only) Are you new to AgGateway, or a first-time attendee at the Annual Conference? This exclusive luncheon event provides you with the information and contacts you will need to make your first AgGateway Annual Conference a high-value experience. Please be sure to register as a first-time attendee so you will automatically receive an invitation. Sponsored by our Gold Sponsors: BASF, Bayer, SSI |
11:30 AM | 1:00 PM | Lunch on your own | |||
1:00 PM | 2:30 PM | Opening General Session and Keynote Presentation Welcome and Organization Update: President and CEO Brent Kemp provides a review of 2024 organizational progress. Keynote Panel Discussion: Data Gathering for Environmental Reporting: Views From the Field The Monday keynote features a panel discussion moderated by our EVP and COO Jeremy Wilson. Serving on the panel are three retail representatives who are in the field and plugged into challenges and opportunities in data gathering for environmental reporting in sustainability and carbon programs: Brian Henze from Growmark, Trey Colley from Greenpoint Ag, and Caleb Smith from Keystone Cooperative. Also joining the panel is Michael Gomes, vice president, sustainability at Topcon. With expertise in field computing and data collection and the impact of each on the value chain, Gomes and will share his perspective on how we achieve success with the environmental reporting data we acquire. | |||
2:30 PM | 3:00 PM | Refreshment Break | |||
3:00 PM | 4:00 PM | Entity ID Working Group
| Reserved for Quick Connect Meetings
| Board of Directors (Invitation Only)
4:00 PM | 4:30 PM | Entity ID Working Group continued
4:00 PM | 5:00 PM |
| Reserved for Quick Connect Meetings
| Board of Directors continued (Invitation Only)
4:30 PM | 5:00 PM | AgGateway Working Group Update
| Allied Provider Meetup
5:00 PM | 5:30 PM |
| Meet & Greet - First Time Attendees (Invitation Only) First time attendees and new members have a chance to get to know each other in this small gathering before the full networking reception kicks off. |
5:30 PM | 7:00 PM | Welcome Networking Reception Don't miss this opportunity to network with other members, vendors, customers, and staff! |
Tuesday, November 12
Start Time | End Time | Working Groups | Meetups / Professional Development | Education / Training | Closed / Invitation Only |
7:30 AM | 5:00 PM | Registration Desk Open | |||
7:30 AM | 8:30 AM | Grab and Go Breakfast | |||
7:30 AM | 5:00 PM | Member Services Live | |||
8:00 AM | 9:00 AM |
| Crop Nutrition Meetup
8:00 AM | 10:00 AM | ADAPT
| Gateway to Ag Careers (GTAC) Student Presentations Our Gateway to Ag Careers (GTAC) Student Delegates discuss their studies and professional pursuits and take your questions during this special session. |
8:00 AM | 9:30 AM |
| AGIIS 201 & 301
9:00 AM | 10:00 AM |
| Crop Protection Meetup
10:00 AM | 10:30 AM | Refreshment Break | |||
10:30 AM | 11:30 AM | Data Ethics Working Group
| Human Centered Design: Sowing the Seeds of Innovation
Location: | North America Steering Committee (Closed session)
11:30 AM | 1:00 PM | Lunch on your own | |||
1:00 PM | 2:00 PM | ISO TC 347 Update
| Seed Meetup
| Communications Committee
| ||
2:00 PM | 3:00 PM | PICS Working Group/Meetup
| Ag Retail Meetup
2:00 PM | 3:00 PM |
| Communications Committee
3:00 PM | 3:30 PM | Refreshment Break | |||
3:30 PM | 5:30 PM | General Session, AgGateway Awards, and Day 2 Keynote This session kicks off with a 2024 financial review before launching into our annual awards presentation. AgGateway is pleased to honor members who have made consistent, substantial contributions to the work of digital connectivity in agriculture during this final general session of the Annual Conference. Day 2 Keynote: "Sustainability Data Standards: What Ag Can Learn from Other Sectors" The cornerstone of all sustainability credit markets, including carbon, water quality, methane, and biodiversity, is data. The availability, quality, and cost of this data are crucial factors when setting baselines, monitoring agronomic practices, or measuring outcomes. Sustainability credits offer significant opportunities for farmers, agribusinesses, and the global community. What insights can we glean from other sectors that have successfully established and upheld data standards? And how can these insights guide AgGateway’s future role and trajectory in the sustainability credits area? | |||
5:30 PM | 7:00 PM | Networking Reception Don't miss this opportunity to build networks, share ideas, and plan for Wednesday's sessions. |
Wednesday, November 13
Start Time | End Time | Working Groups | Meetups / Professional Development | Education / Training | Closed / Invitation Only |
7:30 AM | 3:00 PM | Registration Desk Open | |||
7:30 AM | 8:30 AM | Grab and Go Breakfast | |||
7:30 AM | 3:00 PM | Member Services Live | |||
8:00 AM
| 9:00 AM
| Field Boundary: GNSS Accuracy Working Group
| Feed and Grain Meetup
9:00 AM | 10:00 AM | Harmonized Contract WG/Meetup
| Dairy Feed Data Working Group
| AgGateway Member Tools Improvements
10:00 AM | 10:30 AM | Refreshment Break | |||
10:30 AM | 11:30 AM | Mix Ticket Working Group/Meetup
| Reserved for Quick Connect Meetings
| Human Centered Design: Feeding the Seeds of Innovation
| AGIIS Directory Oversight Committee The Directory Oversight Committee (DOC) is charged with establishing policies and procedures in the operation of AGIIS, the industry recognized repository of common entity and product information. This includes evaluating, prioritizing, and executing enhancements; responding to subscriber and project requests; and overseeing the maintenance and care of the data in the directory. At this meeting, we will conduct our monthly meeting with the committee, but encourage anyone that has an interest in AGIIS or the Directory Oversight Committee to attend. |
11:30 AM | 1:00 PM | Networking Lunch | |||
1:00 PM | 2:00 PM | Agrisemantics Committee
| Reserved for Quick Connect Meetings
| Conference Committee
2:00 PM | 3:00 PM | Architecture Committee & Standards and Guidelines
| Reserved for Quick Connect Meetings